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Border Star Barometers Comparison of Data from May and June 2008.
Border Star Barometers Comparison of Data from May and June 2008 The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS). In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes not just results of enhanced and directed action operations, butparticipant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to OBS. Note: If a Law Enforcement Agency did not provide reporting for the entire months of both May and June, their data was not included in the comparison.
Nuevo Casas Grandes Juarez Ojinaga Chihuahua Piedras Negras Delicias Sabinas Ciudad Acuna Nuevo Laredo Monclava Monterrey Torreon Reynosa Matamoros Saltillo Culiacan No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Matamoros Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 84 87 20 20 35W 35E 87 87 20 10 35 45 10 Jeff Davis Val Verde 10 59 Kinney Uvalde 37 Zavala Maverick Border-Wide Down 23.6 % (from 96,383 to 73,679) 35 Dimmit 77 Chihuahua Coahuila 281 77 Nuevo Leon EP: - 19.1% BB: - 10.8% DR: + 8% LAR: - 10.9% RGV: - 60.5% CB: + 26.9% Calls for Service NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star.
Nuevo Casas Grandes Juarez Ojinaga Chihuahua Piedras Negras Delicias Sabinas Ciudad Acuna Nuevo Laredo Monclava Monterrey Torreon Reynosa Matamoros Saltillo Culiacan No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Matamoros Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 84 87 20 20 35W 35E 87 87 20 10 35 45 10 Jeff Davis Val Verde 10 59 Kinney Uvalde 37 Zavala Maverick 35 Dimmit 77 Chihuahua Border-Wide Down 22.0 % (from 523 to 408) Coahuila 281 77 Nuevo Leon EP: - 27.7 BB: + INF DR: - 100.0% LAR: + INF RGV: - 9.3% CB: - 23.6% Vehicles Reported Stolen NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star.
Nuevo Casas Grandes Juarez Ojinaga Chihuahua Piedras Negras Delicias Sabinas Ciudad Acuna Nuevo Laredo Monclava Monterrey Torreon Reynosa Matamoros Saltillo Culiacan No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Matamoros Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 84 87 20 20 35W 35E 87 87 20 10 35 45 10 Jeff Davis Val Verde 10 59 Kinney Uvalde 37 Zavala Maverick 35 Dimmit 77 Border-Wide Down 54.5% (from 323 to 147) Chihuahua Coahuila 281 77 Nuevo Leon EP: + 75.0% BB: - 96.0% DR: - 41.7% LAR: - 68.4 % RGV: - 47.5% CB: - 24.3% Stolen Vehicles Recovered NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star.
Nuevo Casas Grandes Juarez Ojinaga Chihuahua Piedras Negras Delicias Sabinas Ciudad Acuna Nuevo Laredo Monclava Monterrey Torreon Reynosa Matamoros Saltillo Culiacan No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Matamoros Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 84 87 20 20 35W 35E 87 87 20 10 35 45 10 Jeff Davis Val Verde 10 59 Kinney Uvalde 37 Zavala Maverick 35 Dimmit 77 Border-Wide Down 33.3 % (from 39 to 26) Chihuahua Coahuila 281 77 Nuevo Leon EP: - 66.7% BB: 0% DR: 0% LAR: 0% RGV: + 25.0% CB: + 75.0% Assault Against a Law Enforcement Officer NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star.
Nuevo Casas Grandes Juarez Ojinaga Chihuahua Piedras Negras Delicias Sabinas Ciudad Acuna Nuevo Laredo Monclava Monterrey Torreon Reynosa Matamoros Saltillo Culiacan No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Matamoros Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 84 87 20 20 35W 35E 87 87 20 10 35 45 10 Jeff Davis Val Verde 10 59 Kinney Uvalde 37 Zavala Maverick 35 Dimmit 77 Chihuahua Border-Wide Down 23.1 % (from 1,196 to 920) Coahuila 281 77 Nuevo Leon EP: - 20.0% BB: + 41.5% DR: - 17.1% LAR: - 37.0% RGV: - 27.3% CB: - 30.2% Drug Arrests NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star.
