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Tune up your project management skills!

Tune up your project management skills!. January 22th , 2010. Our skills in Shakespeare language. Aïe are skillis very goude think you? *. * What do you think about my English skills?. Agenda. CRP Henri Tudor overview Project manager competence classification Survey in Luxembourg

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Tune up your project management skills!

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  1. Tune up your project management skills! January 22th , 2010

  2. Our skills in Shakespeare language Aïe are skillis very goude think you? * * What do you think about my English skills?

  3. Agenda • CRP Henri Tudor overview • Project manager competence classification • Survey in Luxembourg • Skills Manager project : diagnostic and training • Diagnostic • Interview and training • Customise framework • Conclusion & questions

  4. CRP Henri Tudor overview

  5. Presentation of CRP Henri Tudor • Since 1987, CRP Henri Tudor contributes to the improvement and strengthening of the innovation capacity of enterprises and public organisations. • Staff at the end of 2008: 346 • Income 2008: 32.28 M Euro • Budget 2009: 35.1 M Euro • Activities: • Applied and experimental research • Doctoral research • Development of tools, methods, labels, certifications and standards • Technological assistance, consulting and watch services • Knowledge and competences transfer, as well as incubation of high-tech companies • Training and high-level qualification • Number of RDI projects: 132

  6. Presentation of CRP Henri Tudor Scientific and Technological Domains: Information and communication technologies Materials technologies Business organisation and management Environmental technologies Health care technologies Targeted Sectors: Services Finance Production Construction Health care and social security Public Sector A particular attention is given to SME.

  7. Strategic programme on HR innovation • A portfolio of innovative projects and services targeting the Human Resources sector and professional training. • Objective: help Luxemburg private and public companies to improve their performance by allowing them to integrate innovation into their HR and training practices. • Target group: • HR Sector • HR Departments in companies • Interim Agencies • Recruitment agencies / placement • Consultancy companies in HR area • Professional federations • IT solutions providers for HR • management • Vocational Training Sector • Public and privateVocational Training • Centers • Universities • INFPC • CC, CDM, CS,

  8. Context and objectives Process Competences Tool ResearchProjects An annualcongress Partnerships Associations Service providers Companies Project managers … Tools An Internet portal www.gestiondeprojet.lu Normalisation works Training Innovative services Surveys (2006 and 2007) The project context: A strong implication of the Public Research Centre Henri Tudor to bring forward Project Management in Luxemburg : 8

  9. Project Manager Competence Classification

  10. Do you use a guide or a standard... to identify your project managers competencies? If yes, which one?

  11. What are we talking about ? • Project management origins : • Projects : • Pyramids (4500 years ago) • Sun Tzu (2500 years ago) • US railways (150 years ago) • Empire state building (100 years ago) • Manhattan project (programme) (70 years ago) • In a business world that does not recognize the project manager as a profession (but soon...) • What are we talking about ? • Competence description and classification, not the learning process. • People, not organisations (see ISO 15504, CMMI, OPM3...)

  12. What are we talking about ? • Asterix : The Guide Analytical, Objective-oriented, discernment, judgment, cognitive ability • Obelix : The Performer Know-how, Energy, Expertise • Abraracourcix : The Manager Structuring, Planning, Procedures, Coordination • Panoramix : The Human Leader Charisma, Group Leader

  13. What are we talking about ? Definition of competence : • ISO/IEC 17024 (1) : The demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills and attributes • IPMA Competence Baseline : Competence is the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and/or skills, and, where relevant, demonstrated personal attributes. • PMCDF : When applied to project management, competence is the demonstrated ability to perform activities within a project environment that lead to expected outcomes based on defined and accepted standards (2) (1) International Standard which sets out criteria for an organization's certification program for individual persons. (2) Crawford, L.H. 1997. A Global approach to project management. Proceedings of the 1997 AIPM National Conference, Gold Coast, 220–228. From a slideshow of Gilles Caupin, , Chairman of IPMA Certification Management Board, Congrèsluxembourgeois de la gestion de projet 2008

  14. What are International Standards for ? For people to : • Understand their difficulties while facing specific project cases • Facilitate recognition of current competencies • Provide pathways for skill development For organisations to : • Improve the performance of their employees • Make decisions concerning executive selection, training and promotion Standards : • PMCDF (PMI) • ICB (IPMA) • ISO 21500 (ISO) • P2M (PMAJ)

  15. PMCDF - Generalities • PMCDF : Project Manager Competency Development Framework (PMI) • 1st edition in 2002, 2nd edition in 2007 • Three kinds of competencies described in this framework :

  16. PMCDF – Structure of competence • Personal competencies : • behaviours, attitudes and core personality characteristics that contribute to a person's ability to manage project • Knowledge competencies : • not in the PMCDF, see the PMP examination specification ! • Performance competencies : • What the project manager is able to do or accomplish by applying their project management knowledge

  17. PMCDF – Structure of competence For one unit of competence • Several elements of competence : reflects the activities in which projects managers are expected to be competent • Performance criteria : specify the actions required to demonstrate competent performance • + Types of evidence : specific proof that the actions have been completed

  18. PMCDF - Example • Problem resolution example

  19. ICB 3rd - Generalities • ICB : International Competence Baseline (IPMA : International Project Management Association) • 2nd edition in 1999, 3rd Edition 2006 • Three ranges of competence elements

  20. ICB 3rd - Types of competence 20 Technical competencies 15 Behavioural competencies 11 Contextual competencies => 46 competencies

