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Users Group Annual Business Meeting. Sebastian Kuhn (Chair, UGBoD ) Old Dominion University. https:// wiki.jlab.org / cugwiki. AGENDA. Elections Prizes Postdoc Thesis UGBoD – past activities User Town Meeting and Long Range Plan UGBoD – future plans Your Input.
Users Group Annual Business Meeting Sebastian Kuhn (Chair, UGBoD) Old Dominion University https://wiki.jlab.org/cugwiki
AGENDA • Elections • Prizes • Postdoc • Thesis • UGBoD – past activities • User Town Meeting and Long Range Plan • UGBoD – future plans • Your Input
WHO is the Users Group? • The Jefferson Lab User Group is the organization of all scientists (including students, postdocs, and JLab staff) who conduct experimental, theoretical or applied research at Jefferson Lab or using Jefferson Lab facilities. • If this describes you, you should: • Sign up for the “CUGA” email list (contact Lorelei Carlson at lcarlson@jlab.org or in L111 CEBAF Center) • Contact the Users Group Board of Directors (UGBoD) with any concerns, questions, or ideas on how to improve the experience of users at the lab (see below) • Read (and respond to) messages sent to CUGA (by Lorelei or UGBoD) • Attend the annual User Group Meeting and/or satellite meetings at APS Spring and DNP Fall meetings • Vote for members of UGBoD (and consider running yourself!) • Keep informed and give feedback by going towww.jlab.org, click on “Users” and “User Group Wiki” => https://wiki.jlab.org/cugwiki
User Group Board of Directors (UGBoD) • UGBoD: • Represents all Users to the Jefferson Lab Management, JSA, and outside stakeholders • Runs competitions (Thesis Prize, Postdoc Prize, Poster Prize… • Runs the Annual User Meeting and two satellite meetings (APS April and DNP Fall meetings) • Follows up on User input, complaints, comments… • Helps JSA to select proposals for the annual JSA initiatives fund • Meets twice annually with Jefferson Lab leadership • Has members representing various areas of responsibility which are elected for two-year terms by YOU! *) *) *) *) *) *) Outgoing UGBoD Members *)
UGBoD Elections • Elections during April - May • Great candidates thanks to Nominating Committee: • M. Eric Christy (HU), chair • RaffaellaDeVita (Genova) • Ron Gilman (Ruttgers) • BeniZihlmann (Jefferson Lab) • New chair-elect (will become chair in 2013): John Arrington (Argonne) • 3 at-large positions: Annalisa D’Angelo, Eugene Pasyuk, Eric Voutier • Postdocs Representative Katherine Myers • Graduate Students Rep. Natalie Walford Thanks to all candidates!!!
Winner 2012: Sarah Phillips Criteria: a record of accomplishment in physics, a planned high-impact Jefferson Lab physics program, and promise of further accomplishments in the Jefferson Lab research fields in the future. Board expects that we will have a new winner each year – previous winners will not be eligible to win again THANKS to Jefferson Science Associates for funding this award JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize Project: Produce and detect “true muonium” µ+µ- using the HPS experiment in Hall B Next Deadline: Probably early January, 2013
Thesis Prize 2011 Winner: BiplabDey(Carnegie Mellon University) Received many applications for 2011. UGBoD selected three finalists which were evaluated by selection panel:Doug Higinbotham, HariAreti and Carl Carlson Biplabwill give a presentation on his thesis on Wednesday at 11:30 Thanks to the UGBoD and final judging panel and JSA for funding Criteria for evaluation: quality of written thesis (40%), contribution of student to work (30%), impact of work (15%), service to JLab physics (15%) If you would like to be (or have your student) considered, (encourage them to) keep your (their) thesis short! Next deadline: Probably January 31st2013 Theses completed in 2012 or the last quarter of 2011 will be eligible
Recent Users Group Board Activities Evaluated the JSA initiative proposal from users (August, 2011) Held satellite meeting during the APS DNP Fall Meeting in East Lansing, Michigan (October, 2011) Selected the winner of the 2012 postdoc prize (February, 2011) Evaluated submitted theses from graduate students nominated for the 2011 thesis prize. Elected new members to the board from candidates proposed by a nomination committee (elections April to early May) Organized and held “Users Town Meeting” (March 16, 2012) at Jefferson Lab Science exhibition on Capitol Hill (March 28-29, 2012)(organized by NUFO); Aidan Kelleher (UGBoD postdoc rep) attended Held satellite meeting at the APS April Meeting in Atlanta, GA (April, 2011) Received feedback from the user community and helped resolve any issues through discussions with Lab management and JSA / SURA Two UGBoD meetings annually at Jefferson Lab
Interaction with JSA Programs Committee UGBoD Chair takes part in 2 annual meetings and reports on User Group activities (last meeting: St. Petersburg, FL) UGBoD evaluates user-submitted proposals (usually in August) and passes along ratings and comments to Programs Committee junior scientist travel support, postdoc interview training, graduate student organziation topical workshops, collaborative efforts JLab and JSA-generated initiatives (e.g. Outstanding Nuclear Physics Award – first awarded to Bill Bertozzi in June 2011) JSA Initiatives funds several User Group activities Two Satellite Meetings per year - in Fall 2011, APS/DNP Meeting in Lansing and in Spring 2012, APS April meeting in Atlanta. Presentations by UGBoD Chair and Jefferson Lab leadership, Q&A Postdoctoral Prize Thesis Prize Users Group Annual Meeting(+Poster Competition, Student lunches)
