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Wireless S/C Interfaces BOF Meeting . Summary: BOF kicked-off Fall 2004 CCSDS meeting (Toulouse) Consolidation in 2005 Spring and Fall meetings (Athens, Atlanta) and regular teleconferences – Preliminary draft WG charter and position paper produced Technical notes produced by the BOF
Wireless S/C InterfacesBOF Meeting CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Summary: • BOF kicked-off Fall 2004 CCSDS meeting (Toulouse) • Consolidation in 2005 Spring and Fall meetings (Athens, Atlanta) and regular teleconferences – Preliminary draft WG charter and position paper produced • Technical notes produced by the BOF • Spring 2006 discussion on positioning the Wireless within SOIS (ad-hoc services..) • Consolidation through ESTEC workhop (July 2006) and Colorado Spring (January 2007) • Several BOF Teleconferences during 1rst half 2007 • Consolidated Draft Working group charter issued August 2007 CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Wireless Activities on ESA side CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Summary: • Optical/wireless data transmission • Intra S/C optical wireless communications and sensor network • In orbit flight demonstration of optical wireless CAN bus on FOTON capsule • Duolog (802.15.4 baseband and MAC IPs) • SSTL and Surrey University : Wireless sensor motes for space applications • Future: Wireless sensor network and AIT/EGSE CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
OWDT – Optical Wireless Data TransmissionProject OverviewKarl Wehrle Extract Final Presentation ESA contract 12.09.2007, Oerlikon Space AG, Zürich CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Demonstrator test set-up On the table tests Closed box tests with Mock-up CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Project Deliverables • Mockup (Venus Express) • Optical-Demonstrator (H/W and S/W) • RF-Demonstrator (H/W and S/W) • Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services (SOIS) • Demonstrator documentation set • Technology roadmap for RF wireless communication onboard a Spacecraft • Overall final report • Executive summary CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Conclusion Based on our investigations and test results the following project outcome can be provided: Reliable RF-Wireless communications within all cavities is possible • Up to 12Mbps for WLAN 802.11g • Up to 250Kbps for Bluetooth Reliable Optical-wireless communications within cavities is possible • With100Mbps high speed direct line of sight • With 4Mbps medium data-rate diffuse Intra- and Inter-cavity CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Outlook From our today’s point of view wireless communication technology could have a good chance to be applied in the following use cases: • as main system bus • as high speed network • as sensor network for intra- and inter- spacecraft applications • as auxiliary (redundant) data bus • as extension of standard data busses (SpaceWire CANbus etc.) • as AIT support CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Intra S/C Optical Wireless • Intra S/C Optical Wireless : Local optical networks of self-powered sensors inside a multi-cavity satellite CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
This self-powered sensors application is adapted to the wireless technology • The terminals are really independent without any data or power wires. Miniature units are implemented in the satellite to monitor the environment or some performances. • There embed their own power source to supply the sensor, the internal electronic and the optical emitter. • Note : Phase 1 terminated – Currently Phase 2 on going (CDR in October) CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Flight Experiment : Foton Capsule • CAN Optical Wireless bus interconnect DHS and experiments CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
SSSTL and Surrey UniversityWireless Motes for space study The objective: • Wireless technologies are extremely suitable for use in small spacecraft and distributed • space architectures. Using standard commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) protocols and • hardware inside the spacecraft for intra-satellite communication can reduce harness • leading to lighter designs. Utilisation of wireless communication for inter-satellite • connectivity in distributed space networks will allow individual satellites to exchange • data and share resources. This will make it possible to achieve collaboration between • satellites, improving conventional missions performance and moving towards the • ultimate goal of the distributed approach. • This 6-month study looks into wireless kits referred to as motes and investigates how • they can be used for intra-satellite and inter-satellite communication. The information • presented here is gathered within two months from the start of the study and aims to • determine on-board data handling requirements for use of wireless mote kits on board • small satellites manufactured by Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL). CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
2.1.2 Two-level clustered network architecture For a practical satellite network with wireless inter-satellite link, a two-level satellite cluster is proposed [2], which aims to develop an ad-hoc network with picosatellites in the low earth orbit (LEO). The mass of such satellites is less than 1 kg. Sensing and onboard computing are also expected within the satellite network. Figure 1 shows the network architecture of the satellite cluster. The master node is a larger microsatellite; and all the slave nodes are picosatellites. Within one cluster, the master satellite serves as the cluster head, and controls the slave satellites. All the communications between different satellite clusters, and the ground station take place via the master satellite. The slave satellites together with the master satellite are grouped as an ad-hoc network, which allows peer-to-peer communication between two nodes within the cluster, for example slave to slave or master to slave. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
