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HABITUAL PAST. USED TO and WOULD. USED TO. I used to like meat a lot when I was a child . (But now I don’t like it much ) I used to go to the cinema very often when I was at university , but now I don’t have time go so often .
USED TO • I usedtolikemeat a lot when I was a child. (But now I don’tlike it much) • I usedtogotothecinemaveryoftenwhen I was at university, but now I don’thave time gosooften. • Didyouusetolikemilkwhenyouwere a child ?
THERE WAS / WERE yerine THERE USED TO BE • Thereusedto be a cinema in ourvillagewhen I was a child, but it closeddownwhentelevisionbecame popular. • Thereusedto be a hugeplanetreenearthevillagetrainstation, andwethechildren of thevillage, usedtoplayunderitsshade in thesummer, but because it wasveryold, it wasblownoverduring a strongstorm.
USED NOT TO / DIDN’T USE TO • I didn’tuseto / used not toeatfishwhen I was a child, but now I do. • Shedidn’tusetohavelonghairwhenshewas a student. Nowshe has lovelylonghair. • Childrendidn’tusetohavesomanytoys in thepast.
PAST HABITS • Womenworeverylongdresses in theMiddleAges. • Womenusedtowearverylong ………….. • He is nolongersuch a famous pop star, but justthreeyearsago, theyoungadoredhim. • ……………..theyoungusedtoadorehim.
USED TO geçmişte yapılan bir tek olayı ifade ederken kullanılmaz • While I waswalking on theicypavementyesterday, I fellandbrokemyarm. • Whenwelivedin Erzurum, everywherewascoveredwithice in thewinter, and a lot of peoplefellandbroketheirarmsandlegs. • When…………………, everywhereusedto be coveredwith……….. • ………..peopleusedtofalland(usedto ) break …………..
PAST HABITS (WOULD + actionverbs) • I usedto / wouldflykites in mychildhood. • Sheusedto / wouldsingbeautiful folk songswhenshewas in primaryschool. • He usedto / wouldrunsofast in his youththatnoonecould ever catchhim. • Heusedto be veryshywhen he wasyounger. • Weusedtohavea housewith a largegarden in mychildhood. • He usedtounderstandeventhemostcomplexstructureseasily. Theyusedtolivein Ankara, but nowtheylive in Antalya.
WILL / WOULD • Arzu willfall in lovewithunsuitable men allthe time. (Arzu hep uygunsuz erkeklere aşık olur.) • Oh, he wouldtellmysecrettoeveryone! He shouldhavekept his mouthshut ! • (Benim sırlarımı herkese söylerdi………)
USED TO DO / USED TO DOING • I usedtodrinkcoffee a lot untiltwoyearsago, but now I drinkverylittle. (……kahve içerdim) • I’m usedtodrinkingcoffee as soon as I getup in themornings. (…….kayve içmeye alışkınım)