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Dictionaries. A Dictionary is a set S made up of n elements: x 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 … x n-1 that has the following functions. Functions: createEmptySet() returns a newly created empty set lookUp(S, k) returns the node in S that has the key k

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  1. Dictionaries A Dictionary is a set S made up of n elements: x0 x1 x2 x3 … xn-1 that has the following functions. Functions: createEmptySet() returns a newly created empty set lookUp(S, k) returns the node in S that has the key k insert(S, x) returns S with x added delete(S, k) returns S with x (found using x.k) removed isEmptySet(S) returns true if S is empty and false if it is not

  2. Homework 7 • Describe how to implement a dictionary that has an average lookUp, insert, and delete time that is constant, but uses an array of no more than 2*n elements. • Do the five Dictionary functions.

  3. A Node NameLast: Smart FirstName: Joe StudentNumber: 8 SSN: 123341112 Grade: 95

  4. Hash Table 1123 2876 4468 9867 4312

  5. Hash Table hash function 1123 2876 4468 9867 4312

  6. Hash Function h(key)  position in the array • Last 4 of SSN for an array of size 10,000. • The modulo function is good to use for two reasons. • Lets you fit key to any size array. • If you use a prime number, it helps your distribution.

  7. h(key) = key mod 17 1123 2876 4468 9867 4312

  8. Collisions 3454 1123 2876 4468 9867 4312

  9. Separate Chaining

  10. Linear Probing Add: 5 7 14 22 24 39

  11. Linear Probing Add: 7 14 22 24 39 5

  12. Linear Probing Add: 14 22 24 39 5 7

  13. Linear Probing Add: 22 24 39 5 7 14

  14. Linear Probing Add: 24 39 22 5 7 14

  15. Linear Probing Add: 24 39 5 22 7 14

  16. Linear Probing Add: 39 5 22 7 24 14

  17. Linear Probing Add: 5 22 7 24 39 14

  18. Primary Clustering 5 22 7 24 39 14

  19. Double Hashing H(key, 0) = h(key) H(key, p+1) = (H(key, p) + h2(key)) mod m

  20. Double Hashing 39 h2(key) = addDigits(key) 5 7 22 24 14

  21. Double Hashing Add: 5 7 14 22 24 39

  22. Double Hashing Add: 7 14 22 24 39 5

  23. Double Hashing Add: 14 22 24 39 5 7

  24. Double Hashing Add: 22 24 39 5 7 14

  25. Double Hashing Add: 24 39 22 5 7 14

  26. Double Hashing Add: 24 39 5 7 22 14

  27. Double Hashing Add: 39 5 7 22 24 14

  28. Double Hashing 39 Add: 5 7 22 24 14

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