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Learn about ESS procurement rules and IK contributions for the construction, involving institutions, countries, and approval processes.
AccsysIK2017-01-31 Peo Gustavsson/Mats Lindroos IK Manger/Accproj manger www.europeanspallationsource.se 17-01-31
Action 7.2 (1 of April-16)IKRC presentation IK approval process ESS Procurement and IK contributions, Background and ground rules • IK contributions are agreements between ESS partner institutes • IK is controlled trough the ESS statues (available at ESS web page) • ESS ERIC has its own procurement rules in line with the EU regulations (procurement regulations are available at ESS web page) • IK contribution is excluded and considered to not be a part of the procurement regulations • ESS use three types of procurements • Single sole source procurement • Research procurement contracts • Open tender • Institutions participating the construction of ESS (Host countries or Founding members) • Contribution by host countries (material and or services) • Sweden and Denmark Host countries,can not contribute with IK • If a host country participate in the construction, it will be governed by a Collaboration agreement or Supply and service agreement • Member countries can contribute with IK and/or Cash contribution • The member countries are organized by IKC and TA, all presented to the IKRC for endorsement and preparation to ESS council for formal approval
Action 7.2 (1 of April-16)IKRC presentation IK approval process
Action 7.2 (1 of April-16)IKRC presentation IK approval process • 2013 Initiated ESS a public call of interest, presented at ESS ext. web page • Information and Presentations where done multiple time and during different occasions, large gatherings and at a specific institutions • Containing all WP and parts of the project (Target, Accelerator, Instrument) • Interested institution/parties, could/should express interest for defined WP • The value of the scope of work/WP where documented in the Cost Book • The selection process (started 2013 and are still in progress) • Selection criteria's eg. IK available, experience for defined work (Due diligence) • Direct discussions and negotiations where performed • Approval process • IK packages overall description was done to IKRC as the starting point • We have 2 types status, Assigned WP/TA (41) or Open WP/TA (8) • All agreed TA are presented to IKRC for endorsement, ESS Council approves after IKRC endorsement (including later changes effecting cost and time schedule, done trough CR)
Action 7.3 (1 of April-16)BrightnESS program presentation and involvement in Transfer of ownership BrightnESSprogram presentation and involvement in Transfer of ownership
OBJECTIVES BrightnESS serves as a risk mitigation tool in the delicate process of becoming fully operational *Based on ESFRI recommendation and the ESS risk register BrightnESS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 676548 Carlo J. Bocchetta –INFN Torino Meeting – Dec 14th, 2016
Overview of WP2 – Four Tasks BrightnESS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 676548 Carlo J. Bocchetta –INFN Torino Meeting – Dec 14th, 2016
Highlights WP2.4 - Creation of an IKC network of Regional Hubs Up to 19 people active for WP2.4 – with six leaders. WP2 Regional Hubs BrightnESS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 676548 Carlo J. Bocchetta –INFN Torino Meeting – Dec 14th, 2016
Action 7.3 (1 of April-16)BrightnESS program presentation and involvement in Transfer of ownership Installation Strategy and planning (time schedule) - authority ESS Lund is the main driver and responsible for the over all installation and Commissioning stratgey and imp. ESS lund will describe and outline the main principels for how the work will be organized The partner follow given instructions and priorities The prtaner will be given timeslots for its exequition of installation and comissioning ESS Lund have an overall installation coordination serving all subproject eg. ACC ACC have its own installation organization and resources to mange the work The main roles Acc Installation manger Insytallation planing manger (time and sequence Area coordinator (eg. Tunnel and gallery) WP coordinators (specific equipment) Support functions RATS manger Resources Tools Logistics/transportations ESS lund have specific TRN req and there will be a specific TRN program for all personell entering the site One of the main objective with the over all installation startegy and plan, is to be ableto depict the work to all involvedincludingSSM (Swedens regulator) The partner shall be aware thet there is local variations beween the IK – Partners, this is described in the TA
Action 7.3 (1 of April-16)BrightnESS program presentation and involvement in Transfer of ownership Introduction; • The presentation outline the main principles to set the FC on track to support the Acc WP with the following; • Facilitate the partners description of the installation work, to be documented I in a report. (all interaction) • Align the expectations in between all involved parties with the objective to be prepared for all eventualities • Define all needed tools and equipment (expectations on ESS and what to bring) • Identify potential areas of uncertainties or need for further agreement and descriptions (open issues) • To prepare partners for delivery and installation of equipment at the ESS • Prepare for information transfer to Assembly crews • Define and evaluate need for installation documentation details (assembly drawings, reports, etc are ready). • Define and Check that partner-partner information is consistent for interfaces and installation. • Define and document Logistics, Legal, Interfaces, Safety, Manpower and accessories (tools, special requirements,…).
TA Status, facts & figures • The work to develop the TA progress as expected the target (in Okt) for IKRC 11 was to present 10 TA • TA to present at IKRC 4 (se separate list) • TA Ready UK 2 (LWU and High Beta cavities manu) • TA endorsed offline 2 (Cryodist line and test stand) • Collab. Agree. developed 2 (Lund, Grid and Aperture Monitors electronics & Aarhus, WS act) Tot TA 49 (more TA TBD ?) • TA assigned to a partner 41 • TA signed 31 • Potential IK open 8(procurement contracts) • IKRC 12 10 (all remaining)
Spare slides if any question comes on signed endorsed and approved TAs