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Habitat Model CASiMiR

Habitat Model CASiMiR. Silke Wieprecht and Ianina Kopecki. Preference functions. Habitat prefernces of brown trout adult. Flow velocity. Substrate index. Water depth. Classical preference approach. Morphology/Hydraulics. Habitat preferences. Habitat suitability. Water depth.

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Habitat Model CASiMiR

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  1. Habitat Model CASiMiR Silke Wieprecht and Ianina Kopecki

  2. Preference functions Habitat prefernces of brown trout adult Flow velocity Substrate index Water depth

  3. Classical preference approach Morphology/Hydraulics Habitat preferences Habitat suitability Water depth Water depth Flow velocity Flow velocity Suitability index SI Substrate type substratum

  4. Classical preference approach Morphology/Hydraulics Habitat suitability Water depth SId=0,5 Flow velocity SIv=1,0 Substrate type SIsub=0,4 Single element d = 0,32 m v = 0,8 m/s sub = 5

  5. Total habitat suitability Product Arithmetic mean Geometric mean

  6. Fuzzy sets and rules Flow velocity small high medium 1 0.8 0.75 Membership degree [-] 0.6 0.4 0.25 0.2 0 0.5 m/s 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 v [m/s] 0.5 m/s belongs by 75% to „medium“; but also by 25% to „high“flow velocities  Available Knowledge is imprecise (fuzzy), multivariate und rivertype specific IF water depth „High“ AND substratum size „medium“ AND flow velocity „medium“ THEN Habitat suitability „High“ Fuzzy-sets can be adapted rivertype specifically

  7. Fuzzy sets and rules Substratum size Flow velocity Water depth Habitat sutability

  8. CASiMiR approach Morphology/Hydraulics Expert knowledge Habitat suitability Water depth IF Water depth „High“ AND Flow velocity „Medium“ AND Substratum size „High“ THEN Suitability „Very High“ IF Water depth „Medium“ AND Flow velocity „Medium“ AND Substratum size „High“ THEN Suitability „High“ Flow velocity IF Water depth .... AND Flow velocity ...... AND Substratum ......... THEN Suitability ........ . . . low Substratum medium high

  9. Flow regulation • problem - minimum flow for diversion type HPP note: env. 5500 HPP in Germany •  almost all rivers affected by hydropower • methods • statistic flow based approaches (e.g. 1/3 MNQ) • hydromorphologic thresholds (e.g. minimum flow velocities, minimum water depth) • habitat modeling as decision support

  10. Habitat suitability as criterion Habitat quality for brown trout (adult)

  11. Integrated habitat suitability adult subadult juvenile fry spawn Flow rate with max WUA ~ 9000 l/s ~ 7000 l/s ~ 3000 l/s ~ 500 l/s ~ 9000 l/s Flow rate with 50% of max WUA ~ 1800 l/s ~ 1800 l/s ~ 1000 l/s ~ 500 l/s ~ 3000 l/s Areas of the same quality [m²] Habitat availability [%]

  12. Adapted MIF regulation Period Minimum Instream Flow 1. Jan - 29. Feb 3,0 m³/s 1. Mrz - 30. Apr 3,5 m³/s 1. Mai - 31.Okt 1,8 m³/s 1.Nov - 31. Jan 3.0 m³/s MIF depending on species (and life stages‘ requirements) Recommended discharge [m³/s]

  13. Morphologic enhancements Suitability for grayling adult, river Murg (Black Forest)

  14. CASIMiR-GIS ArcGIS Toolbox (ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.3) for fuzzy-logic based habitat modelling

  15. Flexiblefuzzy-logic calculation module combined with native ESRI ArcGIS functionalities Integration of additional parameters (e.g. substrate), data transformation Visualisation and reporting Data analysis Model Builder CASIMiR-GIS features

  16. Conclusions CASiMiR approach includes impreciseness of ecological knowledge and allows to account for interaction of habitat parameters Easy to understand and close to ecological reasoning approach Wide spectrum of applications: MIF, river restoration, effects of hydropeaking CASiMiR-GIS offers high flexibility in parameter definition Habitat modelling helps to find a compromise between economic needs and ecological functionality

  17. Website www.casimir-software.de and SHARE-website Base versions of habitat and hydropower models  free for download

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