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Appropriate; suitable; apt Syn: relevant, pertinent, material Ant: irrelevant, immaterial, inappropriate **appropriate. Apposite (adj). Augur (n) (v). (n) A prophet or seer; (v) to predict, foreshadow Syn: (n)oracle; (v)bode ***I was in AWE at the ability of the augur to see future.
Appropriate; suitable; apt Syn: relevant, pertinent, material Ant: irrelevant, immaterial, inappropriate **appropriate Apposite (adj)
Augur (n) (v) (n) A prophet or seer; (v) to predict, foreshadow Syn: (n)oracle; (v)bode ***I was in AWE at the ability of the augur to see future
Bilk (v) To defraud, cheat, or swindle; to evade payment of; to frustrate, thwart Syn: dupe, cozen ***didn’t pay the bill
Charisma (n) The special personal magnetism that makes an individual exceptionally appealing to other people; a divinely bestowed gift or power Syn: charm, mystique, appeal **character
Debilitate (v) To make weak or feeble Syn: enervate, sap, exhaust, enfeeble Ant: strengthen, fortify, invigorate **need to rehabilitate
Execrable (adj) Utterly detestable, hateful, or abhorrent; extremely inferior Syn: odious, abominable, reprehensible Ant: commendable, praiseworthy, meritorious **terrible; excrement
Impinge (v) To strike against or collide with violently; to encroach or obtrude upon; to make an impression upon Syn: horn in, affect **infringe upon
Labyrinth (n) A bewildering maze; any confusing or complicated situation Syn: tangle, mystery, enigma
Narcissism (n) Excessive self-love; absorption in oneself Syn: egotism, conceit, vanity **Narcissus
Niggardly (adj) Stingy; meanly small or insufficient Syn: tightfisted, penny-pinching Ant: generous, bountiful, magnanimous ***beggarly
Pastiche (n) A dramatic, musical, or literary work made up of bits and pieces from other sources; a hodgepodge Syn: medley, patchwork, mélange, potpourri **pasta dish with lots of stuff
Precarious (adj) Very uncertain or unsure; dangerous or risky Syn: perilous, dubious, ticklish Ant: secure, sage, sturdy, firm **dangerous
Rapport (n) A close and harmonious relationship Syn: bond, tie, affinity, understanding **rap with people with whom you have good rapport
Utilitarian (adj) Stressing practicality over other considerations; relating to the belief that what is good or desirable is determined purely by its usefulness Syn: practical, functional, pragmatic Ant: nonfunctional, ornamental, decorative **utility, useful
Vacuous (adj) Devoid of matter, substance, or meaning; lacking ideas or intelligence Syn: inane, insipid, fatuous, void, empty Ant: incisive, trenchant, perceptive, intelligent **vacuum
Vagary (n) An unpredictable, erratic, or seemingly purposeless action, occurrence, or notion Syn: caprice, whim, quirk
Viable (adj) Capable of living or developing under normal circumstances Syn: practicable, workable, feasible Ant: impracticable, unworkable, unfeasible **vida - life
Xenophobia (n) Undue or unreasonable fear, hatred, or contempt of foreigners or strangers or of what is foreign or strange Syn: provinciality, parochialism, chauvinism **phobia – fear of x men - outsiders
Zany (adj) (n) (adj)Clownish or funny in a crazy, bizarre, or ludicrous way; (n) one who plays the clown **zany brainy, crazy
Zealot (n) A fanatical partisan; an ardent follower Syn: fanatic, extremist **overzealous