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LIVE UNITED. We envision a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education , income stability and healthy lives. Marketing & Communications Plan | 2011. United Way of North Central Iowa Prepared on: December 17, 2010 Prepared by: Tiffany M. Hering.
LIVE UNITED We envision a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability and healthy lives.
Marketing &CommunicationsPlan | 2011 United Way of North Central IowaPrepared on: December 17, 2010Prepared by: Tiffany M. Hering
Executive Summary Objective Where We Are Now United Way Established Outcomes Goals How We’re Going to Reach Them Challenges Marketing Plan & Promotional Schedule Core Message Contents
United Way of North Central Iowa (UWNCI) is the leading health and human service organization in our regional community. It has been operating in the non-profit sector since 1923 by cultivating and distributing funds to local health and human service programs, and tracking their outcomes. In 2009, UWNCI changed its way of operating and now focuses on only the building blocks of a good life: education, income, and health. With any change, comes challenge. It is the job of the Communications and Marketing Department to streamline the transition, inspire the community, and mobilize people to join in our mission. Executive Summary
Generate support and inspire mobilization for our mission in our organization’s nine county region. Objective
In 2009, UWNCI had 5,115 donors who provided financial support. In 2009, 43 nonprofit programs throughout north central Iowa relied on funds donated from the community through UWNCI for operating costs. In our 2009 campaign, we raised $1,142,049.62. Our goal in 2010 is $1.2 M. UWNCI board of directors adopted the Agenda for Community Impact model in 2009, where the focus is Education, Income, and Health. We shifted from funding agency/program outcomes to funding outcomes based on United Way established criteria. These outcomes were determined by the BOD & Community Impact Teams in 2010. Community agencies will apply for funding by illustrating how their organization will work to achieve the United Way established outcomes. Where we are now.
Numerous community conversations via Community Impact meetings and the United Way Board of Directors led to the following outcomes. These outcomes were decided to be the highest priorities in order to help people, change lives, and build community in north central Iowa. Outcomes.
Education Outcomes. • Increase Community Involvement • The Number of community members volunteering in education programs will increase. • Improve Early Literacy • Children will increase literacy skills to be at or above age appropriate reading and developmental levels. • Improve Relational Skills • Students and parents will indicate an improvement of relational skills.
Income Outcomes. • Improving Job Readiness • People are ready to work. | People will have the skills and resources to get a job. • Support Dreams • People identify self-sufficiency goals & demonstrate progress towards them. • Increase Long-Term Planning • People develop plans to meet their economic needs beyond today. • Build Family Values • Families value self-sufficiency • Changing Attitudes • People learn behaviors that promote responsible community and financial decisions] • Promote Self-Sufficiency & Financial Literacy • People have the resources and skills to become and remain self- sufficient | People have access to resources in a crisis to stabilize their situation
Health Outcomes. • Empower Healthy Lifestyles (cont.) • Increase in coping and life skills for all ages to achieve mental wellness. • Abuse rates (child, substance, domestic, elderly, etc) will decrease. • People will increase knowledge of nutrition and apply knowledge to maintain or improve individual nutrition. • Expand Access to Healthcare • Individuals and partners in the community will have increased knowledge and access to healthcare resources. • Advocate for Health Issues • Awareness, knowledge, and advocacy skills are increased to impact appropriate changes in specific health issues. • Empower Healthy Lifestyles • Parents provide positive and appropriate parenting skills and have access to necessary resources and education. • Increase physical activity. • Individuals will increase their knowledge and skills of a healthier lifestyle in order to maintain their independence.
Where We Are Now continued Number of Donors Current economic conditions continue to put UWNCI at a fundraising disadvantage. The national recession has affected north Iowa with substantial layoffs and plant closures. Increased healthcare costs and unemployment rates have reduced discretionary income therefore deterring their ability to donate. -13% Dollars Raised -12% -7% -11.8% As a large number of ‘baby boomers’ exit the workforce, they are being replaced by Generation X’ers. Unfortunately, the United Way brand does not resonate the same with this generation, this has contributed to the decrease in donors. Avg: $209.89/person Avg: $224.38/person Avg: $223.27/person
Goals for 2011 The marketing and communications plan for 2011 has five strategic goals. Envision | Engage and inspire the regional community to create a shared vision for the future and set goals for collective action, by increased publicity, communications, and community involvement. Mobilize | By organizing and implementing community events and initiatives, we hope to mobilize people to produce positive results and make an impact in our community, and successfully report those outcomes to the public. Involve | Develop, maintain, and grow relationships with individuals and organizations in order to attract and sustain resources to support United Way’s mission: enhancing our Donor Relationship Model. Guide | Garner support for United Way’s mission, and build repoire through strong leadership and comprehensive communications within our regional community. Deliver | Achieve operational excellence through efficient and productive systems and seamless communication plans ensuring the highest levels of transparency, accountability, and credibility.
