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derivA Workhshop : Assert & Derive

derivA Workhshop : Assert & Derive. Workshop Assert & Derive. University of Texas at El Paso – CYBER- ShARE /Trust Laboratory. Objectives of Workshop. This workshop will go over the basics of asserting and deriving an artifact with derivA .

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derivA Workhshop : Assert & Derive

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  1. derivAWorkhshop:Assert & Derive Workshop Assert & Derive University of Texas at El Paso – CYBER-ShARE/Trust Laboratory

  2. Objectives of Workshop • This workshop will go over the basics of asserting and deriving an artifact with derivA. • After completing this workshop, you will be able to use the derivA tool to construct full provenance traces of human processes.

  3. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  4. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  5. Motivation • How easy is it for scientists to publish their scientific data and artifacts (e.g., map) on the web? • How easy would it be for programmers to publish their latest code on the web? • How easy is it for scientists to publish their raw data and tool parameters and to link them to their derived product? • How easy would it be for programmers to publish documentation about their code on the web and to maintain them linked?

  6. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  7. Terminology • Provenance: historic trace of creating and transformation of data. • PML (Proof Markup Language): Language used to encode provenance.

  8. Terminology • Assertion: states that “Agent X stated such and such” or that “Agent X created Artifact Y”. • Assertion Components • Source: Person or document who asserted artifact. • Conclusion: final product of the assertion. • Conclusion Type (Document, Image, Dataset, etc.) • Conclusion Format (JPG, PNG, PDF, etc.)

  9. Terminology • Derivation: states that “Artifact X was created out of Artifact(s) Y0…Yn”, n being the total number of antecedents. • Derivation Components • Conclusion: final product of the derivation. • Conclusion Type (Document, Image, Dataset, etc.) • Conclusion Format (JPG, PNG, PDF, etc.) • Inference Agent: Entity that transforms the antecedents into the conclusion. • Inference Rule: Specific transformation that produced the conclusion. • Antecedent: Artifact that through a transformation or action, produced a conclusion.

  10. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  11. Guiding Example • We want to capture the provenance of how we made this very own workshop presentation. • We have all the writing in a text file. • We have some jpg images. • We have the final PowerPoint presentation. • To create this presentation, I simply copy pasted in MS PowerPoint, all text and images, both created by me (Antonio).

  12. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  13. TASK 1: Assert an Artifact • LauchderivA • http://trust.cs.utep.edu/derivA/software.php • Assert a file from your local file system.

  14. TASK 1: Assert an Artifact • Choose your CI-Server and log in with CI-Server Credentials • Choose ‘derivAWorkshop’ project. Note: done only once during session. Changing projects is currently not supported. • Wait for derivA to fully load all components.

  15. TASK 1: Assert an Artifact • Select Assertion Mode (default). • Select the sources of the artifact being asserted. • Select a option from the ‘Available Sources’ list and click the add (+) button. • To remove, select an item from the ‘Currently Selected Sources’ list and click remove (-). • Note 1: if source is not available, go to slide # • Note 2: If the session user is a source, set the ‘Include Session User’

  16. TASK 1: Assert an Artifact • Click on Conclusions Tab • Select Type of Artifact • (document, datasheet, image) • Select Format of Artifact • (doc, png, bin) • Select Artifact • From Local File System: Browse file from your local file system. • Click Assert Conclusion

  17. TASK 1: Assert an Artifact • Wait for derivA to assert and upload the file to the selected CI-Project. A pop up message will confirm whether the action was a success. • If the operation was a success, you can visit your CI-Server project page and see both your artifact and the corresponding PML file.

  18. Sidetask 1.1: Create Source • Open Tools > Add New Source • Enter short and full name. • Click Submit

  19. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  20. TASK 2: Derivate Artifact • Launch derivA (if closed) • http://trust.cs.utep.edu/derivA/software.php • Take a file from your local file system and derivate from an artifact in CI-Server.

  21. TASK 2: Derivate Artifact • Select Type of Artifact • (document, datasheet, image) • Select Format of Artifact • (doc, png, bin) • Select Artifact • From Local File System: Browse file from your local file system.

  22. TASK 2: Derivate Artifact • Click the Inference Agent tab. • Select an Inference Agent

  23. TASK 2: Derivate Artifact • Click the Inference Rule tab. • Select an Inference Rule

  24. TASK 2: Derivate Artifact • Click the ‘Derived From’ tab. • Select the artifacts from which we are deriving . • Select a option from the ‘Available Artifacts’ list and click the add (+) button. • To remove, select an item from the ‘Currently Selected Artifacts’ list and click remove (-). • Click ‘Derivate’

  25. TASK 2: Derivate Artifact • Wait for derivA to derivate and upload the file to the selected CI-Project. A pop up message will confirm whether the action was a success. • If the operation was a success, you can visit your CI-Server project page and see both your artifact and the corresponding PML file.

  26. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  27. Exercise • From the workshop download package. • Use derivA to assert the image and text, and with those, derive the final pdf into the derivAWorkshop project. • After finishing, check your operations were successful by finding both artifacts and PML at the CI-Server Project.

  28. Overview • Motivation • Terminology • Guiding Example • Task 1: Assert artifact • Task 2: Derivate artifact • Exercise • Future Work

  29. Future Work • Document Derivation - derive a previously asserted artifact, or add antecedents to a derived artifact. • Filtering by Ontologies – filter the amount of options to relevant options only. • Drive with SAW (Semantic Abstract Workflow) - Imagine derivA knowing what artifact to derive next.

  30. Feedback Please take 5 minutes to fill in the workshop evaluation sheet. Evaluation is anonymous. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VMTTF3K

  31. Thank You • For more information visit http://trust.cs.utep.edu/derivA • Or Contact • Antonio Garza, agarza6@miners.utep.edu • Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, paulo@utep.edu

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