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Emerging Technologies. Wasim akram. Mobile Working using laptops, PDA’s (using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth).
Emerging Technologies Wasimakram
Mobile Working using laptops, PDA’s (using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) You can now use mobiles laptops and PDA’s to connect to the internet in most places using Wi-Fi some restaurants offer free Wi-Fi so u can connect up there and do work. You can also connect up other devices that have Bluetooth and send files such as images documents audio videos to other devices. There are some advantages and disadvantages of using this one is that workflows can be more adaptable and its all wireless so you can work any where. Some of the disadvantages are that there will be reduced security or if teh device gets lost or stolen all the work will be lost.
Video on demand Video on demand, you can catch up on programs if you have missed them online such as BBC Iplayer or E4. some smart phones allow you to watch them on your mobile phone. The advantages of this are you can watch it when ever you want but sometimes the streaming might be a bit slow due to the amount of people watching it or the connection speed.
Remote monitoring (RMON) Remote monitoring is a monitoring program that enables different network monitors to share network monitoring data. Its main aim is to provide information relating to network errors and utilization. It helps to spot problems before they even occur and it is all managed remotely.
Voice over IP (VoIP) ‘Voice over IP refers to the diffusion of voice traffic over internet-based network’. An example of this is Skype or msn. It can some times become slow due to the connection speed and depends on the amount of people using it. An advantage for this is that it improves value for money and you don’t need a licensed telephony system. The down side to this is that it could be slow and requires power for network.
In addition you need to add a description of how these new technologies can improve the way a network in a business operates. You may like to consider social, employment and the return on investment implications for a business.