Siple Ice Core Ice cores form from the accumulation of snow and ice over many years which traps air bubbles from previous time periods. Ice cores provide a great deal of information about the previous conditions of atmosphere, climate and geologic events through the capture of the atmosphere in the bubbles as well as through trapping dust and pollen. You will be using data from the Siple core site in Antarctica. Note that the age of the layer get progressively older from the top layer to the bottom layer. New snow accumulates atop older snow and turns into ice due to internal pressure. Click on each layer to reveal the layer’s age and CO2 composition by volume. Use the data to complete your graph. Use the arrows below the core if you need to return to a slide.
Siple Ice Core 1953 312.7 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1943 307.9 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1935 306.6 pmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1927 305.5 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1921 301.6 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1915 300.5 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1909 299.2 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1905 296.9 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1903 294.8 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1899 295.8 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1887 292.3 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1878 290.3 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1874 289.5 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1869 289.3 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1854 288.3 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1847 286.8 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1843 287.4 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1839 283.8 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1816 279.7 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1791 276.7 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1764 276.7 ppmv CO2
Siple Ice Core 1744 276.8 ppmv CO2