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Managing Change. Optimizing Value through an Evolutionary Development Strategy. Revolution in Military Logistics, Seamless Vision, GCSS-Army Prime Directive and the Central Hypothesis. Background. Software Complexity is Increasing The CCB Process is not Evolutionary… its Reactionary!
Managing Change Optimizing Value through an Evolutionary Development Strategy Revolution in Military Logistics, Seamless Vision, GCSS-Army Prime Directive and the Central Hypothesis
Background • Software Complexity is Increasing • The CCB Process is not Evolutionary…its Reactionary! • The ECP Process is not Standard • Currently, ECP’s cause a Paradigm Shift in Software Development
Evolutionary Change Means Value! • The ubiquitous nature of change underlies all software work. • Change is inevitable; the challenge is to properly manage it. • Modifying software is dangerous and can be costly if improperly managed. What are the metrics? ECP’s must be carefully and continuously assessed in order to preserve, enhance, or minimize the loss of value-added over time.
Logistical Management MISSIONS High Level Functions Manage Intensive Items Provide Asset Visibility Maintain Interfaces Logistical Planning Maintain Accounts Maintain History Process Requests Status Reconciliation Readiness – Sustainment Manage Stock Report Battle Loss Adjust Parameters Maintain Planning Data Adjust Stock Levels Conduct What-if Analysis Supply Control Manage Backlog Report Production Maintain Reference Data Post Accountable Records Inventory Stock Research Cross-References Process Referrals Logistics Automation Execute Distribution Support Process Credit Support Financial Transactions Conduct Split Operations Report Readiness Produce Electronic Forms Financial Execute Financial Controls Execute Budget Guidance Report Performance Track Movements Contracts Provide Map Backgrounds Support Free Text Messages Change effects multiple business functions.
How do we reduce uncertainty? • Process must include Factory to Foxhole • ICT+ analyses consolidated ECPs • Results of analysis posted to Web page • Process centrally directed but always open • Process supports GCSS-Army vision and user requirements
Building a Solution • Develop a “systems evolution in-the-large” enterprise model that reflects: • needs of the customer • organization’s strategic goals and objectives • business operations of the enterprise • transition considerations • global system and software engineering issues • technology considerations Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute: “An Enterprise Model for the Evolution of Legacy Systems” John Bergey, Dennis Smith August 26, 1997
How can we measure our ability to effect change? Functional • Savings • Performance • Effectiveness Technical • Capture the following metrics: • Problem recognition time • Administrative delay time • Maintenance tools collection time • Problem analysis time • Change specification time • Active correction time • Local testing time • System testing time • Maintenance review time • Total recovery time …then optimize!
MACOM REPs ICT+ Organization Standing ICT AMC (CECOM), TRADOC (CASCOM) LOGSA AMC SMEs ODCSLOG CSS SME (part-time) Medical -AMEDD Personnel- SSI Finance -ASA-FM METT-T
ECP’s Policy Technology Doctrine BPR Directives Managing Change in GCSS-Army Vision/Central Hypothesis CTSF AWE F XXI Process Contentious Issues GOWG Decision to Prototype Experimental Results Develop PM GCSS-Army COC ECP’s With High Impact Potential Decision to Build Version X.x GCSS-Army Low Impact ECP’s PM Technical Cost/ Assessment ICT+
Recommendations • For GOWG to approve process • Resource team and write detailed procedures
Change will OccurEverything is a moving target! • The environment in which a program resides is continuously changing: • New computer hardware capabilities appear about every 24 months • New Operating Systems or new releases of old Operating System’s appear regularly • Peripheral equipment is changed frequently Yet the useful life of a software system may be expected at 10 or more years and function smoothly under a continuous assault of change agents.
Contributing to the problem... • Program funding available • Contracts for hardware and software not linked / mutually supporting for synchronized release • Hardware acquisition process • Doctrinal Changes • New Business Processes • Organizational Change • Political Relationships among MACOM’s No one had CSS system development oversight until the GOWG!