No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 Cooke 35 30 Kent 87 87 84 20 35W 20 35E 87 87 20 10 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis Liberty Harris 10 59 37 35 77 Border-Wide Down 27.2 % (from 102,876 to 74,930) Chihuahua Coahuila Cooke 35 Nuevo Leon 30 Kent 87 87 84 EP: - 85.9% BB: - 22.1% DR: - 35.7% LAR: - 11.3% RGV: + 7.4% CB: - 46.0% 20 35W 20 35E Marijuana Seizures (lbs) 87 87 20 10 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis Liberty Harris 10 59 NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star. 37 35 77 Border-Wide Up 20.5% (from 207,083 to 249,521) Chihuahua Coahuila Nuevo Leon EP: - 100.0% BB: + 206.6% DR: - 98.8% LAR: - 71.0% RGV: + 696.5% CB: + 22556.2% Cocaine Seizures (grams)
No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 87 84 20 35W 20 35E 87 20 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis 87 Liberty 10 59 37 35 77 Border-Wide Down 88.0% (from 654 to 79) Chihuahua Coahuila 281 NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star. Tamaulipas Nuevo Leon EP: - 100.0% BB: + 13300% DR: 0% LAR: - 100.0% RGV: + INF CB: - 92.9% Heroin Seizures (grams) 35 35 30 30 87 87 84 87 87 84 20 35W 20 20 35W 20 35E 35E 87 87 20 20 35 Jasper 45 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis 10 Jeff Davis 87 87 Liberty Liberty 10 59 10 59 37 37 35 Border-Wide Up 130.6 % (from 287 to 662 ) 77 35 77 Border-Wide Down 99.7 % (from 25,802 to 78) Chihuahua Chihuahua Coahuila Coahuila 281 281 Nuevo Leon Nuevo Leon EP: 0% BB: + 18,350.0% DR: + INF LAR: - 100% RGV: - 63.0% CB: - 26.0% EP: - 99.0% BB: - 100.0% DR: 0% LAR: - 100.0 RGV: + INF CB: - 13.4% Prescription Drug Seizures (grams) Methamphetamine Seizures (grams)
Nuevo Casas Grandes Juarez Ojinaga Chihuahua Piedras Negras Delicias Sabinas Ciudad Acuna Nuevo Laredo Monclava Monterrey Torreon Reynosa Matamoros Saltillo Culiacan No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Matamoros Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 84 87 20 20 35W 35E 87 87 20 10 35 45 10 Jeff Davis 10 59 37 35 77 Border-Wide Down 72.0% (from $464,211 to $129,933) Chihuahua Coahuila 281 77 Nuevo Leon EP: - 100.0% BB: - 92.9% DR: + 176.5% LAR: - 100.0% RGV: - 50.2% CB: - 99.9% Monetary Seizures NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star.
Nuevo Casas Grandes Juarez Ojinaga Chihuahua Piedras Negras Delicias Sabinas Ciudad Acuna Nuevo Laredo Monclava Monterrey Torreon Reynosa Matamoros Saltillo Culiacan No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Matamoros Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 84 87 20 20 35W 35E 87 87 20 10 35 45 10 Jeff Davis 10 59 37 35 Border-Wide Down 24.1% (from 2,191 to 1,664) 77 Chihuahua Coahuila 281 77 Nuevo Leon EP: - 13.9% BB: - 23.7% DR: + 20.0% LAR: - 52.4% RGV: - 31.8% CB: + 10.6% UDA Contacts – All (Includes Absconded) NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star.
