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HP Integrity NonStop server software

HP Integrity NonStop server software. Modern application development and deployment. NonStop Enterprise Division. Overall structure. First part is an overview Overview of NonStop software modernization goals, toolset, and approaches Second part goes into more detail

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HP Integrity NonStop server software

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  1. HP Integrity NonStop server software Modern application development and deployment NonStop Enterprise Division

  2. Overall structure • First part is an overview • Overview of NonStop software modernization goals, toolset, and approaches • Second part goes into more detail • major components of the NonStop software modernization toolset Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  3. “NonStop enables your software modernization initiatives today” Part 1 • Overview of NonStop software modernization goals, toolset, and approaches Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  4. Our customers want to move from this... Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  5. SQL/MX ANSI compliance SELECT • INSERT • UPDATEMERGE • DELETE • JOINUNION • CREATE • DROPBEGIN WORK • COMMITROLLBACK • TRUNCATEALTER • XSQL ...to this Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  6. Why do our customers want to modernize? • Availability of ubiquitous standards-based programming skills • Dwindling set of resources who can maintain/enhance Scobol/TAL/Enscribe apps • “Wanted: Java programmer, no NonStop knowledge required” • Higher programmer productivity • Application development is easier • Can do more, with less • Reuse existing application and data investments for new business processes (application integration) • Eliminate “islands of information” • More responsive to business change Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  7. You can realize modernization benefits on NonStop today • Develop your apps using industry standard app development tools • Architect your apps using industry standard programming paradigms • Deploy your apps on a scalable, yet industry standard app server • Integrate your apps with other apps in the enterprise as SOA services • Store your data in a high performing, yet standard relational database • Access your data via industry standard database access technologies • Connect using industry standard network protocols Do all this incrementally, leveraging your existing business logic and data investments, while maintaining NonStop levels of availability and scalability – transparently Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  8. Aspects to modernizing classic NonStop apps • Green Screen modernization • Re-face existing applications with modern GUI (browser/desktop based) • Makes it easy to train end-user workforce, easier to maintain application • Database modernization • Get existing Enscribe data into NonStop SQL relational form • Lowers development cost, improves accessibility, enables data to be readily used in new ways • Integrate NonStop apps with other enterprise applications • Make existing applications and data accessible from heterogeneous platforms and applications using standard interfaces and protocols • Eliminates “islands of information”, new business processes can be deployed faster • Implement new business logic using modern programming languages and paradigms • More productive programmer workforce • Lowers application development and maintenance costs Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  9. Aspects to modernizing classic NonStop apps Structure of classic NonStop application Cobol Pathway Servers (Business logic) SCOBOL (UI logic) Enscribe (Database) Green Screens NonStop Modernization Toolset Enterprise Application Integration NonStop SQL (Database) Servlets/Web Service Java Business Services Browser/Native Desktop UI Structure of modernized NonStop application Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  10. Green screen modernization • Toolset • Java products, SOA products, Pathway products, Partner products • Java products enable customers to • Develop web-based presentation services using standard Java APIs – Servlet and JSP • Further simplify development by using widely adopted open-source frameworks – Spring and Apache MyFaces • Run the Java presentation logic on value-add port of Apache Tomcat – NonStop Servlets for JSP • Access Pathway services from Java presentation services – JToolkit • SOA products enable customers to • Expose Pathway services as standard Web Services with NonStop SOAP • Invoke these standard Web Services from GUI apps, like VB .NET • Pathway products enable customers to • Automatically convert terminal-based SCOBOL applications to Java applets running in a standard desktop web-browser UI – Pathway/iTS • Partner products provide additional options • Cornerstone’s RSC, comForte’s CSL Studio and JPath, CAIL’s CAIL Studio, NuWave’s SOAP/AM, Crystal Point’s AppViewXS Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  11. Database modernization • Toolset • NonStop SQL, Connectivity products, Partner product • NonStop SQL, relative to Enscribe, enables customers to • Use an industry standard relational database for their operational data • Lower development cost with reduced