Users Town Meeting March 16 • As part of the ongoing Jefferson Lab Strategic Plan development, we held a Town Meeting on March 16, 2012, for users to bring their ideas and discuss the following issues: • Vision for the Future (5 - 20+ years) • Lost or missed opportunities ? • Required New Initiatives ? • The meeting was held Friday, March 16 2012 (all day) in the CEBAF Auditorium. • 12 presentations by users • Well attended • Summary at https://wiki.jlab.org/cugwiki • Similar Town Meetings have been held for various departments within Jefferson Lab
Summary Users Town Meeting March 16, 2012 The Town Meeting brought together users and Jefferson Lab management to discuss the users’ vision for the longer term future (5-20+ years) of the Lab, as part of the strategic planning exercise presently underway. 12 presentations by users addressed possible new initiatives and directions beyond the base equipment for the 12 GeV era and its already approved experimental program. Seven talks addressed necessary equipment upgrades to maximize the Physics output from experiments with 12 GeV beam in all 4 Halls All talks have been posted at https://userweb.jlab.org/~kuhn/UGBoD/TownMeeting2012/
Summary Users Town Meeting March 16, 2012 The Town Meeting brought together users and Jefferson Lab management to discuss the users’ vision for the longer term future (5-20+ years) of the Lab, as part of the strategic planning exercise presently underway. 12 presentations by users addressed possible new initiatives and directions beyond the base equipment for the 12 GeV era and its already approved experimental program.
Questions Asked Each Town Meeting • Mission Statement of your Division – What is or should be the mission statement of your division? • Scope of Current Activities – What is it that your division does, what is your current scope of work? • Unique capabilities - What facilities/capabilities/expertise does your group offer that is unique, world class? • Synergy – Discuss how you think your division contributes to the missions of other parts of the lab. Can you do more? • Vision for the Future - What do you see your division contributing to/doing in the future? What could you be doing? • 5 year • 10 year • 20 Year • Beyond • Lost or missed opportunities - Were there expansion opportunities/synergies that you missed or that you have not been able to capitalize on? What were they, and what was the obstacle that kept you from realizing that opportunity? Are there lessons to be learned from that experience? Are there likely future opportunities in the same or similar areas? • Required New Initiatives - What research, projects or preliminaries would you need to pursue or put in place to achieve the visions above? This should include internal to the lab as well as external.
Summary • 12 GeV tagged photon beam with GlueX setup will provide a great opportunity for precise measurements of various η rare decays to test higher order χPTh, C, P and CP symmetry violations, and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model • Propose simultaneous measurements on BR(η→0), BR(η →00), BR(η →3), and BR(η→0). • Three experimental techniques will be combined: • 12 GeV high intensity tagged photon beam to produce η’s. • Further reduce the p→ 00p and other combinatory backgrounds by detecting recoil p with GlueX detector • Upgrade FCAL with PbWO4 crystals • High high granularity calorimeter to reduce the η →000background due to over-lap showers. • Fast decay time to reduce low energy pile-up clusters • High energy and position resolutions to have precise invariant mass and elasticity spectrum for event selection L. Gan
A search experiment is proposed for hidden sector scalar bosons with Hall B tagger in neutral channel decays: X • upgraded Hall B photon tagging facility to 11.5 GeV beam • upgraded PbWO4 crystal calorimeter to 1x1 m2 total size • Upgraded tagger will be a good addition to Hall B physics program with CLAS12 • Advantages of the proposed experiment: • large acceptance range for Mx (5 – 120) MeV • high resolution in invariant mass (0.84 MeV @ MX = 80 MeV) • high detection efficiencies (~20%) • relatively low experimental background (charged) • Work in progress for evaluation of sensitivity limits in X-boson parameter space and optimization of experiment (including background studies) New Dipole #1 PS Dipole 11.5 GeV e- beam HyCal New Dipole #2 Tagger magnet Beam dump A. Gasparian
Transversely polarized solid target (DNP NH3, ND3, LiD) for CLAS12 D. Crabb
(Polarized) Positron beamat CEBAF Eric Voutier e+ Source Concept A. Freyberger at the Town Hall Meeting, JLab, 2011 1mA I = 300 nA Pe+ = 75% Pe-? dp/p = 10-2 ex = 1.6 mm.mrad ey = 1.7 mm.mrad S. Golge, PhD Thesis, 2010 (ODU/JLab) Newport News, March 16, 2012
A Tracking Trigger for CLAS12Mac Mestayer • FPGA technology enables flexible triggering schemes for charged tracks • Higher-purity trigger saves tape costs, • New technology reduces maintenance and power costs • Addition of tracking to triggering reduces the load on the downstream DAQ • higher luminosity; shorter data-taking times lower costs, higher statistics, more physics