No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 87 84 20 35W 20 35E 87 20 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis 87 Liberty 10 59 37 35 77 Border-Wide Down 41.3 % (from 741 to 435) Chihuahua Coahuila NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star. 281 Tamaulipas Nuevo Leon EP: - 100.0% BB: - 45.7% DR: + 7.4% LAR: - 63.6% RGV: - 50.2% CB: - 4.1% UDA Contact - Mexican May: 13 Eritrean, 1 Vietnamese, 1 Chinese June: 8 Somali, 1 German, 1 S. Korean 35 35 30 30 87 87 84 87 87 84 20 35W 20 20 35W 20 35E 35E San Augustine 87 87 20 20 35 Jasper 45 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis 10 Jeff Davis 87 87 Liberty Liberty 10 59 10 59 37 37 Border-Wide Down 33.3 % (from 15 to 10) 35 77 Border-Wide Down 19.0% (from 143 to 116) 35 77 Chihuahua Chihuahua Coahuila Coahuila 281 281 Nuevo Leon Nuevo Leon EP: 0% BB: 0% DR: + INF LAR: 0% RGV: - 100.0% CB: 0% EP: 0% BB: - 25.0% DR: - 70.6% LAR: + 50.0% RGV: - 33.7% CB: - 11.6% UDA Contact – Rest of World UDA Contact – Latin American
No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 Cooke 35 30 Kent 87 87 84 20 35W 20 35E 87 87 20 10 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis Liberty Harris 10 59 37 35 Border-Wide Down 26.8% (from 762 to 558) 77 Chihuahua Coahuila Cooke 35 Nuevo Leon 30 Kent 87 87 84 20 EP: - 38.7% BB: + 42.0% DR: + 18.6 LAR: - 77.6% RGV: + 91.2% CB: - 40.1% 35W 20 35E UDA Contact – Nationality Not Specified 87 87 20 10 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis Liberty Harris 10 59 37 NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star. 35 Border-Wide UP 2.8% (from 530 to 545) 77 Chihuahua Coahuila Nuevo Leon EP: + 1100.0% BB: 0% DR: + 400% LAR: - 16.2% RGV: - 81.9% CB: + 118.8% UDA Contact - Absconded
No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 35 30 87 87 84 20 35W 20 35E 87 20 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis 87 Liberty 10 59 37 35 Border-Wide Down 33.9% (from 3,283 to 2,171) 77 Chihuahua Coahuila 281 NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star. Tamaulipas Nuevo Leon EP: - 26.3% BB: - 23.5% DR: 0% LAR: - 48.9% RGV: - 65.8% CB: - 10.0% Crimes Against People 35 35 30 30 87 87 84 87 87 84 20 20 35W 35W 20 20 35E 35E 87 87 20 20 35 35 Jasper Jasper 45 45 10 10 Jeff Davis Jeff Davis 87 87 Liberty Liberty 10 10 59 59 37 37 35 35 Border-Wide Down 35.9% (from 1,725 to 1,106) Border-Wide Down 26.6 % (from 8,240 to 6,052) 77 77 Chihuahua Chihuahua Coahuila Coahuila 281 281 Nuevo Leon Nuevo Leon EP: - 13.4% BB: + 206.7% DR: - 22.2% LAR: - 43.0% RGV: - 50.4% CB: - 17.9% EP: - 26.0% BB: - 35.3% DR: - 8.1% LAR: - 36.8% RGV: - 49.8% CB: - 28.8% Crimes Against Property Crimes Against Society / State
No Significant Change (less than 5%) Increase 25 - 50% Change Decrease > 50% Change INF = % of Change is infinite Border Star Barometers Map Indicates Change by Sector, Based on Participant DIF and Summary Reports % of Change from May to June 2008 Cooke 35 30 Kent 87 87 84 20 35W 20 35E 87 87 20 10 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis Liberty Harris 10 59 37 35 77 Border-Wide Down 18.1 % (from 238 to 195) Chihuahua Coahuila Cooke 35 30 Nuevo Leon Kent 87 87 84 20 EP: - 18.5% BB: 0% DR: - 100.0% LAR: - 85.7% RGV: - 15.2% CB: - 15.6% 35W 20 35E Criminal Gang Contacts 87 87 20 10 35 Jasper 45 10 Jeff Davis Liberty NOTE: The data source for barometers is participant Daily Input Forms (DIF), the USBP Daily Summary to the BSOC, and TXDPS HP Daily Activity Reports. It does not include data from sector LEAs that are not participating in Operation Border Star (OBS).In order for reporting to show overall levels of criminal activity within sectors, it includes results of not just enhanced and directed action operations, but participant steady state operations as well. Not all results can be directly attributed to Operation Border Star. Harris 10 59 37 35 Border-Wide Down 18.4 % (from 1,073 to 876) 77 Chihuahua Coahuila Nuevo Leon EP: + 1.9% BB: - 30.6% DR: - 38.0% LAR: + 31.6% RGV: - 58.4% CB: + 2.0% Criminal Arrests and Felony Warrant Arrests