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Berlin as a divided town

Synopsis 1) First impressions 2) 1945-49: after world war II, divide of Germany 3) 1949-61: The (Re-)construction of two Berlins 4) 1961: Construction of the wall 5) 1961-89: Life with the wall, Escapes, Development until 1989 6) 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall

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Berlin as a divided town

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Synopsis 1) First impressions 2) 1945-49: after world war II, divide of Germany 3) 1949-61: The (Re-)construction of two Berlins 4) 1961: Construction of the wall 5) 1961-89: Life with the wall, Escapes, Development until 1989 6) 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall 7) 1989 until today: After the fall Berlin as a divided town

  2. - after german capitualtion in Mai 1945, Germany is occupied by the Allies - Potsdam Conference: - major aims: Demilitarisation, De- Nazification, Democratisation, Decentralisation, Disassemblement (5 D´s) - every power can do his own policy in zone 2) 1945-49: after word war II, divide of Germany

  3. - The Allies start to split up: - Soviet political acts without other allies - Truman-Doctrine: anticommunist and antisoviet - different policies in zones: Disassemblement and Marshall-Plan/ communistic and capitalistic - two german states are founded in 1949: FRG and GDR - Cold war/ East-West-Conflict starts 2) 1945-49: after word war II, divide of Germany

  4. 3) 1949-61: The (Re-)construction of two Berlins

  5. 3) 1949-61: The (Re-)construction of two Berlins - Berlin lies within the Soviet Sector - 1948 starts the Berlin Blockade

  6. „Candy Bomber“

  7. 3) 1949-61: The (Re-)construction of two Berlins - the development of the two states is different - GDR´s econmy stucks under Disassemblement - FRG´s econmy grows with Marshall Plan - GDR´s population is discontent - Upspring from June 17 1953 - mass emigration (3.5 Mio until 1961) - Berlin Crisis 1958-1961

  8. - due to US-Military increase and GDR´s political/ economical/ socially crisis GDR and Soviet leaders see only one option: sealing off the sector border - in the night to August 13 1961 the wall is started to be build 4) 1961: Construction of the wall

  9. „No one has the intention of building a wall.“

  10. - except of 13 (later 7) crossing points West-Berlin is sealed off - 10.000 Soldiers and border guards ensure the constrution - except of about 100 party members no one knew of the construction - train service is interrupted - houses on the border are evacuated 4) 1961: Construction of the wall

  11. 5) 1961-89: Life with the wall, Escapes, Development until 1989 - crossing the border from east to west is forbidden by death - emigration decreases dramatically - 1961-1989: 40.101 (5.075 in Berlin) escapes, many spectecular - more than 130 people are killed at the Berlin Wall - until 1989 the barriers are continuousely improved

  12. - with the construction of the wall GDR´s existence is secured - policy changes to détente and acceptance - Treaty of Warsaw and Four Power Agreement - state visits to the wall (e.g. Khrushchev and Kennedy) 5) 1961-89: Life with the wall, Escapes, Development until 1989

  13. 5) 1961-89: Life with the wall, Escapes, Development until 1989 - from 1971 (Honecker era) GDR´s Social Policy improves while FRG´s economy stucks - wall opens for vistors to the east and becomes lucrative - at the same time expands the Ministry for State Security - east-west-relations worsen at the end of the 70s - at the same time GDR´s economy is in a big crisis - more and more people apply for emegration and are allowed to go, though confronted with huge problems

  14. 5) 1961-89: Life with the wall, Escapes, Development until 1989 - Gorbachev gives more independence; Poland and Hungary start democratic reforms in early 89 - increasing number of people (89: 100.00) in GDR wait for allowence to emigrate and start to demonstrate for it - many escape over Hungary or FRG´s embassies - in April 89 Honecker revokes „order to shoot“ - demonstrations increase rapidly and can´t be stoped

  15. 6) 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall - SED realizes social and economic crisis; new General Secretary Egon Krenz announces „turn around“ - FRG´s government offers economical help in return of democratic reforms - GDR´s government quickly works out a new regulation for travel - Schabowski proclaims free right to travel accidently on November 9, 1989 - due to this people start to demand to cross the border; border guards don´t know what to do and finally at about 11 p.m. Open the border

  16. - SED looses control - Demonstrations continue and demand one german state - Soviet Union realizes that GDR can´t be maintained - first free election in march 90 - in June 90 FRG´s parliament votes for an economic, monetary and social union - two-plus-four-conference gives authority for german state - on October 3 1990 official (re-)unification 6) 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall

  17. 7) 1989 until today: After the fall - people are united - huge costs for Unification - most of eastern Germany still faces massive social problems - intense increase of racism in early 90s (e.g. Rostock-Lichtenhagen)

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