GCSS-ARMY CCB Evaluation ... ECP’s MACOM’s Prime Directive Central Hypothesis Decision to continue or terminate PM ILOGS PEO STAMIS ICT+ Vision Training CSS/Joint Other Decision to continue or terminate Refine Refine Council of Colonels Decision to continue or terminate Refine Refine GOWG Hold Fund/Develop
1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Changing Priorities Policy Automation EvolutionArmy has lagged commercial industry! Why .... Technology Explosion Industry Decentralized Microcomputers Local Networks (LAN/WAN) World Wide Networks (Inter/Intranet) Centralized mainframes Army Local Networks (LAN/WAN) Centralized mainframes Decentralized Microcomputers Why .... Same Life Cycle Mgmt for Tank & Info Sys CBRS & PPBES
The "Revolution in Military Logistics" (RML) will enable the logistics community to support the digitized forces of Army XXI and the Army After Next. Revolution in Military Logistics
Vision 2010 Concepts • Anticipatory Logistics & Personnel Support Split-based Operations • Sustained Tempo, Enhanced Throughput Operations, Velocity Management, Battlefield Distribution System • Total Asset Visibility, Objective Supply Capability Enablers • Integrated Maneuver & Combat Service Support Systems • Command & Control Total Asset Visibility • Modular Organization, Movement Tracking System • Wireless Management Information Systems Technologies • Information Age Technologies for Inventory Control • More Durable Materials • Over-the-Air Software Diagnostics & Repair • Automated Cross-Leveling and Rerouting
Change is MaintenanceSoftware doesn’t break but... Corrective Maintenance: It is unreasonable to assume that testing will uncover all flaws and errors resident in a program. In fact, large software programs normally test only the functionality along the critical path for the system. Adaptive Maintenance: The environment in which a program resides is continuously changing. Yet the useful life of a software system may be expected at 10 or more years and function smoothly under a continuous assault of change agents. Adaptive maintenance extends the useful life of the system. Perfective Maintenance: As the system is exercised, users are able to identify enhancements, modifications to existing functions, and recommend new capabilities that optimize their work. This type of maintenance accounts for the majority of all effort. Preventive Maintenance: This activity is focused on preparing the software to improve future maintainability or reliability, or to provide the basis for future enhancements. This area of maintenance can be characterized by BPR activities. Roger Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practicioneer’s Guide
Hardware Capability vs Cost 10000 100 DISK (MB) RAM (MB) 5000 50 0 80286 80396 80486 PENTIUM PENTIUM-PRO PENTIUM II-MMX 85 89 93 97 '01 '05 0 85 89 93 97 '01 '05 1000 MHz 10000 Cost 500 5000 LAPTOP SERVER WORKSTATION 0 0 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 '01 '03 '05 85 89 93 97 '01 '05 • Yearly, exponential capability increase! • Relatively same current-year costs! • $3,000 today buys at Staples what $1,000,000 bought 10 years ago
Rate of Change in Software Development • Change is Constant: • Language • Design Paradigm • Operating System ??? HTML Java C++ Visual Basic dBase 4GL Objects and N-Tiers C SQL C-Shell GUI and Event Coding CASE BASIC PASCAL JCL Data Modeling COBOL FORTRAN Structured Programming Machine Code Assembler Modular Design Algorithms 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
What happens if value-added is not assessed? • In 1996 the hardware to host an Army STAMIS fielded to Korea was selected before software development was complete. The hardware consisted of a 486 33 Mhz desktop PC, with a 270 MB hard drive and 16 MB RAM. By 1997, in one of the incremental upgrades, the STAMIS code alone had grown to ~210 MB! Add ~10 MB for the Operating system and a virus checker, the system had little capacity to store files. As a result PEO STAMIS had to fund hard drive upgrades for the fielded systems to operate as intended. The final code was not complete. Less than a year later, the PM moved to lap tops... • The TACCS Tactical Army CSS Computer System, fielded in 1985, was used by SARSS-I (supply), SAMS (maintenance), SAAS (ammo), SPBS-R (property), SIDPERS (personnel). The TACCS is a $ 25K 80186, 8 Mhz ruggedized computer with a 67 MB hard drive. It requires two men to carry the system and is still being used in the field. [In 1985 Intel introduced the 80386 chip.] Today, 13 years later the Army is replacing the TACCS with 486’s. The 486 is obsolete. When will we learn. The field can be adversely effected for years...
