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AMERICAN HISTORY. JOSHUA RICHARDSSS. The first Americans walked across the Bering Sea about 13,000-15000 years ago But stone tools found in the mid-Atlantic suggest an arrival from Europe abo20,000-22,000 years ago The tools match those made by the mysterious Solutrean people of ice-age Iberia.
The first Americans walked across the Bering Sea about 13,000-15000 years ago But stone tools found in the mid-Atlantic suggest an arrival from Europe abo20,000-22,000 years ago The tools match those made by the mysterious Solutrean people of ice-age Iberia FIRST AMERICAN
Europeans had very little information about the outside world until the great explorations starting in the late 15th century Their ambitious explorations brought them knowledge about the oceans and about new lands The explorers had to gain official permission from their particular governments and often depended on government funding for their ocean journeysThe nations of Europe competed with one another to find the best sea routes and precious metals. They also built up empires to control new territories some of them filled with primitive people EUROPEAN EXPLORATION
The European Commission requires an impact assessment report for any regulation proposed. This book analyzes the quality of impact assessments and discusses deficits and possible improvements Based on 30 dase studi of impact assessments, an institutional analysis of the relevant actors iji conducted, which shows that there are many shortcomings, among them an incentive problem concerning desk officers in the European Commission European Impact
Typically dated to 1492.1 However, Meadows in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador is much older. Dating from 1000AD, it is the only known site of a Norse or Viking village in Canada, and in North America outside of Greenland L'Anse aux Meadows remains the only widely accepted instance of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact and is notable for its possible connection with the attempted colony of Vinland established by Leif Ericson around the same time period or, more broadly, with Norse exploration of the is Americas.In 1492, a Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus sailed to America to sell, buy, and trade rich spices and other goods. European conquest, exploration, and large-scale exploration and colonization soon followed. This first occurred along the Caribbean coasts on the islands of Hispaniola Puerto Rico and Cuba and after 1500 extended into the interiors of both North and South America Colonization
The North American theater of the Seven Years' War The war was fought primarily between the colonies of Great Britain and New France with both sides supported by military troops from Europe. In 1756, the war erupted into the world-wide conflict involving Britain and France. In Canada, some historians refer to the conflict as simply the seven year although Frnch Canadians often call The War of Conquest 4 In Europe, there is no specific name for the North American part of the war. The name refers to the two main enemies of the British colonists: the royal French forces and the various Native American forces allied with them, although Great Britain also had Native allies fuck French and Indian war
The Americans responded formally by declaring their independence as a new nation, which is the United States of America. They claimed sovereignty and denied any allegiance with the British monarchy. In 1777, the Continentals captured a British army that resulted France to enter the war on the side of the Americans. In early 1778, the military had strengthened with Britain. Over the next two years, Spain and the Dutch Republic also went to war with Britain as French allies The path to independence
On February 21, 1787, the Continental Congress resolved that 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39 actually signed the Constitution. The delegates ranged in age from Jonathan Dayton, aged 26 to Benjamin Franklin, aged 81, who was so infirm Founding Father
America first experimented with the concept of an underwater vessel during the Revolutionary War. A submarine, then called "the Turtle" was invented by David Bushnell in order to attach explosives to British ships without being detected. Though General Washington loathed this underwater manner of attack as "ungentlemanly", the Turtle was deployed on September 6th, 1776. Piloted by Ezra Lee and only Ezra Lee this new water machine was sent to drill a screw into the giant British ship HMS Eagle. Unfortunately, Lee failed to secure the explosive and was forced to retreat as dawn approached. Two other attacks were attempted with the Turtle - both failed. The American Revolution
The Federal Convention convened in the State House Independence Hall in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation. Because the delegations from only two states were at first present, the members adjourned from day to day until a quorum of seven states was obtained on May 25. Through discussion and debate it became clear by mid-June that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government. All through the summer, in closed sessions, the delegates debated, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution. After Independence
Thomas Jefferson Purchase the louisiana For 15,000,000 so it made the U.S double it size. Growth of America
More Growth of America In the 1840s Irish Potato Famine caused 2 million deaths and sent tens of thousands of immigrants to the US by the end of the century, more Irish lived in America than in Ireland 2 million come from 1830-1860 too poor to move west, so they stay on the East coast and some wass