programming and leveraging 3rd party products, like Crystal Report • Increase accessibility to data with industry standard access technologies • Improve app uptime and have extremely large database • Connectivity products (NonStop JDBC, ODBC drivers) enable customers to • Remotely access NonStop SQL data using standard JDBC and ODBC technologies • Partner products enable customers to migrate Enscribe-based apps to NonStop SQL-based apps using an incremental approach • Escort SQL from Carr Scott Software • Enscribe-2-SQL Toolkit from TANDsoft Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  12. Integrating NonStop apps with other enterprise apps • Toolset • SOA products, Partner products • SOA products enable customer to • Expose Pathway services as standard Web Services with NonStop SOAP • Develop Web Services with open source Java framework – Apache Axis2 • Use HP Software’s SOA products (not running on NonStop) for SOA Governance and Manageability • NonStop apps exposed as web services can be readily accessed from intelligent clients and other applications on other platforms using standard WSDL/SOAP/HTTP service invocation • Partner product (IBM WebSphere MQ) enables customers to • Use reliable messaging for heterogeneous interoperability with NonStop apps Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  13. Implementing business logic with modern programming languages • Toolset • App development tools for modern languages, industry standard IDE • With support for modern languages and OSS API, customers can • Develop their apps in their language of choice – C, C++, Java • Port open-source and other software to NonStop easily • Simplify their Java development effort using open source frameworks • Develop Pathway apps in Java with JToolkit • Run their Java app on HP JVM (NonStop Java) optimized for Itanium processors • An industry standard development environment (open-source Eclipse)enables developers to • Compile, Build, Deploy their NonStop apps on their desktop with NonStop Enterprise Plug-ins for Eclipse • Use standard debugging tools (Native Inspect), based on open-source gdb • Perform graphical debugging using Visual Inspect • Profile Java apps on a GUI console with HPjmeter Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  14. All with no loss of differentiation • Applications using modern paradigms inherit the same NonStop fundamentals as classic applications • Modern application containers (NonStop SOAP server and NSJSP) use the same scalable and available server process infrastructure as Pathway applications • Data stored in massively parallel SQL/MX relational database • Remote access to NonStop services uses Parallel TCP/IP available and scalable network infrastructure Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  15. A modern application environment, with NonStop fundamentals ECLIPSE Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  16. You can realize modernization benefits on NonStop today • Develop your apps using industry standard app development tools • Eclipse and NonStop Eclipse “Plug-ins” • Architect your apps using industry standard programming paradigms • Java and Open Source Java frameworks • Deploy your apps on a scalable, yet industry standard app server • NonStop Servlets for JSP (deep port of Apache Tomcat) • Integrate your apps with other apps in the enterprise as SOA services • NonStop SOAP and Java web services • Store your data in a high performing, yet standard relational database • NonStop SQL • Access your data via industry standard database access technologies • JDBC and ODBC • Connect using industry standard network protocols • TCP/IPv6 and iTP WebServer Do all this incrementally, leveraging your existing business logic and data investments, while maintaining NonStop levels of availability and scalability – transparently Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  17. NonStop modernization toolset at a glance Application Development Modern programming paradigms SOA/web services & EAI DB and Connectivity Standard o/s APIs and utilities Visual Inspect NonStop SOAP JDBC Drivers Open Source Java Frameworks OSS Eclipse Plug-ins ODBC Drivers Open Source Java Frameworks Posix Thread Package NSJSP (Tomcat) Eclipse SQL/MX iTP Web Server AF_UNIX Sockets JToolkit MQ Series Weblogic C and C++ compilers EscortvSQL Enscribe-2-SQL Toolkit Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  18. NonStop modernization– Summary + The NonStop server provides a highly scalable and available deployment environment for customers’ mission critical applications The NonStop server provides non-proprietary, standardizeddevelopment toolsets to enable customers to modernize their environment = The benefits of modernization may be realized for NonStop applications, with no loss of NonStopdifferentiation Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  19. Customers tell us they want... Modern applications built using modern tools running on standard platforms with 24/7 reliability Modernize Standardize …NonStop has it now! Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  20. Primary components of the NonStop software modernization toolset Part 2 • Open source Java frameworks • SOA and Web services • Eclipse IDE • OSS Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  21. NonStop software modernization toolset:Open source Java frameworks

