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Welcome! Warm Up 8/4/14. N umber next to your name correlates to number on your desk; grab all needed items from front table (including a folder from a crate up front) & quickly fire up your BYLD. You will have two songs ( approx 8 min) to work on…
Welcome!Warm Up 8/4/14 Number next to your name correlates to number on your desk; grab all needed items from front table (including a folder from a crate up front) & quickly fire up your BYLD. You will have two songs (approx 8 min) to work on… Student contract: read over & follow directions Facebook page: fill out neatly * items are the ones scored Note: Please read over thoroughly & take the contract goals SERIOUSLY as you will see this sheet for the whole year. …& turn in to YOURperiod tray on your way out.
Time to get acquainted Welcome to Mrs. Himstedt’s College Prep English I class! 2014-2015
Let’s SALSA! (Daily Norms for this class) • Show actions that facilitate learning for the self and others. • Actively participate and be cognitively present • Learn to be open to new learning • Set cell phone to OFF and Send it to your backpack/purse • Act with a positive attitude!
So, who am I you ask? • Bday: Born February 13, 1980 • Places I’ve lived: Florida, Washington, Texas, & now Georgia • Education: Dripping Springs High School; Austin Community College, Texas State University, & Texas A&M University • Associates in Visual Communication Design (ACC) • Bachelors in English (Texas State) • Masters in Curriculum & Instruction (Texas A&M) • Others: I have 5 siblings, two pets, used to work in the country ghetto, LOVE UFC, love yoga, love reading and learning, learning to love running, am an auntie, have a fabulous husband, going into my 9th year of teaching, debate sponsor…
Siblings 2008: Pam (23), Brian (37), Mallory(16), Tim (19), Becky (24)
Bella-(8) Natty Dread- (14) …Old school...
Running @ dawn Yoga Jon Jones…Favorite UFC fighter!
Niece Autumn, almost 2 years (this was 1 year) Nephew Aiden, 6
Celebrating one year November 17, 2013 in Savannah/Tybee Island Wedding in Hawaii, November 17, 2012
Rules and Procedures of 1108 • Sign in EVERYDAY but DO NOT sign in early or for others • Be in your seat working on the warm up when the bell rings • RR (agenda): Cannot leave the room without YOUR agenda • Turn in work to the In-Box by period (top of bookshelf) • Work returned in the Out-Box folders by student/by class • Absent work: check your calendar and my website; YOU make time to make-up; excess papers are on the side table • Food is NOT allowed; drinks ok with lids • Immaturity and disrespectful behavior WILL NOT be tolerated, liketalking while I am talking • Tardy=detention; MUST have a pass if late to class • I WILL send you out every time for dress code violations. Just FYI.
Adults-In-Training This is something I will refer to you as all year. You are in high school now and it is time to get real & grow-up. These years count for so much. Believe it or not, there are people sitting in this room right now who actually want to learn and I will not allow anybody to get in their way. I do not have time to discipline immature students. Therefore, you will be dealt with immediately. If you are seeking attention, get it elsewhere. Note: all 9th graders think, “Oh, I have 4 years. What does one class…one year matter?” Then, as a senior, this is the ONE year you wish you could go back and redo. But…you don’t hear me.
Accountability and Growth • It’s simple. You are in HIGH SCHOOL. Time to get focused. • As adults-in-training, you are responsible for you and your actions • A&G is a reflection piece that correlates to classroom disruption offenses
Course Overview & calendar • Vocabulary • Daily warm ups • Group work • Compositions • Research • Projects • Assessments • Homework • Notebook checks • And much more
Remind 101 • Great tool for me to communicate with you • It is a text that will be sent to you from me reminding you of tests, hw, etc. • This is NOT the be all end all…you are adults-in-training. I will try to remind, but in the end, it is all your responsibility. Sign up for your CORRECT period or I will delete you or write it down for someone at home to receive the text. Number: for all classes: 770-212-3623 Period 1: @himstedt1 or himstedt1@mail.remind.com Period 2: @himstedt2 or himstedt2@mail.remind.com Period4: @himstedt4 or himstedt4@mail.remind.com Period6: @himstedt6 or himstedt6@mail.remind.com Period7: @himstedt7 or himstedt7@mail.remind.com Homeroom: @himstedthr or himstedthr@mail.remind.com
Email Etiquette Two things to note with regards to emails: • This is THE BEST way that you can get in contact with me (and your other teachers). However, if you email with a question, don’t forget to check your email for the response. I am a teacher that will reply back until 9PM. Any emails received after will be responded to in the morning. • Start with a greeting and end with a salutation and check your spelling or I personally will not respond back to you. • I will not answer questions that I have gone over in class (like, when is ____due?). There will be an assignment on this after your Media Center introduction
Housekeeping/Reminders/HW • HK: Any questions thus far? • Reminders: On your way out, place your student contract and your Facebook page in your periods In-Box. • HW: Your syllabus signature sheet and the cut portion of the parent/guardian letter are both due back by Friday filled out. If they are not cut out, they will be returned and points deducted. I would already write myself a note (calendar on LD, agenda book, etc) my hw assignment. Get into the habit now.
Closure On your BYLD or a post-it-note, head to this website at Today’s Meet, write your name (for credit) and one thing your learned about this class or one question you may have that you did not ask. I will collect post-its as you walk out. We will go over these tomorrow! Have a GREAT rest of the day! GO KNIGHTS!