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Qiang Zhao Theory Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS. Isospin violation and its correlation with OZI-evading process in quakonium hadronic decays. Qiang Zhao Theory Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS. 1 st FCPPL Conference, Marseille, Jan. 14 - 18, 2008. Outline.

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Qiang Zhao Theory Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

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  1. Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Isospin violation and its correlation with OZI-evading process in quakonium hadronic decays Qiang Zhao Theory Division, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS 1st FCPPL Conference, Marseille, Jan. 14 - 18, 2008

  2. Outline • Topics on quarkonium hadronic decays • France-China Collaboration on theoretical hadron physics

  3. Contributors

  4. Focus of hadron physics • Complexity of QCD in the non-perturbative regime exotic hadrons (glueball, hybrid, multiquarks …)

  5. Baryon Meson qqq quark-diquark qq Hybrid Hybrid Pentaquark glueball

  6. Focus of hadron physics • Complexity of QCD in the non-perturbative regime exotic hadrons (glueball, hybrid, multiquarks …) • Lattice QCD, QCD sum rules, effective theory… Phenomenological tools • Break-down certain problems • Experimental information: Light hadron spectroscopy (JLab, ELSA, MAMI, ERSF, Spring-8); Heavy quarkonium hadronic decays (BES, CLEO-c, Belle, BaBar, LHC…)

  7. “ The primary goals of hadronic physics are to determine the relevant degrees of freedom that govern hadronic phenomena at all scales, to establish the connection of these degrees of freedom to the parameters and fundamental fields of QCD, and to use our understanding of QCD to quantitatively describe a wide array of hadronic phenomena, ranging from terrestrial nuclear physics to the behavior of matter in the early universe. ” “Key issues in hadronic physics”

  8. Charmed Physics Topics • Quarkonium hadronic decays as a probe for light hadron spectroscopy • Study of charmed baryons, and charmed exotic mesons

  9. J/ hadronic decays DD threshold Mass (MeV) c(2980)  J/(3096) c(2980) Light mesons , , K*K, … 0 (L=0,S=0) 1 (L=0,S=1)

  10. A probe of strong QCD dynamics q Meson c glue q J/ q qq Meson hybrid glueball c q • Glue-rich intermediate states • Ideal for the search for exotic states (hybrid, glueball …)

  11. A flavour filter for Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) disconnected transitions = (uu + dd)/2  = ss V= (I=0) (I=0) c c J/ J/ uudd (I=0) qq (I=1) c c ss(I=0) • Structure of the light hadrons: qq, glueball, multiquark, hybrid … • OZI rule violations • Isospin violations

  12. Strong transition in    0  (I=0) g s  (I=0) 0 (I=1) s OZI evading process K0 (ds) K (us)  (I=0) s K*  (I=0) 0 (I=1) s K0 (sd) K (su)

  13. Strong isospin violation • via intermediate meson exchanges If mu = md, (a) + (b) = 0 and (c) + (d) = 0. If mu md, (a) + (b)  0 and (c) + (d)  0. Li, Zhao and Zou, arXiv:0706.0384[hep-ph], PRD 77, 014010 (2008)

  14. t-channel versus s-channel Previous approach  mixing    -0, -0 mixing 0 0 This approach    *, VMD   t-channel 0 0 0

  15. Branching ratios for J/ (cc)  V P Same order of magnitude ! • What accounts for such a large isospin violation? • Implications of the “ puzzle” …

  16. Relevant issues • Scalar a0(980)-f0(980) mixing in J/  f0(980)  0 via OZI evading and isospin violating process (Wu, Zhao, and Zou, PRD(2007) ). • Application to J/, ’  VP is useful for the study of “ puzzle” (Zhao, Li and Chang, PLB645, 173(2007) ) and search for pseudoscalar glueball (Li, Zhao and Chang, hep-ph/0701020). • Intermediate D meson contributions to the M1 transitions in J/,    c, ( c) (Li and Zhao, 0709.4639[hep-ph] ). • Search for glueball signals in charmonium hadronic decays (F. Close and Zhao, PRD(2005), Zhao, PRD(2007); PLB(2008))

  17. A flavour filter for baryon-antibaryon production c B (N, N*, , *, , *, , * …) J/ c B • “Missing resonances” (JLab, ELSA, ESRF, MAMI, Spring-8, … ) • Baryon form factors • Exotic baryons   ,… ,K,,‘,,… N* N*… N B B N

  18. BES vs P11(1440) N*(2060) • N*(1440): M = 1358  17 • G = 179  56 N*(2050): M = 2068 + 15 - 40 • G = 165  42 pi-N invariant mass / MC phase space BES Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 062001 (2006) “Observation of two new N* peaks …” Zou/IHEP

  19. A proposal to FCPPL

  20. Topics Z(4430) as tetraquark candidate, and its production mechanism

  21. Participants

  22. Expertise • QCD factorization • Quark models • QCD phenomenology with effective Lagrangian • QCD sum rules • Chiral perturbation theory • Lattice QCD

  23. How to work together? • Identify commonly interested questions to involve people in this working group • Regular visits between French and Chinese collaborators • Involvement of PhD students • …

  24. Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities (TPCSF), CAS Theory Division, IHEP/CAS Prof. Bingsong Zou Efforts full of challenges, but must be very rewarding !

