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STaR Chart Comparison. Carol McMillan EDLE 672. STaR Chart Comparison. Review of key areas - Teaching and learning - Educators preparation and development - Administration and support services - Infrastructure for technology Current status Recommended goals.
STaR Chart Comparison Carol McMillan EDLE 672
STaR Chart Comparison • Review of key areas - Teaching and learning - Educators preparation and development - Administration and support services - Infrastructure for technology • Current status • Recommended goals
Impact of technology on teacher role Patterns of teacher use Design of instructional setting Curriculum areas Patterns of student use Content of training Teaching and Learning
Current Status Teachers are beginning to use technology with students Very few students use technology independently and frequently Integrated Learning systems (read 180), student centered learning (Tech Forum). Primary use for Science, ELA, & Math Students develop use through discovery lessons very limited independent use Collaborate Coaching & Learning Recommended Goals Consistent support with in-house training Continue technology lessons that align with standards Increase professional development incorporating technology in curriculum Provide at least 5 computers in each classroom Teaching and Learning
Capabilities of educators Leadership capabilities of building principals and district administrators Models of professional Development Levels of understanding Universal access: Integration of universal design and assistive technology Vision and planning Educator Preparation and development
Current Status Inconsistent range of teacher’s technology capabilities Predominant training is lesson modeling and mentoring. Some curriculum integration through select math, read 180 and technology forum Most teachers use “Making The Grade” grading system Teachers use technology with students by supporting traditional instruction Administrators model use of technology and articulates expectations Recommended Goals Increase level of teacher’s proficiency annually Encourage and support teacher’s PD to integrate technology in curriculum Incorporate technology standards in subject areas Provide time for mastery of technology instructional programs Educator Preparation and development
Administration and Support Services • Technical support • Curriculum integration staffing • Budget levels • Budget allocated for technology • Universal design: physical access/software & hardware compatibility • Students per instructional computer
Current Status: Proficient technical support in the building Specific budget allocated for the math department Technical support for classroom teachers Collaborative Coaching and Learning (CCL) in some subject areas Five students per computer Recommended Goals: Professional development for all teachers simultaneously Explore funding through grants to increase software and hardware availability Provide additional time for all teachers to participate in CCL Increase the number of computers per students Administration and Support Services
Internet access connectivity/speed E-Learning environments LAN/WAN Other technologies Security Infrastructure for Technology
Current Status All classrooms have internet access. Limited web-based learning opportunities Approximately seven students per computer Limited availability of other technologies. Shared within the building (TV’s, VCR’s, DVD’s) Recommended Goals Increase accessibility to the service for the students Expand use of web-based interactive activities Increase time to plan technology infrastructure Additional equipment to increase availability Infrastructure for Technology