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Main Ideas (dynamics of black holes in globular clusters and …how to power QSOs)

Capture of Stars by Supermassive Black Holes J.A. de Freitas Pacheco T. Regimbau C. Filloux Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur. Main Ideas (dynamics of black holes in globular clusters and …how to power QSOs). J.N. Bahcall & R.A. Wolf – ApJ 209, 214, 1976

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Main Ideas (dynamics of black holes in globular clusters and …how to power QSOs)

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  1. Capture of Starsby Supermassive Black HolesJ.A. de Freitas PachecoT. RegimbauC. FillouxObservatoire de la Côte d’Azur

  2. Main Ideas(dynamics of black holes in globular clustersand …how to power QSOs) • J.N. Bahcall & R.A. Wolf – ApJ 209, 214, 1976 • J.N. Bahcall & R.A. Wolf – ApJ 216, 883, 1977 • A.P. Lightman & S.L. Shapiro – ApJ 211, 244, 1977 • D. Hils & P. Bender – ApJ 445, L7, 1995 • S. Sigurdsson & M. Rees – MNRAS 284, 318, 1997 • M. Freitag – ApJ 583, L21, 2003 • C. Hopman & T. Alexander – ApJ 629, 362, 2005 • C. Hopman & T. Alexander – astro-ph/0601161

  3. Non-resonant relaxation: Resonant relaxation: define t as the timescale required to change the argument of the periapse by . Then r* • Within the ’’influence region’’: • bound stars • b) ’’unbound’’ stars with high excentric orbits RR relaxation – mechanism deflecting stars into loss-cone orbits

  4. ’’Loss Cone’’ Theory- Basic Features - • Collisions leading to important variations in energy & angular momentum per orbital period  direct capture if J < Jcrit (loss cone) ; stars are tidally disrupted if Jcrit (GMBHrt)1/2 • Consumption rate at rcrit balanced by collisions at r* • Stars in tightly bound orbits  diffusion in J-espace with a small step size J per orbital period (lost of angular momentum mainly by emission of gravitational waves) • Steady flow possible if tR at r* is less than ~ 12 Gyr.

  5. Tidal DisruptionCritical Black Hole Masses

  6. Which stars will inspiral into the BH ? • only tightly bound orbits • an upper limit for the semi-major axis can be derived by equating the inspiral timescale tgw to the non-resonant timescale (Hopman & Alexander 2005)

  7. The (Inspiral) Capture Rate(Hopman & Alexander 2006)

  8. Theoretical fraction of compact objects – Mean population age = 12 Gyr

  9. The Stellar Density by inverting an Abel integral:

  10. The Galactic Center The central BH  MBH = 2.8106 M ; 1D = 112 ±14 km/s Consistent with simulations by Freitag 2003

  11. Capture Rates for E+S0 Galaxies Notice that Gair et al. 2004 derived   MBH3/8 but assumed that galaxies have isothermal cores!

  12. Redshift Espace Probed by LISA S/N = 5

  13. The Expected Number of Events

  14. Upper and Lower Mass Limits * Lower limit - lowest observed mass black hole  1.4106 M (in M32) - negative searches for intermediate mass black holes - upper limits for M33 (3103 M ) and NGC 205 (3.8104 M ) - indirect evidence for IMBH in NLSeyf1 (8104 - 8106 M )

  15. Results Conservative Estimate – Mmin = 1.4106 M Total number of events (one year) = 9 (7-8 white dwarfs and 1-2 neutron stars/black holes) E/S0 = 54% Sa/Sb = 27% Sc = 19% Optimistic Estimate – Mmin = 2105 M Total number of events (one year) = 579 (274 black holes, 194 neutron stars and 111 white dwarfs) E/S0= 53% Sa/Sb = 21% Sc = 26%

  16. Current Investigations • Evolutionary effects: growth and mass distribution • Coalescences at high z • GW background from SMBH in formation at z > 4-5 • Improvements in the capture rate – diffusion in both E, J espace • Captures of non-degenerate stars by SMBH with masses higher than ~ few 108 M

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