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Examples and ideals. Qualities :. positive – virtues ( kindness , reliability , responsibility , honesty , generousity , politeness , friendship , good behaviour , hard-working etc .) negative – vices
Qualities: • positive – virtues ( kindness, reliability, responsibility, honesty, generousity, politeness, friendship, goodbehaviour, hard-workingetc.) • negative – vices ( laziness, people are mean, selfish, impolite, rude, cheeky, intolerant, recklessetc.)
Peoplewhoinfluenceusduring the life • ourparents • oldersiblings and otherrelatives • ourfriends • teachersatschool • famouspeople or celebrities Allofthemcaninfluenceuspositively or negatively
Parents • The most important and the closestpeople to us • ourfirst role models • theybringusup and teachus to behavewell ( to get on withothers, to greet and respectpeople, to helpthose in need)
Friends (peers) • friendsenrich our life, bring joy to it, and share our problems • choosing a friendisnoteasy • Theycaninfluenceuspositively and negatively • A goodfriend– helpsus, supportsus, understandsus, wespendlotsoftimetogether, wehave commonhobbies, he/shedoesn´tlet you down, doesn´tenvyyou „Tellme whoyour friends are and I will tell you who you are.”(Assyrianproverb)
Teachers • teachchildren to besuccessful in life, to cooperatewithothers, to be self-disciplined, determined and hard-working • theyencouragepupils to do theirbestatschool „Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.“(Chinese proverb)
Celebrities – famouspeople • theycan have a powerful impact on a person's life ( fashionstyles, politicalviews, interests, behaviour) • teenagerstry to imitatethem • theycanhavepositive or negativeimpact on youngpeople • GOOD EXAMPLES wasanAmericanactivistwhofoughtfor civil rightsofblackpeopleand against the racialsegregation in USA in 1960s. In 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize Laterhewaskilled. M. LutherKing Bob Geldof NelsonMandela is anIrishsinger, songwriterand politicalactivist. Heorganised the charity super-concert to raisemoneyforstarvingpeople in Ethiopia. Imprisonedfor over 20 years
Othersgoodexamplesamongfamouspeople AngelinaJolie AnAmericanactress, has adoptedchildrenfomAsia and Africa, she has workedfor UNICEF to helpchildren and refugees MotherTeresa Sheworkedforcharities and supported the internationalcampaign to banlandmines AnAlbaniannunliving in India, shehelpedsick and poor peoplethere Princess Diana
Badexamples A Britishsinger, verytalentedbutwithlotsofproblems – shewasdrug and alcoholaddicted, tried to commitsuicideseveraltimesand had problemswithdepression. Shedied in Julythisyear. AmyWinehouse A richAmericanbusinesswoman, lovespartying and mediaattention ParisHilton
Weshoulddistinquishbetween: • ROLE MODEL - is a goodexampleforuswithapositive, goodbehaviour, wecanfind RM amongrelatives, famouspeople • Whois a your role model ? • Idol - is a person thatweidolize and try to imitate, idolscanalsobenegativeexamplesforpeople - theyimitatethem in behaviour or clothing ( admire/adore) • Haveyouever had any idol?
Literary or film heroes Peoplewithhighmoralstandarts A youngwizard, trying to overcome the evilwizard Lord Voldemort AnEnglishoutlaw - robberwhorobbedfrom the rich and gave to the poor
Everydayheroes • Peoplewhotry to helpotherpeople and rescuetheirlives to saveothers • or help the victimsofnatural disasterssuchas ........ firefighters lifeguards Policemen soldiers doctors
Answer the questions: • 1. Are allpeople the same? • 2. Compare the terms „role model“ and „idol“ • 3. Whoinfluencesusduringourlife? • 4.Teenagers and famouspeople • 5. Whatinfluence do celebritieshave on youngpeople? Giveexamples • 6. Who are literaryand everyday heroes? • 7. What are your vices, virtues or bad habits? 8. Would you like to get rid of some of them?