  22. Why open source Java frameworks are important • In the context of modernization, open source Java frameworks are important because • Java is a leading programming model for building modern applications • The frameworks address and simplify the development of all major components of an enterprise Java application (including web services, presentation, and business logic) Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  23. Which open source Java frameworks? Apache MyFacesComponent based web UI framework Apache Axis2 Web services framework Spring Framework for developing apps using POJO components Hibernate Object Relational Mapping framework SASH:MyFaces,Axis2,Spring,Hibernate Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  24. General benefits of SASH • High market acceptance • Strong ecosystem – blogs, books, training, forums, community • Open source, free • Non proprietary, backed by major vendors • Portable apps, no vendor lock-in • De facto standards • Java Server Faces, Java Persistence API part of Java EE spec • Core concepts of POJO/Spring are now part of EJB • Frameworks, not just a collection of APIs, which leads to • Productivity increase from abstractions, consistency of app structure • Better quality apps by automatically embedding good design patterns Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  25. Where do SASH frameworks fit? Presentation Business logic NonStop SQL/MX Services NSJSP (Tomcat) Scalable and available SASH execution container NonStop TS/MP NonStop OS Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  26. SASH support on NonStop Executes in NonStop’s Tomcat container (NSJSP) – combines the simplicity of standard POJOs with the scalability and availability of the NonStop server NSJ (Java VM) NSJSP (Tomcat) MyFaces Spring MVC Axis2 Spring WS Spring POJO Installation and configuration documentation, and tips to take advantage of the NonStop platform JPA/Hibernate JDBC/JTA End-user support provided through HP Support NonStop SQL Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  27. JToolkit augments the SASH toolset • JToolkit is a set of Java interfaces which may be called by Java applications • It’s very likely that a Java web service implemented using SASH to replace a green screen or to support enterprise application integration will require access to existing Pathway servers • JToolkit provides this capability (JPathsend) • New business logic may be implemented as Pathway servers written in Java • JToolkit provides this capability (JPathway) Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  28. How SASH helps with modernization 28 15 November 2014 Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  29. SASH Summary • SASH is based on leading, standards-based, technologies • NonStop Division offers a certified, supported, open-source Enterprise Java stack on NonStop • SASH is the most cost effective choice for enterprise class Java apps on NonStop • SASH fits perfectly on NonStop’s architecture • NonStop fundamentals (differentiation) are inherited by SASH applications transparently • SASH is an important component of the NonStop Modernization Program Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  30. NonStop software modernization toolset:SOA and Web services

  31. What are SOA and web services? • SOA is not a product; you cannot just download it • SOA and web services describe a methodology, and a set of technologies, to present applications (business processes) in a standard way, as services • Enabling them to be easily invoked by heterogeneous clients (service consumers) • SOA encourages service reuse that enables existing services to be applied easily to new business processes • Reduces the time to implement a new business process leading to business agility Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  32. Why SOA and web services are important • SOA and web services help address three of the goals of modernization • Green screen replacement • Web services present business logic via a standard interface and protocol, which can be accessed from any desktop UI • Integration of existing business logic with other enterprise applications • Because it’s a standard and published interface, web services can be easily invoked programmatically from other applications running on heterogeneous platforms • Implementation of new business logic using modern programming languages and paradigms • Because of the benefits of SOA, it makes sense to implement and expose new applications as web services • The NonStop SOA and web services toolset makes it easy to service enable existing and new NonStop applications to obtain these benefits, and • Your existing business logic does not have to change • Availability and scalability of the application is maintained, transparently Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  33. SOA and web services toolset – NonStop SOAP • The combination of iTP WebServer and NonStop SOAP provides a scalable and available web services engine, which enables business logic (servers) to be accessed using standard web services protocols from any service consumer • Provides support for HTTP, SOAP, XML, WSDL • NonStop SOAP includes a simple GUI wizard, which automates the process of web-service enabling Pathway servers, with no coding required, and no changes to the Pathway server Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  34. SDR SDR SDR Web service enabling a Pathway serverclass using NonStop SOAP DDL dictionary SOAP Admin GUI Wizard Import/Export WSDL SDL Web Service Consumer Design time Run time iTP WebServer (HTTPd) WSDL SOAP HTTP Pathway services SOAP server Internet NonStop TS/MP serverclasses

