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EFFICACY OF CEM-THERAPY. Selection of publications for the clinical test review

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  1. EFFICACY OF CEM-THERAPY Selection of publications for the clinical test review The publications, describing the terminated prospective controlled tests of the EHF-therapy (extreme high frequency) at the different diseases, in which the patient groups were selected by the randomization or minimization methods and compared according to the age, sex, gravity and duration of disease, a presence of attendant diseases and the investigation results were adequately statistically treated, are included into review. The clinical investigations, made on more than 8000 patients and healthy volunteers in the large medical centers of Moscow, Tomsk, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod and etc., were meeting the selection criteria.

  2. Treatment The EHF-therapy effectiveness in the modes analogous to the CEM-TECH apparatus modes was assessed (noise, BRR-background resonance radiation). The EHF-therapy was isolated or at the background of a standard therapy compared to a standard therapy. The EHF-range EMR (electromagnetic radiation) effected the affected organ projections or a pathologic focus and/or the biologically active points (BAP) and zones. There was no the EHF-therapy in the control groups or there was the EHF-effect imitation, i.e. a blind placebo control.

  3. Spine pain syndrome p<0,05 Totally, 407 patients at the age of 19-83 years with the vertebral osteochondrosis neurologic manifestations were examined and treated. Thus, an expressed anesthetic effect of the EHF-therapy at the vertebral osteochondrosis neurologic manifestations is established.

  4. Cerebrovascular pathology p<0,05 A headache, vertigo, the arterial pressure (AP) fluctuation were abruptly eased after the EHF session in the basic group patients with an asthenic disorder. The AP was stabilized in more than 75% of patients on the 5-6 procedure (in a control group – on the 10-12 day), a headache was less intensive rapidly disappearing. The asthenic manifestations were smoothly vanishing.

  5. Trigeminal neuralgia p<0,01 Megdiatov et al. were reporting of the EHF effective use in patients with the trigeminal neuralgia. A reduced pain intensity and a decreased incidence of the neuralgia attacks were noted in 19 of 27 patients from a group 2 (an actual EHF) compared to 4 of 25 patients from a control group, receiving a sham EHF procedure.

  6. Syndrome of vegetative dystonia p<0,0001 503 patients at the age of 5-63 years with a vegetative dystonia syndrome were examined and treated. Since the 3-4 day of treatment the fatigability, irritability, emotional liability, a sleep disturbance, headaches have been decreasing or disappearing at the EHF-therapy use. A working capacity and mood have been increasing.

  7. Traumatic and postoperative pain syndrome p<0,05 All investigators have noted an expressed anesthetic effect of the EHF-therapy. The pain decrease in a postoperative wound was in 3-12 hours after the first session, a full disappearance of pains was beginning in the proximate 2 days. The EHF-therapy use was leading to a promedol dose three times decrease for the postoperative pain cupping. The pains in wound have been aching for 3-5 days in the control group patients.

  8. Joint diseases p<0,05 Totally, 500 patients at the age of 25-79 years with the degenerative and dystrophic diseases of joints were examined and treated.

  9. arthritis Before therapy After CEM-Tech device therapy

  10. Stomach and duodenal ulcer p<0,001 Totally, 913 patients with an ulcerous disease of the stomach and duodenum were examined and treated. The ulcerous defect epithelization dates were assessed. An inclusion of the EHF-therapy into a medical complex leads to the epithelization date reduction by 2-4 days, in the average (14-16 days versus 18-20 days in a control group).

  11. Psoriasis p<0,05 Totally, 336 patients at the age of 14-72 years with psoriasis were examined and treated (the extended psoriasis – in 76 humans, a psoriatic arthritis – in 58 humans). All investigators were noting the anti-inflammatory, analgetic, regenerative effect, a resorption of infiltrates at the EHF-therapy inclusion into a medical complex.

  12. Ischemic heart disease– antianginal effect p<0,001 Totally, 616 patients at the age of 41-69 years with the ischemic heart disease (IHD) were examined and treated.

  13. The EHF-therapy in acute period in patients with a myocardial infarction Good clinical effect Satisfactory clinical effect p<0,05 p<0,01

  14. Prostatitis Figure 1 Figure 2 Thereby, high effectiveness of EHF-therapy in bioresonance regime during chronic prostatitis was shown. EHF-therapy has expressed anesthetic action, it eliminates inflammatory occurrences, improves functional activity of prostate gland, leads to correction of immunologic disturbances and sexual function stimulation.

  15. Intestine cancer – wound healing p<0,01

  16. Modern indications to the EHF-therapy use in oncology in the following form: • Preparation of patients with the basic localization cancer to the combined treatment stages (preparation of the organs and systems to a surgical trauma, radial damages and a medicinal aggression). • Treatment of the attendant diseases and a prophylaxis of complications in humans from the risk groups. • Prophylaxis and elimination of complications after the special methods of treatment. • Treatment of a paraneoplastic syndrome. • Increase of the other treatment method results. • Symptomatic therapy of the incurable patients. • Systemic correlation of the ecologic and precancerous pathology. • Prophylaxis of a tumor process progress after a combined treatment.

  17. Analysis of the publications about clinical tests let us make conclusions that EHF influence on the organism allow to: • reduce pain of any genesis and inflammations in pathologic spots; • reduce rehabilitation treatment period of the wide spectrum of diseases; • increase the potential of rehabilitation treatment in the outpatient and home setting; • perform primary and secondary prophylactics; • rise the efficiency of medicaments use, and at the same time low the dose of prescribed medicine, and in some cases refuse from medicaments appliance.