New ITT focus on wireless sensor network • Mainly based on 802.15.4 • 3 use cases scenarios: intra S/C, AIT, local planetary surface network (small devices) • Perform a realistic demonstration of the 3 cases under realistic environment • Develop a subset of the wireless interfaces modules (radio+ mac/baseband) near of flight quality i.e. to be easily transferred to a flight technology demonstration mission • Support the CCSDS working group (active participation to the WG) • Technology assessment including environment tests in case COTS are used • Wireless interfaces to CAN and SpaceWire for EGSE/AIT support instruments CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Back up slides .. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Space link services area The Space Link services area is in charge, within CCSDS, to develop efficient space link communications systems common to all participating agencies. A space link interconnects a spacecraft with its ground support system or with another spacecraft. Agencies' new generations of space missions require telecommand and telemetry capabilities beyond current technologies. These new needs are for higher data rates, better link performances, more performing ranging systems, together with lower cost, mass and power and higher security CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Space Internetworking services area As spacecraft become more complex onboard and as their interactions with peer spacecraft and with the ground become more complex, designers will become compelled to seriously consider the use of networking technologies to support those interactions. The Space Internetworking Services Area provides services and protocols to address networked interactions of many forms: - between spacecraft and earth-based resources, - among spacecraft, - between spacecraft and landed elements, and - within heterogeneous spacecraft. The SIS Area deals with communication services and protocols that are independent of specific link technology (as a lower layer bound) and independent of application-specific semantics (as an upper bound). This covers essentially the network through application layers of the OSI reference model. The SIS Area accommodates all ranges of delay, interactivity, and directionality, although not all protocols are appropriate for all environments. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Scope of SOIS Area SOIS is an On Board System ‘Building Block’ It provides: • Standardised services to applications in a layered architecture of on board communications from applications to physical bus layer • It allows to isolate the development and evolution of on board applications independently from the physical implementations of the underlying communications (middleware approach). • It means enhanced portability of applications but it means also an easier introduction of new technology for implementing the communications themselves • It provides the potential for a ‘plug and play’ capability reducing the amount of work, in particular validation and testing when introducing modifications in a system. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
SOIS Service Architecture User Applications Application Support Layer Time Access Service Cmd & Data Acquisition Services Compression/ Encryption Device Enumeration Service File Services Mobility/ Power Mgt Message Transfer Service Transport Protocol Transfer Layer Network Protocol Packet Transfer Service Get/Set Service Memory Access Service Time Distribution Service Device Discovery Service Test Service Network Management Services Plug and Play Services Sub- Network Layer Generic Data Link Convergence Data Link Layer Ethernet SpaceWire IEEE1394 CAN 1553 Wireless ONE Wire USB Denotes service access point CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Wireless prospective By “wireless” is meant wireless networking : • Interest of wireless onboard communications in Spacecraft • Necessity of harness reduction • Increased flexibility during the AIT phase • Availability of COTS technology for wireless communication based on RF technology • One of the fastest growing market in commercial telecommunication • Reuse from the state of the art protocols, simulators, test-benches and components • Investment necessary for operating the commercial devices in the space environment. • Technology valid for on board and off board CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
OW 1553 Medium speed Netwok (1Mbps) Video camera External pay-load OW High speed Link (200 Mbps) RTU Dummy boxes OW Low-speed Network (<128Kbps) Wired sensors RTU INTA’s Demonstrator (1) CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Link budget simulationsLocation of emitter/receivers and repeaters to ensure coverage. Emitter on OBMU Reflection Emission lobe MARS EXPRESS E3000 CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Validation in a mock-up with • Same dimension than flight model • Same number and size of units • MLI on central cone and top floor Solution implemented: 3 IR systems HW ARCHITECTURE •Low data rate (IrDA)network @ 115Kbps in diffuse configuration for platform (AOCS, RTUs…). • Medium diffuse link @ 1Mbps at physical layer level for payload Equipment. • High data rate point to point link @ 100Mbps (Ethernet) for payload instrumentation. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
OWDT project Validation of a Wireless RF layer for on board data communications in an operational and comparison with optical medium/high speed The team: Oerlikon (CH) and Erzia (E), CSEM (CH), Astrium (F), UPM Madrid) CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