  35. SOA and web services toolset – Java • If Java is more strategic, then the SASH stack facilitates the implementation of web services in Java • Axis2 and Spring-WS provide the standard SOAP engine and facilitate implementation of the web service interface in Java • NSJSP provides the scalable and available servlet container in which the Java web service executes • JToolkit provides the means for the Java web service to invoke a Pathway service Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  36. Web Services approach – using NonStop SOAP and Java Parallel TCP/IP TS/MP Serverclass TS/MP Serverclass TS/MP Serverclass NonStop TCP/IPV6 WSDL SOAP HTTP SOAP server NonStop SOAP TCP Axis2 Spring-WS Servlet iTP Web Server Pathway server Web service consumer Desktop UI client Enterprise application NSJSP (SASH) JPathsend Network access HTTP/HTML server SOA/web services Business logic     Transparent Scalability Fault Tolerance     Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  37. NonStop software modernization toolset:Eclipse IDE

  38. What is Eclipse? • Leading open source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) • Rich set of features and extensions through a plug-in architecture • NonStop Enterprise Plug-in for Eclipse (EPE) • Enables use of Eclipse IDE to develop Java, C++, COBOL, and pTAL applications for NonStop servers • Including classic Pathway applications Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  39. Why Eclipse is important • No matter what component is being developed (web service, presentation logic, business logic), in what programming model, using what language (Java, C++), you need to be able to use a well-known, standard, IDE to develop the program • Eclipse + EPE is that IDE for NonStop • This is important in the context of modernization because it enables the use of a standard development platform, with no special NonStop knowledge required • Ubiquitous Eclipse IDE skills • Higher programmer productivity • Familiar workstation development environment Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  40. HP NonStop EPE - Benefits • Develop and deploy for multiple platforms through a standardized development platform • Development for S-series and Integrity systems • Use your Eclipse expertise to develop for NonStop • Save on training cycles that may be incurred to learn new platform-specific development environments • Support for entire software development lifecycle (edit->build->deploy->debug) • NonStop EPE provides enhanced build (local and remote) and edit functionality - even for NonStop specific languages, such as pTAL • Extensible plug-ins integrate with NonStop specific application development tools • Future releases of NonStop EPE will provide debugging functionality in conjunction with Native Inspect (based on open-source gdb) • Benefit from rich ecosystem of Eclipse knowledge, plug-ins, and frameworks

  41. HP NonStop EPE - Summary • Provides the tooling for all common NonStop application development tasks • Editing • Compiling • Building/Linking • Debugging • Deploying • On a standard workstation development platform • Excellent reference for developing Pathway applications using Eclipse, OSS and Open Source tools • http://h20223.www2.hp.com/NonStopComputing/downloads/4AA1-6925ENW.pdf Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  42. NonStop software modernization toolset:OSS

  43. Open System Services (OSS) • OSS provides a POSIX compliant shell for the NonStop o/s • >90% of Unix98 commands, utilities, and APIs • Most modern NonStop components (Java etc) are built on OSS • Standard POSIX services like AF_UNIX and pThreads simplify the development, porting and reuse of application components from other platforms • OSS provides an important foundation for standardized application development and deployment on NonStop Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  44. Summary

  45. The NonStop software modernization toolset 45 15 November 2014 Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  46. Modern applications,Differentiated deployment on NonStop Parallel TCP/IP TS/MP Serverclass TS/MP Serverclass TS/MP Serverclass MPP Database NonStop TCP/IPV6 WSDL SOAP HTTP NonStop SQL TCP iTP Web Server NonStop SOAP NonStop JSP (SASH) Pathway NonStop JSP (SASH) Web service consumer Desktop graphical UI Enterprise application Network access HTTP/HTML server SOA/web services Business logic Data      Transparent Scalability Fault Tolerance      Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  47. You can realize modernization benefits on NonStop today • Develop your apps using industry standard app development tools • Eclipse and NonStop Eclipse “Plug-ins” • Architect your apps using industry standard programming paradigms • Java and Open Source Java frameworks • Deploy your apps on a scalable, yet industry standard app server • NonStop Servlets for JSP (deep port of Apache Tomcat) • Integrate your apps with other apps in the enterprise as SOA services • NonStop SOAP and Java web services • Store your data in a high performing, yet standard relational database • NonStop SQL • Access your data via industry standard database access technologies • JDBC and ODBC • Connect using industry standard network protocols • TCP/IPv6 and iTP WebServer Do all this incrementally, leveraging your existing business logic and data investments, while maintaining NonStop levels of availability and scalability – transparently Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  48. Standardize Modernize NonStop: Invest for the future Future product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

  49. HP logo blue on white

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