  18. All scientific efforts confirmed good tolerance of human body to EHF influence, and the absence of complications and side effects. The same can be applied to long-term observation of recovering patients (1-2 years), the absence or insignificant perception in the point of influence was observed (some patients had a perception of “light tingling” and “goose skin”).

  19. There are no any revealed serious contraindications for its use, however one should avoid its prescription in the following cases: • unstated diagnose; • individual intolerance of this type of therapy • pregnancy • driving and other work connected with danger and concentration (management of mechanisms and so forth). • In the table below there are nosologic forms and registered basic effects of EHF-therapy; • cardio stimulator.

  20. In the following table you can see nosologic forms and the main registered effects of EHF therapy:

  21. Neuropathology

  22. Neuropathology

  23. Joint diseases

  24. Surgical pathology

  25. Surgical pathology

  26. Gastroenterology

  27. Obstetrics and gynecology

  28. Dermatology

  29. Infectious and Parasitic diseases

  30. Cardiology

  31. Pulmonology

  32. Stomatology

  33. Oncology

  34. Endocrinology

  35. Andrology

  36. Eye diseases

  37. Liver diseases

  38. Vessel diseases

  39. Narcology

  40. Mechanisms of EHF Action After analyzing information from literary sources, we can list the following mechanisms of EHF action on human body:

  41. Normalization of immune system functioning (increased number of T- and decreased number of B-lymphocytes and immunoglobulins (Ig) A and M (Bakaliuk et al., 1998), increased number of T-lymphocytes in comparison with baseline (Kuz’menko, 1998), the concentration of circulating immune complexes, B-lymphocytes and immunoglobulin G decreased and the number of T-lymphocytes and IgA increased (Shliapak et al., 1996), the decrease of CD8+ positive T-lymphocytes (Jin Z, Lin M, Xia J, Zhuang J, Yang R, Li X, et al., 2001), normalization of prior existing disimunnoglobulinea and normalization of functional activity of neutrophiles (Briskin B.C. and et al, 2003), rehabilitation of functional activity of B-lymphocytes and phagocytic activity of neutrophiles (Bukatko B.N., 2003)

  42. Increase of nonspecific body resistance (Tumanyac E.E., Termuryanc N.A., 1997); Normalization of lipidic metabolism indicators (increased concentration of high-density lipoproteins, decrease of triglycerides (Kuz’menko, 1998)); Normalization of pro- and anti-oxidant systems ratio (Tumanyac E.E., Temuryanc N.A., 1997);Activation of cell regeneration (increase in proliferation of fibroblasts (Polyakova A.G. et al., 1999))

  43. Normalization of the bioelectric brain activity (stabilization of α-rhythm) and disappearance of the pathologically slow δ-waves monitored by means of electroencephalography (Tyshkevich et al., 1998), increase in spectral facility of electroencephalogram α-rhyme (Gubarec M.Y., 1989), and rehabilitation of initially disturbed interzonal and interhemispheric interrelations of basic electroencephalogram rhymes (Stolbikov A. E. and et al, 1991)

  44. Activation of hemopoesis in red bone marrow (Lebedeva N.N., Kotrovskaya T.I., 2002);Normalization of rheological blood properties (lowering of blood viscosity, increase of erythrocytes deformation (Parshina S.S. and et al, 2003)); Normalization of coagulant and anticoagulative factors balance (normalization of antithrombin III level (Lopatina N.A. and et al, 2003), normalization of fibrinolitic activity and thrombocyte hemostasis (Bukatko V. N., 2003))

  45. Normalization of vessel tone and microcirculation activation (normalization of endothelium vessel reactivity (Parshina S.S. and et al, 2003),normalization of rheogram indicators (Dikke G.B., 1999; Afanaseva T.N., Petrova V.D., 1995) and rheoencephalogramm indicators (Tcarev A.A., Kudinova M.A., 1997)); Normalization of vegetative regulation, stabilization of sympathetic and parasympathetic parts ratio of vegetative nervous system (Dikke G.B., 1999)

  46. Normalization of kateholomin and sexual hormones secretion (Tcarev A.A., Kudinova M.A., 1997; Zaporozhan V.N. et al., 1997);Influence on endogenous opioid system (Radzievsky et al., 2001), activation of antinociceptive system (Kirova B.N., 2000);Antistress action – suppression of excessive activity of symphato-adrenal system and activation of stress-limiting systems (Chuyan E.N., Temuryanc N.A., 2005)

  47. Suppression of influenza virus reproduction inside the cells and viricidic effect (Podchernyaeva R.Y. et al., 2004);Rehabilitation of mononuclear ability to secret γ-interferon, which enables the decrease in possibility of cancer development for risk group patients (Sitko S.P. et al., 1993);Cytoprotective action towards red marrow cells and liver during polychemotherapy (Karaeva N.P. et al., 2006)

  48. Change in structure-dynamic characteristics of cell membranes (Semina I.G. et al., 2007);Anti-inflammatory effect, based on stimulation of mast cell degrannulation and measurement of phagocytes’ functional activity in the center of inflammation (Gapeev A.B, Chemeris N.K., 2007);Inhibition of skin, liver, and brain aging processes (Rodshtat I.V., 2007)

  49. Clinical approbation has shown, that the given EHF-therapy is especially effective in cases of medicinal intolerance, presence of contra-indications to methods of traditional physio- and reflexotherapies, as well as insufficient efficiency of the mentioned ways of treatment. The use of EHF-therapy normalizing psychoemotional and regulatory processes in organism, allows to optimize rehabilitation of patients with acute and chronic diseases of various organs and organ systems.

  50. It allowed to reject in the given owner’s manual the usual description of medical techniques as «concrete illness – a therapy technique» using principle of initial restoration regulatory processes with subsequent use of «therapy techniques of organ or organ system illness».

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