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A CONVERSATION WITH FASS MEMBERS October 23, 2007. SCIENCE ACADEMY NETWORK (SAN) Sponsored by the Regional Educational Laboratory-Southeast Francena Cummings fcumming@serve.org 800-755-3277. REGIONAL EDUCATION LABORATORY- SOUTHEAST REL-SE. Operated by SERVE Center

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  1. A CONVERSATION WITHFASS MEMBERSOctober 23, 2007 SCIENCE ACADEMY NETWORK (SAN) Sponsored by the Regional Educational Laboratory-Southeast Francena Cummings fcumming@serve.org 800-755-3277

  2. REGIONAL EDUCATION LABORATORY- SOUTHEASTREL-SE Operated by SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Executive Director Dr. Ludwig van Broekhuizen

  3. The Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) System

  4. What Does REL-SE do? • The REL-SE at SERVE Center supports states and districts in using data, research findings, and local evaluation to improve the quality of decisions.

  5. The Science Academy Network • A multi-year program of support for a Science Academy Network (SAN) of Florida districts. • Focused on building expertise in a facilitated planning and decision-making process with a focus on improving middle school science.

  6. EBDM Cycle

  7. SAN Goal 1 • To build district and school leaders’ knowledge and expertise in using data, research, and evaluation as a means of improving science teaching and learning and supporting student readiness for high school science.

  8. SAN Goal 2 • To work with participants to fine-tune a decisionmaking process featuring an evidence-based decisionmaking cycle that can also be used with other content areas or improvement teams within the district.

  9. SAN Stages of Development • Using data to sharpen understandings • Exploring relevant research • Constructing a plan • Piloting and evaluating the plan • Refining and adjusting plans

  10. Outcomes and Benefits • The Science Academy Network will work collaboratively with participants to build an effective and customized process for continuing sound decision-making about science teaching and learning.

  11. Outcomes and Benefits • A strong team-based critical thinking process for making evidence-based decisions. • A collection of useful protocols for effective discussion and deliberation. • Ongoing virtual access to a community of colleagues for expertise and support

  12. Participation • Participation is limited and involves an application and selection process. • Team composition can vary. • Participation involves a “real” or functional team of participants from the district. • Participation begins in winter of 2008 and continues through winter of 2010.

  13. District Role • Each district will have a designated team leader who will be SERVE’s main contact. • This leader also has the responsibility of leading team meetings back in the district.

  14. Timeline • The Science Academy Network is a two-year capacity-building process that is scheduled to begin in February of 2008 and continue through February of 2010. The SAN will hold two 2 t0 2 ½ -day meetings per year at a location within Florida central to participating districts..

  15. Support • Between meetings, members will participate in virtual networking events to share and discuss the work they are doing and talk with experts on selected science-related topics. • Consultation from SERVE Center will be available as needed

  16. Costs SERVE will provide • Hotel accommodations • Meals • Assistance with substitute teachers as needed. Meetings will be held in a centralized location to minimize mileage expenses

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