1. Law School courses and Admissions Sean Curley
Head of Undergraduate Academic Courses
2. Staff
Dr Paul Richards – Head of School of Law
Sean Curley – Head of Undergraduate Academic Provision
Emma Seagreaves- Director of Legal and Professional Studies
3. Sean Curley Head of Undergraduate Academic Courses
Head of LLB
Responsible for admissions team
All year one and two students on academic route.
4. Admissions Team Alexia Place admissions tutor
Geoff Fowler – Schools Liason
Rubina Halim
James Wilson
5. The Law School Separate School within the Business School
Offers a full range of courses
Operates at Queensgate campus and UCO
6. Courses offered Foundation Degree in Paralegal Practice at UCO from September 2009
LLB/Mlaw and Practice 4year exempting degree
LPC both part time and full time
Taught Masters course
LLM by research
PhD and MPhil
7. Main Undergraduate Degree LLB qualifying law degree either three years or 4 years if opting for professional route.
Leads to entry to legal profession
One of only two currently operating in the country
8. Applications Process All full time application via UCAS
Open days throughout the year but main ones for prospective applicants is June and September
Applications preferred by end of November
UCAS closing date 15th January or thereabouts
9. Policy for Standard applicants Standard offer is 320 UCAS points
120 student places to home/EU
Decision is made on the contents of the application form for A level students and equivalent.
Invited for interview and open day after offer
10. Non Standard Applicants UCAS application in usual timescale
Look at Academic profile
Look at life experience
Personal statement – why law and why Huddersfield
Invite for interview and test.
11. Interview Motivation
Why do you want to study law
What will you do with your degree
How hard do you think you will have to work
Explore any gaps or peculiarities in the CV
Short test
Analyse and comment on a short extract from a case
Looking for ability to analyse and set out their thoughts in writing under pressure
12. What are we looking for The ability to complete the course
Realistic expectations
13. Some Figures Around 500 applications per year
Approximately 200 conditional offers
80% of current students are traditional A level
10% mature students
5% overseas
5% other
14. Vocational Students Very small proportion of applicants
Very few at open days
BTEC national certificate would look for distinctions
Personal Visits
Open Days
Taster Days
15. Key Message We want committed and capable students
Vocational students can be just as committed and capable as A level students
Come and ask
You don’t know if you don’t try
How can we help?