OWDT Demonstrator RF-Demonstrator • Demonstrator control station S/W driven by Windows XP (better GUI support) • Wireless Node S/W driven by Linux (better real-time behaviour) • Communication S/W to connect nodes and control station over TCP • Custom-built wireless protocol S/W with CCSDS SOIS APIs Optical-Demonstrator • Real-time S/W for N.I. CompactRIO with LabView (4Mbps medium speed) • Simple S/W for testing the optical link at low level (100Mbps high speed) CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Demonstrator Tests • bit error rate (BT) • tx power (BT) Tests criteria • data throughput • delay • packet loss (WLAN) • rx power • SNR (WLAN) Adjustable test parameters • Tx power • Transmission channel • Position of antenna • Node distance within or between cavities • Material and kind of surfaces of the cavity walls • Number and size of the holes in the cavity walls CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Demonstrator test set-up On the table tests Closed box tests CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Project Deliverables • Mockup (Venus Express) • Optical-Demonstrator (H/W and S/W) • RF-Demonstrator (H/W and S/W) • Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services (SOIS) • Demonstrator documentation set • Technology roadmap for RF wireless communication onboard a Spacecraft • Overall final report • Executive summary CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Conclusion (OWDT) Based on our investigations and test results the following project outcome can be provided: Reliable RF-Wireless communications within all cavities is possible • Up to 12Mbps for WLAN 802.11g • Up to 250Kbps for Bluetooth Reliable Optical-wireless communications within cavities is possible • With100Mbps high speed direct line of sight • With 4Mbps medium data-rate diffuse Intra- and Inter-cavity CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
On going/future project Optical Wireless: RD activity is going on for Intra-S/C optical wireless with INTA (E) as a prime with Las Palmas University, UPM (Madrid), CRISA (E), Technoilogica (E), Astrium (F), Thales Alenia Space (F),CEA (F). Project is in phase 2 CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
On going/future project RF Wireless: Open ESA tender on RF wireless sensor of networks – Selection to be performed in October 2007 CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Objectives of the new Wireless WG CCSDS • The CCSDS has a mature in-place international standard for short-haul communications protocol termed “Prox1”. But international standards for wireless space networking do not exist. The CCSDS has subcategorized short-range or surface proximity networks as: • Intra-vehicle: Internal vehicle (or habitat) extremely short-range wireless links and networking (10 m range). • Inter-vehicle: Vehicle-to-vehicle short-range and medium range (1 km – 20 km). • Planetary surface-to-surface wireless links and networking (100 m – several kilometers. • EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) local links with planetary rover vehicles (RV) and/or habitats; • RV-habitat links when RV is close to habitat; • Links between independent local systems (e.g., habitats, robots, external assets). • Orbiter relay-to-planetary surface links and networking. • ]Robotic communications is the same functional wireless area as planetary surface communications. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
C O N C LU S I O N with images… CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
NO COMMUNICATIONS No Data No Commands No Pictures No Video No Voice No Safety NO SCIENCE NO EXPLORATION CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
BACKUP SLIDES CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Welcome to the Space Link Services (SLS) Collaborative Work Environment. The Space Link services area is in charge, within CCSDS, to develop efficient space link communications systems common to all participating agencies. A space link interconnects a spacecraft with its ground support system or with another spacecraft. Agencies' new generations of space missions require telecommand and telemetry capabilities beyond current technologies. These new needs are for higher data rates, better link performances, more performing ranging systems, together with lower cost, mass and power and higher security. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Welcome to the Space Internetworking Services (SIS) Collaborative Work Environment. As spacecraft become more complex onboard and as their interactions with peer spacecraft and with the ground become more complex, designers will become compelled to seriously consider the use of networking technologies to support those interactions. The Space Internetworking Services Area provides services and protocols to address networked interactions of many forms: - between spacecraft and earth-based resources, - among spacecraft, - between spacecraft and landed elements, and - within heterogeneous spacecraft. The SIS Area deals with communication services and protocols that are independent of specific link technology (as a lower layer bound) and independent of application-specific semantics (as an upper bound). This covers essentially the network through application layers of the OSI reference model. The SIS Area accommodates all ranges of delay, interactivity, and directionality, although not all protocols are appropriate for all environments. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
The primary objective of the CCSDS SOIS standard development activities is to radically improve the spacecraft flight segment data systems design and development process by defining generic services that will simplify the way flight software interacts with flight hardware and permitting interoperability and reusability both for the benefit of Agencies and Industrial contractors. CCSDS Fall neeting 2007
Welcome to the Mission Operations & Management Area (MOIMS) Collaborative Work Environment. The objective of the Mission Operations & Information Management Services (MOIMS) Area is to address all of the flight execution phase applications that are required to operate the spacecraft and its ground system in response to mission objectives, and their associated detailed information management standards and processes. The focus of this Area is primarily on the “mission operations” functions that occur on a timescale driven by the flight path of the space vehicle. In many cases a dedicated community conducts these mission operations, while “mission utilization” occurs on a timescale that is convenient for users and is often conducted by a separate community. The MOIMS Area ensures that application standards exist which facilitate the smooth transition of space mission information between the “mission operations” systems and the “mission utilization” systems CCSDS Fall neeting 2007