  25. Thanks !

  26. Three schemes for the numerical calculations of the intermediate meson exchange loops 1. On-shell approximation 2. Feynman integration with a monopole form factor 3. Feynman integration with a dipole form factor

  27. 1. On-shell approximation 0, No form factor n = 1, monopole 2, dipole  (GeV) : to be determined by experimental data.

  28. Numerical results : Experimental branching ratio: On-shell approximation underestimates the data. Exclusive KK(K*) loop

  29. -dependence of the sum of EM and KK(K*) loop EM and KK(K*) out of phase EM and KK(K*) in phase Still underestimate the experimental data.

  30. 2. Feynman integration with a monopole form factor  Similarly for the neutral meson loop …

  31. -dependence of the exclusive KK(K*) loop with a monopole form factor

  32. -dependence of the exclusive KK*(K) loop with a monopole form factor

  33. 3. Feynman integration with a dipole form factor Exclusive KK(K*) loop contribution to BR

  34. Exclusive KK*(K) loop contribution to BR

  35. Inclusive contributions from the isospin violating transitions Isospin violation = EM  Strong decay loops V  V P is a P-wave decay, favors a dipole form factor. In phase Out of phase Exp. Exp.

  36. A Brief Summary • The correlation between the OZI-rule violation and strong isospin violations makes the intermediate meson exchange a possible dynamic solution for the study of isospin violations in    0. • It provides an explicit way to separate the EM and strong isospin violation mechanisms, thus, is different from meson mixing scheme.

  37. a0(980) & f0(980) mixing Motivation for studying a0(980) & f0(980) Mechanism for a0(980)-f0(980) mixing Various predictions for a0-f0 mixing Possibility of measuring a0-f0 mixing from J/y fhp Conclusion Bingsong Zou’s talk at Hadron 2007 J.J. Wu, Q. Zhao and B.S. Zou, PRD2007

  38. `qq tensor nonet puzzling scalar nonet `qq , `q2q2 , meson molecule ? a0(980) `uu -`dd , [`us`su -`ds`sd ] f’2(1525) `ss f0(980) `ss , [`su`us +`sd`ds ] K2(1430) `sd k(800) `sd , [`su`ud ] a2(1320) `uu -`dd f2(1270) `uu +`dd f0(600) `uu +`dd , [`ud`du ] 1. Motivation for studying a0(980) & f0(980)

  39. `KK molecule by t-channel r, w, f exchange ?

  40. Yes, with L= 5.7 GeV and drop momentum-dependent terms - S.Kreward et al., PRD69, 016003 (2004) No, if keep momentum-dependent terms -Y.J.Zhang, H.C.Chiang, P.N.Shen, B.S.Zou, PRD74, 014013 (2006) `KK -`qq mixture possible : E. van Beveren et al., PLB641 (2006) 265 a0-f0 mixing  internal structure of a0-f0 -N.Achasov,S.Devyanin,G.Shestakov, PLB88, 367 (1979)

  41. 2. Mechanism for a0(980)-f0(980) mixing

  42. Mixing ratio :

  43. 3. Various predictions for a0-f0 mixing

  44. `KK `q2q2 `qq Estimations from relevant measured parameters Model predictions For a very recent prediction from chiral unitary approach, cf. Hanhart, Kubis & Pelaez, arXiv:0707.0262 No firm direct observation of a0-f0 mixing available !

  45. Possible experiments to measure a0-f0 mixing 1) pp  ppph, F.Close & A.Kirk, PLB489,24(2000) p p f0(980)  a0(980)  ph |x|2=(5~11)% 2) pp  php , N.Achasov & G.Shestakov, PRL92, 182001 (2004) ppf0(980)  a0(980)  ph 3) dd aph , WASA-at-COSY Collaboration, nucl-ex/0411038 4) J/y whp ,fhp, F.Close & A.Kirk, PLB489,24(2000)

  46. f0(980) f0(980) • 4. Possibility of measuring a0-f0 mixing • from J/y fhp BES collaboration, PLB607, 243 (2005) f0(980) clearly observed in J/y fpp How about f0(980)  a0(980)  hp ?

  47. J/y fhp a0-f0 mixing BG contributions BR: a0-f0 mixing ~ (2-20)*10-6 , g* ~ 2.6*10-7 , K*K ~ (3.8 -12)*10-6

  48. 5. Conclusion 109 J/y events with BES3 detector + BR(J/y f f0 f a0 f hp ) ~ (2-20)*10-6 narrow 8 MeV peak ( 987.4 – 995.4 ) MeV Clear & precise determination of a0-f0 mixing !

  49. Summary • Rich information about the strong QCD dynamics in the correlation between the OZI evading and isospin violation. • Application to J/, ’  VP is useful for the study of “ puzzle” (Zhao, Li and Chang, PLB645, 173(2007) ) and search for pseudoscalar glueball (Li, Zhao and Chang, hep-ph/0701020). • Intermediate D meson contributions to the M1 transitions in J/,    c, ( c) (Li and Zhao, 0709.4639[hep-ph]). • Search for glueball signals in charmonium hadronic decays (F. Close and Zhao, PRD(2005), Zhao, PRD(2007); PLB(2008)) • Experimental focuses of BES, CLEO-c, KLOE, B-factories…

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