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Sustainability of Technology: Saving the World. Scott Heyman, Tucker Connors, Ashley Elias, Alyssa Metro, Alex Hennessy. Scott Heyman. Grew up by the Chesapeake Bay Very important but very polluted Be sustainable and not negatively affect future generations Kick footballs, Read books
Sustainability of Technology:Saving the World Scott Heyman, Tucker Connors, Ashley Elias, Alyssa Metro, Alex Hennessy
Scott Heyman • Grew up by the Chesapeake Bay • Very important but very polluted • Be sustainable and not negatively affect future generations • Kick footballs, Read books • Aerospace Engineer: Want to reduce drag on planes and create airplane engines that run on alternative fuels. • Interested in making things more efficient
Efficiency • The world is becoming more efficient • We are solving problems as they arise • Deforestation • Recognized constantly tearing down trees would not work; trees needed to be used more efficiently. • Stopped clear cutting • Started replanting old timber lands with native species. • Some areas are used for quick growth forests that can be cut down and replanted again to reduce environmental impact. • Using these techniques, we can ensure future generations have forests of their own.
Ashley Elias • Born in Pittsburgh- once very polluted • Want a world that is safe and clean for my family • Financial security • Mechanical Engineer- work with efficiency and designing products with recyclable material • Better economy
20% glass,40% paper, 50% aluminum and 60% steel. • International Green Energy Council • Recyclable products, beverage containers • Chicago Recycling Initiative • Drop-off Centers, Blue Carts, Construction • Best Buy • 2 electronics per household per day • Ebay • www.ebay.com/rethink • Close the loop in the waste stream Recycling
Alyssa Metro • Important Things That I Want In Life: • Happiness, no stress • Close friends and family that I can depend on through difficulties • Financial security and I hope to have nice things (clothes, car, house, etc.) • Industrial engineering • Have the time to take trips to the beach and other vacations with my family • A better economy, fair political leaders
One Way That Life Is Improving: • As a community we are eliminating pollution. One way is through using the newly developed biodiesel fuel in vehicles. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and outperforms regular diesel, ethanol, and gasoline. Biodiesel fuel decreases sulfur, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon, and smog emissions. This new fuel is also better for car engines. In the future, the cars that we desire may be based on this alternative fuel source.
Renewable Energy Sources • Include wind, solar, biofuel, geothermal, hydropower, etc. • Technologies can help preserve nature, save money, create new jobs, help stabilize world politics, and reduce worry • In 2006, an estimated 18% of all energy consumed came from renewable sources. • Use of windpower has increased fivefold since 2000
Renewable Energy Sources • In Iceland, 25% of the country’s energy comes from geothermal sources. • GE has set aside $1.1 billion to spend on R&D of renewable energy sources this year alone. They expect that number to grow to 1.5 billion in 2010. The company says their environmentally friendly products are increasing annually by 12 percent.
Alex Hennessy • I enjoy a positive and happy state of mind and Catholicism guides my decisions on a daily basis. • My immediate circle of family and friends mean more than anything to me. Friends come and go, but family Is forever. • I enjoy my wakeboard and ski’s, but material goods have never been too important to me. • I would like my work to be something that I do not dread, rather something I enjoy on a daily basis. • I like to play basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, water polo, wakeboard and snowboard. • Politically I want a just system that cares about our future economically and environmentally locally, nationally and globally. Also, I want a government that leads to low domestic unemployment rates.
Employment • In today's business world a common theme for companies is to hire workers oversees because of how economically profitable it is. As a result, the unemployment rate in the USA is slowly increasing. A major job that is experiencing outsourcing is call centers. However, these workers are creatively solving this problem by joining unions that set guidelines not allowing companies to fire these domestic workers. In Davenport the AT&T Customer Care Center chose to join the AFL-CIO. Because they are new part of the Communication Workers of America they now have more job security. This has become a strong trend in many fields that feel threatened by outsourcing. These unions are helping our workers in society bringing a more hopeful future for workers in these job fields. This relates to my personal agenda because I politically want a government that cares about our workers and does whatever they can to employ as many Americans as possible.
Works Cited • "Sustainable Forestry: Deforestation." Bugwood Network. 29 Aug 2008. The Bugwood Network and Forestry Images Image Archive and Database Systems. 27 Jan 2009 <http://www.bugwood.org/reforest/reforest.html>. • "The Benefits of Biodiesel." Green America. July-Aug. 2006. 27 Jan. 2009 <http://www.coopamerica.org>. • Energy Statistics in Iceland 2007. Sept. 2007. Orkustofnun. 26 Jan. 2009 <http://www.os.is/solofile/20644>. • New York's Tech Valley. 2009. 26 Jan. 2009 <http://www.techvalley.org/Pages/News%20_%20Events/Tech%20Valley%20News/10-24-2007.html>. • RENEWABLES 2007 GLOBAL STATUS REPORT. 2008. Renewable Energy Policy Network. 26 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ren21.net/pdf/RE2007_Global_Status_Report.pdf>. • “The IGEC Smart Recycle Initiative.” International Green Energy Council. 2008. 26 January 2009. <http://www.greenenergycouncil.com/recycle_incentive.htm>. • Chicago Recycling Initiative. 2008. 26 January 2009. <http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/webportal/portalDeptCategoryAction.do?deptCategoryOID=-536890017&contentType=COC_EDITORIAL&topChannelName=Dept&entityName=Streets+and+Sanitation&deptMainCategoryOID=-536890017>. • Hruska, Joel. “Best Buy Test Drives New Electronics Recycling Initiative.” ARS Technica. 3 June 2008. 26 January 2009. <http://arstechnica.com/hardware/news/2008/06/best-buy-test-drives-new-electronics-recycling-initiative.ars>. • "EBay Launches PC Reuse and Recycling Initiative." Ebay. 6 Jan. 2005. 26 Jan. 2009. <http://investor.ebay.com/ReleaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=152066>. • "AT&T call center workers opt for union / QCTimes.com." Quad-Cities News - The Quad-City Times Newspaper. 27 Jan. 2009 <http://www.qctimes.com/articles/2008/04/19/news/business /doc480957ff1ac39622019204.txt>.