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Biology Learning Object: Preparing for the EOC. Inside you will find all the information we used at the first coaching session, along with the Heredity material we will go over at the second session.
Biology Learning Object: Preparing for the EOC Inside you will find all the information we used at the first coaching session, along with the Heredity material we will go over at the second session. There is A LOT of information here, but ALL of it will be on your End of Course test!!!! Please use this Learning Object to Prepare!
Standards Covered on the EOC Click on the document below to open a notes sheet. You will see the 6 topics that are covered on the End of Course Exam with the specific details you need to know about each topic.
Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? Review Game • At the first coaching session, we played this game. It has actual EOC questions taken from practice tests and each question has its topic in green so you will know which areas you are strongest and weakest in. The correct answers are highlighted in green.
Cells- Know the Functions of the Organelles • Click this link to see flash cards that will help you practice • http://www.quia.com/mc/65947.html
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells • Be sure you know the differences and can give examples! • We completed the following sorting activity
What is an enzyme? • You need to know what it is and how it works. Click the link to see a helpful animation. • http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072495855/student_view0/chapter2/animation__how_enzymes_work.html
Active vs. Passive Transport • You need to know the difference! See the resources below to help you: • http://www.northland.cc.mn.us/biology/Biology1111/animations/transport1.html • http://www.teachersdomain.org/asset/tdc02_int_membraneweb/
Positive Tests for Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins • You need to MEMORIZE these!
Practice Tests and Answers! • The following link takes you to THREE practice tests with answers included! • http://www.tn.gov/education/assessment/sec_samplers.shtml
Heredity Focus: DNA • What is DNA? • How does DNA replicate (copy itself)? • http://www.johnkyrk.com/DNAreplication.html
DNA: How is it used in protein synthesis? • Protein synthesis just means the making of proteins your body needs • Follow this link to see a YouTube Video that shows “Protein Synthesis with a Beat” • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1UPf7lXeO8 • Be sure you understand this diagram showing the processes of transcription (DNA RNA) and translation (RNA protein) and can answer the questions
Punnett Squares • You need to be able to work genetics problems for both monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, follow these links to practice problems for both! • http://sciencespot.net/Media/gen_spbobgenetics.pdf • http://www.cbhs.k12.nf.ca/stephenwhalen/dihybridcross.pdf