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KM @ the Atlanta Fed: LIBFAQ

KM @ the Atlanta Fed: LIBFAQ. SLA - Georgia Chapter Meeting Thursday, February 27 Ernie Evangelista. LIBFAQ: A KM Case Study. Capturing Information Professionals’ Expertise Database-Driven; Web-Enabled Process Multiple Uses: Library staff Internet Team the World!. LIBFAQ: KM in Action.

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KM @ the Atlanta Fed: LIBFAQ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KM @ the Atlanta Fed: LIBFAQ SLA - Georgia Chapter Meeting Thursday, February 27 Ernie Evangelista

  2. LIBFAQ: A KM Case Study • Capturing Information Professionals’ Expertise • Database-Driven; Web-Enabled Process • Multiple Uses: • Library staff • Internet Team • the World!

  3. LIBFAQ: KM in Action • Questions received from the public are entered into a database • Librarian answers to these questions are also entered into the same record as the question • Internet Team selects appropriate questions for editing and eventual posting to the Atlanta Fed’s Web site

  4. LIBFAQ: The Process / Technology • Cold Fusion is an established application at the Atlanta Fed • With Library staff input, developers created a data entry screen for questions with fields for answers and up to three Internet links • Questions and answers are associated with categories based on the Library’s reference answer sheets

  5. LIBFAQ: The Process / Technology • Our developers also created reports that Library staff can run • LIBFAQ is available on the Bank’s intranet; Staff can view question categories and associated questions and answers • Selected LIBFAQ questions and answers have been incorporated into the Atlanta Fed’s Web site

  6. LIBFAQ: Advantages • Library staff intelligence is permanently captured in electronic format and can be easily edited • Internet team has a pool of questions to select from; This keeps our Internet site’s FAQ updated and constantly growing • The Bank’s “electronic” customers - staff and our INTERNET audience - save themselves time if they are able to find answers themselves!

  7. LIBFAQ: KM @ the Atlanta Fed • A manual process has been automated (to a degree) • Time and money saved by Library staff and Internet team • LIBFAQ can be applied at an enterprise level, the Federal Reserve System as a whole! • Time for a demonstration

  8. LIBFAQ: Login Screen

  9. LIBFAQ: Main Menu

  10. LIBFAQ: Add Call Screen

  11. LIBFAQ: Add Question Screen

  12. LIBFAQ: Search Question List

  13. LIBFAQ: Display Question List

  14. LIBFAQ: Q & A Display

  15. LIBFAQ: Reports Menu

  16. FRB-Atlanta Internet Site: EFAQ Menu

  17. EFAQ: Question Search Results

  18. EFAQ: Answer Display

  19. LIBFAQ: KM @ the Atlanta Fed • Questions? • Ernie Evangelista, Library and Information Center, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta • 404.498.8927; ernie.m.evangelista@atl.frb.org

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