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Warm Up L43. Be sure to skip a page before L43 for you Goal 3 5-5-5 What do you think about benchmark tests? Is there any merit in comparing students from across the county? Across the state?.
Warm Up L43 • Be sure to skip a page before L43 for you Goal 3 5-5-5 • What do you think about benchmark tests? Is there any merit in comparing students from across the county? Across the state?
Goal 3 Vocabulary and ConceptsPage R44 define all of the wordsBottom of L43 draw the definition for 7 words • Radical Republicans • Compromise of 1877 • Scalawags • Nativism • Abolitionist • Reconstruction • Impeachment • Compromise of 1850 • Secession • Anaconda Plan • Popular Sovereignty • Confederacy
October 03, 2011Goal 3.01 Notes Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War.
The Disagreements Begin • California applies to be a state very quickly, no slavery in state constitution • N – will vote for their statehood S – will not vote for their statehood • Henry Clay develops the Compromise of 1850 to settle the issue
The Compromise of 1850 • California to be a free state • more effective fugitive slave law • popular sovereignty—residents of territory vote to decide slavery • government to pay Texas $10 million for its claim to eastern NM • slave trade banned in D.C. but slavery permitted
Protest to Fugitive Slave Law • People like Harriet Tubman develop the Underground Railroad • Harriet Beecher Stowe writes Uncle Tom’s Cabin – makes it personal not just political • North passes Personal liberty laws – illegal to jail a slave, allow jury trials
Excerpt from Uncle Tom’s Cabin • If it were your Harry, mother, or your Willie that were going to be torn from you by a brutal trader, tomorrow morning, - if you had seen the man, and heard that the papers were signed and delivered, and you had only from 12 o’clock ‘till morning to make your good escape, - how fast could you walk? How many miles could you make in those brief few hours, with the darling at your bosom the little sleepy head on your shoulder, - the small soft arms trustingly holding onto your neck? • Pg 56 & 57, Stowe
Reading of Letter • Letter to William Lloyd Garrison describing a slave’s runaway journey.
Processing L45 • Create illustrations to accompany the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. • Create at least 3 drawings that depict a slave or slaveholder in different situations. • Provide a caption for each • Use 5 colors.
Warm-Up L47 • Tell me about a time that you witnessed an event that can be interpreted in multiple ways. Why would people have different views on the same event? • (Hint: A ref making a call at a sports game. Home team vs. Away team)
October 04, 2011Goal 3.01 Notes Day 2 • Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War.
Popular Sovereignty • Stephan Douglas wants Southern vote, does not think slavery can exist out W with the type of geography • Comes up with pop sov – people of the territory vote to decide • Kansas Nebraska Act – vote in these 2 states
Bleeding Kansas • People come from both the N and S to settle the area – pro and anti slavery • Kansas has their vote – people cross into Kansas to vote illegally • Major fighting between the 2 groups – both claim to have won • John Brown comes and kills 5 men • Riots occur in all of Kansas
Violence in the Senate • Charles Sumner attacks South Carolina and several senators personally • One of the nephews (Brooks) comes and attacks Sumner with a cane • Both sides interpret the incident differently
Republican Party is Born • Whigs are split over slavery issue • Free Soil Party develops – not all abolitionists • Whigs, Free Soil, and Dems form the Republican Party – oppose spread of slavery
Dred Scott Decision • Dred Scott, slave who had lived in free areas sues for freedom • 1857, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney hands down decision • slaves do not have rights of citizens • no claim to freedom, suit begun in slave state • Congress cannot forbid slavery in territories
Harper’s Ferry • John Brown plans to start a slave uprising, needs weapons • leads band to federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry to get arms • U.S. Marines put down rebellion, capture Brown • Brown is hanged for high treason • Many Northerners admire Brown; Southerners fear future uprisings
Processing: Bottom L47 • Letter to the Editor – Scott V. Sanford • State your position on the decision of the case • Predict what will happen based on the outcome of this case • 3 paragraphs • Include 3 facts from the case
L49 Tell me about a time when you had an opinion on something but no one was listening to you. How did that make you feel? What did you do about it?
October 5th • Benchmark Test
3.02 Notes – October 6, 2011 The learner will analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction on the nation.
Lincoln Douglas Debates • Lincoln challenges Stephan Douglas to debates for Senate seat • Douglas - popular sovereignty will undo slavery • Lincoln - legislation to stop spread of slavery • Douglas’s Freeport Doctrine — elect leaders who do not enforce slavery
Election of 1860 • Abraham Lincoln runs for the Republican nomination – • South feels threatened by Lincoln • tells the South he will not mess with slavery • Democrats split over slavery • Lincoln wins with less than half of popular vote • Gets no Southern electoral votes R48
Shaping the Confederacy • South Carolina and 6 other states secede: - want complete independence from federal control - fear end to their way of life - want to preserve slave labor system • Feb. 1861 Confederate States of America forms (Confederacy) • Confederacy permits slavery, recognizes each state’s sovereignty • Former senator Jefferson Davis unanimously elected president R48
The Calm Before the Storm • Buchanan calls secession illegal, says also illegal to stop it • Mass resignations from government in Washington, D.C. R48
Processing Activity L49 • Create a poster from a border state recruiting people to join your side of the war. • Slogan for your side • 3 colors • Picture • 2 causes for your side (Historical events that your side is upset about) • (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia)
Warm-Up L51 QUIZ!!
3.03 Notes – October 07, 2011 Identify political and military turning points of the Civil War and assess their significance to the outcome of the conflict.
The Storm Begins • Fort Sumter - Union outpost in Charleston harbor, Conf demand surrender • Reinforcing fort by force would lead rest of slave states to secede • Evacuating fort would legitimize Conf, endanger Union R52
First Shots of the War • Lincoln does not reinforce or evacuate, just sends food • Jefferson Davis chooses to turn peaceful secession into war • fires on Sumter April 12, 1861, VA and other states secede R52
Strategies • Union advantages: soldiers, factories, food, railroads • Confederate advantages: cotton profits, generals, motivation • Anaconda plan:Union strategy to conquer South - blockade Southern ports - divide Confederacy in two in west at Mispi River - capture Richmond, Confederate capital • Confederate strategy: defense, invade North if opportunity arises R52
Processing Activity bottom L51 • Divide the bottom of L51 into 2 sides, • Label 1 side North the other side South • Visually represent each side’s advantages • 5 colors • Draw sides facing each other to show impending war
L53 Quiz!
3.03 Notes – October 10, 2011 Identify political and military turning points of the Civil War and assess their significance to the outcome of the conflict.
Beginning Battles • George McClellan-General in the East- N • Ulysses S Grant-General in the West – N • Robert E. Lee- Head General for South (in Virginia) • Thomas J. Jackson called Stonewall Jackson (S) for firm stand in battle, Lee’s 2nd in command. • Bull Run—first battle, near Washington; Confederate victory (surprising to North) R54
Robert E Lee Ulysses S Grant
Beginning Battles • March1862, Confederate troops surprise Union soldiers at Shiloh (Tennessee) • Grant counterattacks; Confederates retreat; thousands dead, wounded, Grant gains favor. • Shiloh teaches Confederacy vulnerable in West R54