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Section 3. The Middle Kingdom. 2300 B.C. Pharaohs lost control 200 years of confusion New dynasty in Thebes Restored order and stability 2050 B.C. to 1670 B.C.- Golden age of stability, prosperity, and achievement. Tribute. Canal. Tribute. SYRIA. Tribute- forced payments.
Section 3 The Middle Kingdom
2300 B.C. Pharaohs lost control 200 years of confusion New dynasty in Thebes Restored order and stability 2050 B.C. to 1670 B.C.- Golden age of stability, prosperity, and achievement
Tribute Canal Tribute SYRIA Tribute- forced payments
ART –Middle Kingdom Tombs and temples- scenes of deities and daily life. Large wall carvings and statues of pharaohs as men, not gods literature architecture Poets wrote love songs and poems to the pharaohs Pharaohs had tombs cut into cliffs Valley of the Kings
Hyksos Nobles trying to get control of Egypt (1670 B.C.) Outside force from western Asia Mighty warriors Horse-drawn chariots and bronze/ iron weapons Egyptians fought on foot with copper and stone
Review Where did Pharoahs prefer to be buried during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt? Tombs cut into cliffs…Valley of the Kings. Why was it important for the Egyptians to build a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea? Transportation…Trade! What two areas did Egypt take over during the Middle Kingdom? (map) Syria and Nubia
Hyksos Rule 150 years 1550 B.C. Egyptian prince Ahmose Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt End of Hyksos Rule
The New Kingdom Ahmose – 1st Pharaoh 1550 B.C. to 1080 B.C. “The New Kingdom” More powerful Richer
Woman Ruler Hatshepsut 1473 Made herself Pharaoh Queen For her nephew Wood Paper Gold Copper Tools Mediterranean Sea Trade Wood Crafts
Thutmose III Hatshepsut’s nephew Expanded Egypt Euphrates River in Mesopotamia Took back Nubia RICH from Trade and Tribute Enslaved prisoners of war and took their goods. Who does this remind you of? Assyrians
Religious Reforms Priests were gaining power Amenhotep introduced a new religion One god named Aton Many priests were removed when they resisted the change. Akhenaton- “Spirit of Aton”
Resistance by Egyptians to believe in one god Akhenaton neglected his Pharaoh duties Inexperienced officials took over for priests Egypt loses land in Asia Hittites attack and Akhenaton does nothing…
Tutankhamen Son-in-law of Akhenaton 10 years old Restored old religion Ruled for 9 years Murdered? Fell?
He only ruled for 9 years!Why is he so famous? 1922- archaeologist Howard Carter found his tomb Many great treasures Brilliant gold mask Most other tombs - robbers
The Last Great Pharaoh 1200s- working to make Egypt great again Ramses II – ruled 66 years Expanded to Western Asia Constructing major temples Page 185
Temples Great temples built during the New Kingdom Karnak at Thebes Largest, Most Famous
Temples… Regular services were not held at these great Temples house of gods and goddesses daily rituals by priests
Egypt’sDecline After Ramses II Loosing control of surrounding countries Outsiders attacked through the Mediterranean Sea- using iron weapons By 1150 B.C. Egypt only had control of the Delta
900 B.C. Libyans- west 750 B.C. Kush 670 B.C. Assyrians Outsiders taking over…
REVIEW Who was the “Last Great Pharaoh”? Rames II Why did Egyptians not hold daily services in their “grand” temples? They believed them to be the houses of the gods. Name one group that ruled over the area of Egypt after Egypt’s decline. Libyans, Assyrians, Kush
Section 4 The Civilization of Kush
Nubia To the south of Egypt- The Nubians settled in farming villages. Nubia would later be known as Kush Herders brought their herds in to graze on the savannas- 2000 B.C.
Nubian Villages Grew some crops but they were great hunters. -very good with bows and arrows Nubians began forming armies
Growing Villages… More powerful villages took over weaker ones Formed the kingdom of Kerma Is this similar to what was going on in Egypt? YES
Neighbors Egyptians traded for Kerma’s… cattle, gold, ivory, and enslaved people Egypt hired Nubian warriors to fight in armies Hello Learners!