Awareness, documentation, and communication of UWNCI’s role & relevancy in Public Policy efforts that support agenda for community impact • Develop relationships with business and community leaders • Membership & Programs in Service Clubs • Involvement in professional events/groups – networking through cold-calling & CEO connections. • Involvement with local schools/working to help students attain their Silver Cord, and build repoire with youth, and educators. • Engage in regional community - County Work Desk – Office Hours Established • Participation in regional community meetings and involvement with corresponding chambers. How we’re going to reach them. Envision | Engage and inspire the regional community to create a shared vision for the future and set goals for collective action, by increasing publicity, communications, and community involvement. • Invoke emotions in regards to Community Impact in community via the following mediums: • Establish Affinity Groups – Youth, Women, College Students • Increased Special Events in Regional Community • Quarterly Newsletter • Weekly Updates in Globe Gazette during campaign / monthly editorials, stories to generate interest in off- season • Monthly Radio Updates during campaign, constant PSA schedule / quarterly in off-season • Monthly TV Interviews with KIMT during campaign / quarterly during off- season • Billboards • Enhanced online communications
How we’re going to reach them. Mobilize | By organizing and implementing community events and initiatives, we hope to mobilize people to produce positive results and make an impact in our community, and successfully report those outcomes to the public. • Community Impact Team/Allocation Process communicated to public along with outcome success rates • Report successes back to community via: • Development of an Annual Report to communicate progress of organization, success rates in regards to outcomes, and thank supporters of the work • Media coverage throughout all channels: Print, TV, Outdoor Advertising, Radio, Social Media • Press releases for event follow-up • Post campaign “Society Event” to recognize key donors & volunteers • County data sheets communicate activity in regional community • Corporate Sponsorship program will be pitched in January 2011 – this will allow UWNCI to organize and execute special events, while leveraging costs. • Increased exposure of Community Impact events through Public Relations and Advertising • Promotional Schedule outlines event schedule for 2011 • Thorough communication through these channels • UWNCI website hosts event calendar • TV/Radio/Print/Social Media • Communicate through newly established affinity groups; women, youth, college students.
How we’re going to reach them. Involve | Develop, maintain, and grow relationships with individuals and organizations in order to attract and sustain resources to support United Way’s mission: enhancing our Donor Relationship Model. • Conduct a Community Survey to better understand needs of community members and methods of connecting • Develop new events tailored to Generation X’ers to build brand and organization repoire • Emerging Leaders Event • Utilizing High School/Colleges to generate excitement & participation in younger generation, attainment of silver cord - Hall of Pride Event - Bulletin Board Updates • Develop more tailored communications to donors- Farmer’s Campaign - Place-of-Work Bulletin Board Updates • Enhancing customer relationship management matrix to streamline communication with donors (Explore Donation Tracker capabilities) • Hold Annual Recognition event with key donors and volunteers • Post Campaign Event- Teen Screen Appreciation Event
How we’re going to reach them. Guide | Garner support for United Way’s mission, and build repoire through strong leadership and comprehensive communications within our regional community. • Continue to maintain transparent communications about our allocations process and organizational structure w/Annual Report • Recognize our leaders – Caring Leaders Club, Leadership Givers • Maintain strong communications with agencies and programs so that they continue to collaborate with United Way • Simplify processes for donors, volunteers, & agencies so that we continue to be the organization to donate TO, volunteer FOR, and collaborate WITH
How we’re going to reach them. Deliver | Achieve operational excellence through efficient and productive systems and seamless communication plans ensuring the highest levels of transparency, accountability, and credibility. • Enhance Donor Investment Guide • Simplify procedure for targeted communications to existing and prospective donors • Attentiveness to Donation Tracker accuracy and information input • Ensure all tele/email/inner-office communications are streamlined and accurate for most professional appearance • Accurate logo-use with all donors and agencies
Challenges Income Outlook % of People Below Poverty Level According to 2010 US Census, changes in the north central Iowa economy and population levels will most likely have a negative affect on donors dollars. Average Income State of Iowa: $49,007North Central Iowa: $46,206 5.8% Less than State Average
Challenges Population Change (%) in North Central IowaIncrease/Decrease from 2000 NC Iowa Average: -6.4% Statewide Average: +2.8%
Challenges Employment % Change in 2000 - 2009 NC Iowa Average: +3.8%without Worth County: -0.04% Statewide Average: +3%
Challenges continued • Potential resistance to the Community Impact Model from: donors, media, and agencies. • Meeting community needs with limited funds. • Continuing to successfully expand our mission and service into outer lying counties. • Transitioning organization from “fund-raiser” to “problem-solver”
Quarter 1. -Campaign Wrap-Up-Community Impact Outcomes Communication-New Board of Directors Update-Stamp Out Hunger Pre-Event Publicity-Mobilize Volunteers for Stamp out Hunger-Teen Screen Appreciation Event-UW Alignment with Public Policy Quarter 3.-Emerging Leaders Event-Mobilize Volunteers for Campaign-Major Marketing/Advertising efforts for 2011 Campaign-Agency Application for Funding Communications-Out of the Darkness Walk-Campaign Kick-Off Event Quarter 2.-Allocation Decisions Communication-Annual Report Creation & Finalization-Annual Awards Event-Day of Action Volunteer Mobilization-211 Publicity-Stamp Out Hunger-2011-2012 Campaign Preparation & Completion-Day of Action Quarter 4.-Marketing/Advertising efforts for 2011 Campaign-Board Social-Many Thanks-Hall of Pride Event -Survivors of Suicide Conference-Trees for Target Marketing Plan
Our Core We will advance the common good by changing systems to help our entire community. We believe all individuals are connected and interdependent. Our entire community wins when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable, and when people are healthy. Our goal is to create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying issues of these problems.
“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank