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CEM ® - TECH. CONTROL OF EFFECTIVNESS OF CEM-THERAPY. Thermo topography. Autonomous innervation zones scheme at the damage of the right middle nerve. Dermatomes allocation scheme – areas of skin coverlets, where disorders of the pain sensitivity occur, at suffering from spinal stubs.
Thermo topography Autonomous innervation zones scheme at the damage of the right middle nerve Dermatomes allocation scheme – areas of skin coverlets, where disorders of the pain sensitivity occur, at suffering from spinal stubs Autonomous innervation zones scheme at the damage of the surface branch of the right radial nerve
Zaharin-Gedd zones – skin coverlets areas, in where sensation of pain occurs because of pathologic processes origin in various internal organs of chest and abdominal cavities
Infra-red thermometer Working surface sensors Display “Start” button
Color thermogramm Before therapy: hypothermia at sternum area is the immunodeficiency sign After CEM-Tech device therapy
CEM influence on human serum albumine structure: Сontrol after 45 min of CEM influence after 45 min oxidative stress of oxidative stress
Effective CEM Applications on infection diseases «СЕМ®-ТЕСН» - Controlled Energy Material Technology
CEM®-therapy (Controlled Energy Material Technology) has been developed. It is based on technology of the use of the materials with operated power structure that allows to influence an organism in a mode of background resonant radiation (BRR). For example, generator constructed by A.M.Kozhemyakin was created with the use of a special technology on the basis of gallium arsenide, and it is capable «to remember» external EHF-radiation thus forming exact similarity of signals of the pathogenic and/or medical factor.
CEM® -TECH CEM®-TECH produces an electromagnetic spectrum identical to the electromagnetic spectrum of the affected area, which then performs the role of an antibody. When electromagnetic radiation similar to the infectious agent is administered, an effect of vaccination or therapeutic effect is achieved.
Therefore, with the purpose of prophylaxis of infectious disease it is suggested that preparation of "energy analogue” of pathogenic ”guest”-microorganism with use of the device on the basis of structure with controlled energy material (by method of recording of radiation of ”guest”-microorganism on the material carrier), with its subsequent incorporation into structure of the protected “host” organism. RADIATOR RECORDING OF THE SPECTRUM OF RADIATION FROM ”GUEST”-MICROORGANISM TO THE MATERIAL CARRIER
Eric C. Dykeman, Otto F. Sankey (2008) Low Frequency Mechanical Modes of Viral CapsidsDisplacement: pattern of virus particlechanges (Physical Review Letters, 14.01.2008)
Eric C. Dykeman, Otto F. SankeyLow Frequency Mechanical Modes of Viral CapsidsDisplacement:arrows indicate the center of mass motionof each peptide in the full virus
The mechanisms of vaccination, consisting in creation of maximum specific cellular and humoral immunity against viruses and bacteria, are well investigated since times of L. Paster. In simplified form it could be presented as struggle of specific antibodies and cells of organism immune against alien antigenes. This method has a number of serious lacks, the main of which relates to poorly predicted immunity changes with possible allergization, long period of immunity formation, impossibility for steady immunity formation at fast mutation of viruses and bacteria.
Different mechanism for creation of specific immunity is offered - the material with properties of changed energy structure (СЕМ), electromagnetic spectrum of which is identical to electromagnetic spectrum of a virus or bacterium, performs the role of antibody. When the material with the changed energy structure (СЕМ), which has electromagnetic radiation spectrum, similar to the alien infectious agent, is administered into the organism, effect of vaccination or effect of therapy (through the period of temporary disease exacerbation) is achieved.
Development of principally new method of vaccination of living organisms from infectious diseases, and also development of principally new technology of therapy for infectious diseases with the maximal antimicrobic and antiviral effects and the minimal influence on the environmentalcells are suggested in the given project.
CEM®-TECH Application for early infection disease stages Employing the device and its patented technology, a user records the radiation of the affected area through the irradiating head, then subsequently applies the spectrum back into that area. POWER UNIT AFFECTED AREA IRRADIATING HEAD RADIATOR
CEM inhibition of fungus growthcontrol CEM effect
Lung of the control mouse in 1 month after infection with MBT (micobacterium of tuberculosis). Total specific pneumonia. Absence of air pulmonary tissue. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Enlargement х170.
Lung of the mouse in 3 months after infection with MBT, preliminary vaccinated with BCG. Lymphoid-macrophage foci in subpleural zone ofthelung. Absence of typical tubercular lesions.Hematoxylin and eosinstain. Enlargement х170.
Lung of the mouse in 3 months after infection with MBT, with preliminary treating according to CEM Technology. Sites of lymphoid-macrophage infiltration on the background of emphysema. Absence of typical tubercular foci. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. Enlargement х170.