[Hadron Beams at an EIC] • I. Strakovsky (GW), Ya. Azimov (PNPI), W. Briscoe (GW), Ya. Derbenev (JLab), • F. Klein (CUA), A. Laptev (LANL), B. Norum (UVa), P. Ostroumov (ANL), • D. Watts (Edinburgh U.), and Y. Zhang(JLab) · This is a far-reaching program that will benefit both the coming JLab EIC complex and the resonance-physics program, which is one of the top priorities at the Jefferson Lab. · The second piece is a neutron facility that is critical for the US Energy Program, i.e., for Acceleration Driven System (ADS) and upcoming Generation IV Nuclear Reactors. • So we can longer keep the JLab pre-Booster and Linac busy [to use more then ``several minutes” a day], which would be a much more effective use of the MEIC facility, • without significant increase of the cost of the JLab pre-Booster and Linac. Igor Strakovsky
CLAS12 PID TOF LTCC LTCC LTCC RICH HTCC TOF RICH RICH LTCC HTCC HTCC RICH TOF LTCC RICH HTCC RICH EC/PCAL 4-5 sp/K separation @ 8 GeV/c Aerogel mandatory to separate hadrons in the 2-8 GeV/c momentum range collection of visible Cherenkov light use of PMTs Challenging project, crucial to minimize Detector area Option under investigation: proximity focusing RICH + mirrors P. Rossi
Hypernuclear Physics – Future in Hall C? Drift Chamber HES - Electrons Hodoscope Enge - Pions Lucite Č Is there enough space between SHMS and HMS? - 22mg/cm2 HKS - Kaons K+ 64mg/cm2 Trigger I: HKS(K) & Enge() for Decay Pion Spectroscopy Experiment Trigger II: HKS(K) & HES(e’) for Mass Spectroscopy Experiment L. Tang
All talks have been posted at https://userweb.jlab.org/~kuhn/UGBoD/TownMeeting2012/ or https://wiki.jlab.org/cugwiki
Outreach • Participated with poster inScience exhibition on Capitol Hill (March 28-29, 2012) (organized by NUFO) • Aidan Kelleher (UGBoD postdoc rep) attended
Satellite Meeting • User meeting at APS April meeting in Atlanta • Presentations by Bob McKeown, Rolf Ent, Robert Edwards and Sebastian Kuhn
Future Plans / Ongoing Issues YOURinput is much desired! • User space, storage and amenities; refurbishing of Counting House; ARC work stations; hoteling software • SURA Residence Facility - Questionnaire • Lingering aftermath of “cyber event”: Data transfer from and to JLab, web redesign, other computing issues? • Student and visitor health insurance • New student orientation, supervision • JLab Long Range Plan, LDRD, EIC, 12 GeV program • PAC issues: Role of UGBoD Chair, scope and frequency • DNP Executive committee candidates • Reaching out to Congress to advocate for Science • Preparing for 12 GeV, analyzing 6 GeV, bridging the hiatus https://wiki.jlab.org/cugwiki or skuhn@odu.edu
Future Plans / Ongoing Issues: NSAC Long Range Plan Implementation The first meeting of a new NSAC subcommittee was held on May 15, 2012. The subcommittee has been charged to provide advice on implementing the priorities and recommendations of the 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan in light of projected budgetary constraints and for guidance on developing a plan to implement the highest priority science in the context of likely available funding and world-wide capabilities. The subcommittee used its first meeting to hear presentations from DOE and NSF representatives and to begin setting the agenda for the next meeting, which will mostly focus on presentations from the four major areas of science that were covered in the 2007 Long Range Plan. Also some significant time in the first meeting was devoted to the issue of com-munity input to the process. While the subcommittee is not carrying out a new LRP, it recognizes that the impact of the present effort will be significant for the field. We welcome input from individual members of the community and have a link on the subcommittee website http://cyclotron.tamu.edu/nsac-subcommittee-2012 for DNP members to post comments to the subcommittee. For those interested in using this mechanism, comments will need to be submitted with your name and email address so that they can be approved by a moderator before they are posted. For those of you who are involved in a program at a major US user facility, it may be more appropriate to work through your User Group to provide input to the subcommittee.Other groups may want to 'self organize' in order to have their collective voice heard.Since this is not a new LRP exercise, extended White Papers detailing all of the potential avenues of research will likely not be very useful to the subcommittee. More concise summaries putting the importance of the science in clear language would be particularly valuable. In addition, the DNP Executive Committee has agreed to set aside time at the fall DNP meeting in Newport Beach (likely in conjunction with the Town Meeting) for community input to the process. More information on the Fall Meeting plans will be forthcoming. Bob Tribble NSAC Subcommittee Chair
Conclusion • The Board of Directors is busy working for the benefit of the Users, but we can only be effective if you communicate with us • Management is responsive to the users but some areas (e.g., computing and data exchange) may need further improvement. • Please respond to polls at https://wiki.jlab.org/cugwiki. Also, please give us feedback on the NSAC LRP implementation • All spokesperson of experiments that took data during the 6 GeV era are requested to provide “Scientific American” type summaries • Next Users Meeting: May 29-31, 2013 ???