TC-AIMS-II SIDPERS Complexity of the System ABCS TacticalATCCS MCS ASAS ISYSCON FAADC3I AGCCS GCCS CSSCS AFATDS Tactical Operational Strategic GCSS GCSS-Army DFBS Logistics RCAS DMLSS TacticalGCSS-Army Other Services Other Services Other Services
Without value-added analysis... ULLS SIDPERS • Perpetuation of resource intensive ways of doing business! • Budgeteers drive the process! • Piecemeal modernization - “Paving the Cow Path” • Continuous sub-optimization! • No possibility to keep up with a digitized force! LIDB SDS ATAV ATLASS RCAS SPBS SAMS SSN DFBS CAV-II DES TAMMIS CCSS GCSS AIT AMSS CEFMS DMLSS SAAS SARSS FS2000 DPAS DLMS FAMPS RTRP
An Enterprise Model Improved product Customer Target Operational Environment Target System Requirements Specify desired capabilities and qualities of Generate Negotiate Organization Manages Influence Drive Resolves Evolutionary path Project Systems Eng Software Eng Influence Technologies Report Progress/ Status Legacy Operational Environment Performs Performs Legacy System System Evolution Tasks Migration Strategy Analyze, manage, transform Drive Using Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute: “An Enterprise Model for the Evolution of Legacy Systems” John Bergey, Dennis Smith August 26, 1997 Support Environment
What is Value-added analysis?The market example... • Value-added analysis is similar to the assessments made by commodity brokers when buying and selling options. • Options are time sensitive investment vehicles that allow the owner to buy / sell a holding based on his view of the market dynamics over a set period of time. • The buy / sell decision is based on an attempt to maximize value given the context of the market and various environmental parameters. • To minimize uncertainty in making his decision, the option trader continuously assesses the profit margin of his holding. If he exercises his option too early or late, he may not realize the maximum potential of his investment. • ECP’s evaluated in this manner will maximize the benefits to the system, soldier, and the Army by focusing the efforts of the developer.
Value-added by ECP’s can be maximized for all systems! CCB Prioritizes ECP’s based on ICT+ analysis and DCSLOG mandates Value added is assessed by ICT+ ECP Request User Involvement ICT+ ICT+ Req/BPR Req/Business Process Reengineering GOWG Prioritizes High impact ECP’s based on the assessed value to the system RAD Rapid Acq Dev Configuration Control Fielding • ECP insertion is synchronized with ongoing development • ECP value added is maximized ICT+
Where will these experts come from? • Put the SDC-Lee functional experts back under the control of the CASCOM Commander • ECP’s are responsive to the needs of the field and synchronized with the evolution of the system • CASCOM is back in the loop as the users’ representative • ECP’s are worked as requirements based on value-added to the system • CASCOM can assess the value-added by ECP’s in the light of the program requirements, evolving doctrine, and the future of Army logistics • CASCOM has more influence over what is built by the developer • Hire industry to assist in value-added metrics analysis
Impact of the revolution in information technology. Increases in processing power, storage capacity, and speed. Plummeting hardware costs relative to capabilities The software component has been, and will remain, the crucial element. Information processing applications are a critical component of our weapons and management systems. Information Dominance It is imperative that the software component of these systems be developed as an integral part of the systems engineering process.
Software Complexity is Increasing • “Stove pipe” systems are being eradicated by all proponents: information is a resource and must be managed corporately • The Army’s Information Systems are becoming increasingly interdependent: source data entry - universal visibility / utilization • Changes made to one system effect multiple domains • The Army does not “speak” with one voice when it addresses change: every agency involved in software development has a unique process for implementing change • The current CCB process is driven by special interests: the evolutionary development (vision) of large scale software programs must be a holistic process across multiple domains
The CCB Process is not Evolutionary…its Reactionary! • The current CCB process is static: • ECP’s constrained / prioritized by functional domains • Field, Policy, Higher HQ • ECP’s funded by fiscal waterfall • ECP’s effect on the evolution of the software not constant with a vision for the program • CCB / ECP insertions not in synch with the development / evolution of the software (life cycle dependent) • No overall Vision A constant barrage of ill-timed ECP’s retards the evolution of the system!
The ECP Process is not Standard Every organization has a unique method to capture ECP’s: AMC, Software Development Center-Lee, and PM ILOGS Logistics Modernization Program Impacts • Central Design Activities Out-sourced (LSSC, ILSC) • SDC-Lee Downsized No overarching vision Should we combine remedy based tools with customer assistance applications? What’s the standard???
Currently, ECP’s cause a Paradigm Shift in Software Development ECP’s value added is not maximized! Spiral Development for Software but... ICT+ ICT+ Req/BPR Req/Business Process Reengineering Waterfall Development for ECP’s RAD Rapid Acq Dev Configuration Control ICT+ Fielding CCB ECP Request User Involvement DCSLOG Mandates Dominate
How a Retail level ECP is worked... • ECP is generated by: Field, Directives, Technical changes • DCL and PM develop candidate list of ECP’s to be presented to the CCB • The CCB’s approves / changes the ECP list as they relate to the DCSLOG’s mandates • SDC-Lee is a contractor for PM-ILOGS !!! • CASCOM as the user’s representative can not enforce the “Must do’s” delineated by the CCB ( $ driven) Result Enormousqueue of ECP’s awaiting funding!