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The Diagnostic Pathfinder System

The Diagnostic Pathfinder System. Introduction Getting Started. Introduction. DP System designed and developed by the Biomedical Informatics Research Group Working members are Drs. Holly Bender, Jared Danielson, Rick Mills, Pam Vermeer

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The Diagnostic Pathfinder System

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  1. The Diagnostic Pathfinder System Introduction Getting Started

  2. Introduction • DP System designed and developed by the Biomedical Informatics Research Group • Working members are Drs. Holly Bender, Jared Danielson, Rick Mills, Pam Vermeer • Intent of Diagnostic Pathfinder software is to help students learn a process for diagnostic reasoning • It does so by providing the history and lab data for a case, and requiring that users follow certain steps in order to provide a rationale that explains the data • The final step allows the user to compare their rationale with the instructor’s

  3. The Tools • Diagnostic Pathfinder -- fairly solid • Used by learners to work through cases • Used by instructors to create solutions, presentations, and perform certain administrative tasks • Case Editor – beta software • Used by instructors to edit existing cases, create new cases, and add, delete, and reorder cases in a course

  4. The Tools (cont.) • Report Generator – fairly solid • Used by instructor • To see how many cases users in the course have completed • To see solutions for specific cases and users • Course Manager – beta software • Used by instructor • To add individuals to the course • To modify individual’s access privileges within a course • To add cases from a previous course to another course • To reorder or delete cases from a course

  5. Getting Started Installing the Software Logging In

  6. Installing the Software • Obtain the software from • http://www.vetmed.iastate.edu/Pathfinder/Faculty • The four links on the software tool names on this page are software download links • When you click on a link, Java Web Start begins, and the program begins to load.

  7. Installing the Software (cont) • When certain components download, you will see a security dialog .

  8. Installing the Software (cont) • On each dialog, click the box “Always trust content from this publisher.” and then click Run. • If you do not click the “Always trust content from this publisher.” box, you will get this security question each time you start the software.

  9. Installing the Software (cont) • When the software is installed, you will be asked about creating shortcuts to the application. • Selecting Yes will put a shortcut on your desktop and in your start menu • Selecting No will require you to go to the website and start the software from there every time.

  10. Java Web Start Notes • You can access all programs you have downloaded via Java Web Start through the program C:\Program Files\Java\jreXXX\bin\javaws.exe • Installing the program this way allows me to update the program easily. I can update the files on the server, and when you start the program, it will check for updates before starting.

  11. Logging In to DP System Tools • All four tools use the same login dialog, with a different title on it. • Your login id and password are the same for all the tools • Your login id is your full ISU email address, e.g. hbender@iastate.edu • Your initial password is the same as your login id

  12. Initialization….. • Some of the programs perform an initialization from the database either before or after displaying the login window. A dialog will tell you this is happening if it takes longer than a few seconds.

  13. Logging In (cont) • The first time you login to one of the tools, you will be asked to change your password: • This new password is stored encrypted on the local computer and in our database, and will be used for your access to all the DP tools.

  14. Logging In (cont) • After you have entered your login id and password, if you have access to more than one course, you will be asked to choose which one you want to open. • For this workshop, you should have access to (at least) two courses. Select the one that has your last name in the course title.

  15. Author Preferences • New authors need to set up their preferred default settings • This dialog can be accessed from the Tools menu to change these defaults if you want to enter a case from a different institution, for example

  16. Main Window is Displayed

  17. Insertion Preferences • You can specify where you want lab sheet items to be placed when you insert them • From the Tests menu, select “Insertion Preferences”

  18. An Exercise • Before we proceed to enter a case • Install the Diagnostic Pathfinder from the web page http://www.vetmed.iastate.edu/Pathfinder/Faculty • Login to it using your new password

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