  21. ICB 3rd – Structure of competence Range of competences (technical, behavioural, contextual) • Elements of competence • Description of a competence • Every competence element in each range is described in terms of the knowledge and experience required. • General description (stating the meaning and the importance of the competence element) • Possible process steps (how the competence element can be applied in a project) • Topics addressed (to aid further reading and internet searching) • Key competence at Level statements • Main relations (related competence elements) • Adequate behaviours versus Behaviours requiring improvement (for the behavioural competence elements)

  22. ICB 3rd – Example

  23. ISO 21500 – Generalities

  24. ISO 21500 – Type of compentencies “4.9 Competencies of project personnel • To deliver a project successfully, the principles of project management require competent people. Project personnel should be encouraged to develop and exhibit such competencies in order to achieve organisational goals and other objectives. • Each project team requires competent individuals that are proficient in applying their knowledge and experience in order to deliver the project outputs. Any identified skills gap between the available and required competence levels of the project could introduce risk and should be addressed. • While detailed information regarding the breadth and depth of competencies is beyond the scope of this standard, project management competencies can be categorised into, but not limited to: • technical competencies for delivering projects in a structured way, including the project management processes defined in this standard. • behavioural competencies associated with personal relationships within the defined boundaries of the project. • contextual competencies related to the management of the project within the organisational environment. Competencies may be raised through training, professional development and mentoring skills inside or outside an organisation.”

  25. Conclusion • PM competence frameworks are generic • PM process frameworks are generic • But • Organizations are unique • Projects are unique • Employees are unique • The project manager competencies and their assessment should be contextualised and individualised

  26. Survey

  27. Which competencies are the most important to help project manager to reach their goals ? If yes, which one?

  28. Overview of the survey • Survey in Luxembourg in 2007 • Target : Project manager / managers • Objectives : Identify and analyse profiles of companies, methods/tools/competencies of project management • 800 companies • Result : • Banks, insurance and IT companies had shown the most important penetration level during the 2006 study, and had thus justified a more important representation in the panel. • 78% of firms have developed their own processes and methods of project management. • 60% of firms have trained their project managers and 67% assess them.

  29. Results of the survey • Rank the following competence types by order of importance for project management within your company. Soft skills Process and tools

  30. COMPETENCIES ORGANISATION PROCESS AND METHODS Results of the survey • Which are the primary difficulties related to the functioning of project management within your company ?

  31. RESSOURCE & COMPETENCE MANAGEMENT Results of the survey • What are the critical factors for your project management ?

  32. Results of the survey • Correlation between project managers evaluation and success level of project (%)

  33. Results of the survey • Correlation between experience of organisation in project management and time dedicated to project managers training.

  34. Conclusions of the survey • Project managers competencies are the critical factor for project success. • Impact and lack of behavioural competencies for project managers. • The more experience the company has in project management, the more the company feels the need for competencies and training. • Specific methods increase the need for developing competencies and customising training.

  35. Skills Manager project : diagnostic and training

  36. What is “Skills Manager” ? • Identify and analyse mycompetenceneeds • Adaptmy trainings to my missions • Developmybehavioralcompetences • Have easyaccess to training Competence diagnosis Training path Final certification • Findqualified staff • Developmycollaborators’ competences • Find the mostpracticalmethods • Have a bettervisibility on training offers

  37. What is “Skills Manager” ? Skills diagnostic Interview and training path Customise the framework

  38. Skills diagnostic Skill card composed of • 4 main activities • 14 tasks • 110 competencies : know, know-how, interpersonal skills Based on competence baselines • ICB V3 (IPMA) • PMCDF (PMI) Based on project management methods • PMBOK • PRINCE 2 • HERMES

  39. Skills diagnostic Skill card illustration :

  40. Skills diagnostic IT tool for the diagnostic • Intuitive questionnaire – either YES or NO replies. • Several sets of questions. • Each competence is evaluated on a 1 to 4 level. • Level 1 corresponds to the weakest level of mastering a competence, while 4 corresponds to the highest level of competence mastering. • Levels are cumulative: level 2 cannot be mastered without being able to master level 1.

  41. Skills diagnostic IT Tool Questionnaire Skill card

  42. Skills diagnostic Online questionnaire www.skills manager.lu Possibility to fulfil in several times

  43. Skills diagnostic Have a look at the results sheet • Results by type of competencies • Result by competencies • Results by activities and tasks • Results by range of competencies

  44. Skills diagnostic Simple illustration: the case of Mr ProjectManager

  45. Interview and training path Help project manager to buildhis training plan My results My needs and objectives

  46. Interview and training path Interview process Data collection Action plan Interview Inputs : - Function sheet - Results - ... • Inputs & outputs: • - Personal data • - Training profile • Project manager role • Project management in the company • - Motivation • Constraints • Analysis of results • ... • Inputs & outputs: • - Individual training path • Collective training path

  47. Interview and training path

  48. Customise the framework How tune the framework to my company? • Collaboration with the team leader, the department manager, HR manager, etc. • Identification of the project managers panel. • Adaptation of the skill card to specificities and needs of the company: • Missions of the project managers, • Specificities of the projects, • Deployed method, • Company objectives. • Analysis of individual results and statistics on the panel participants.

  49. How tune the skill card? Customise the framework Modify range of competencies Modify weighting Modify competencies Modify tasks and activities

  50. Technical competences Contextual competences behavioral competences Customise the framework How tune the training path?

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