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PEOPLE OF SHORT STATURE. American Disability Act of 1960 Little People of America Inc. Josh Whitfield James Bingham Raven Anderson CMST 150 Final. Cultural Group – People of Short Stature.
PEOPLE OF SHORT STATURE American Disability Act of 1960 Little People of America Inc. Josh Whitfield James Bingham Raven Anderson CMST 150 Final
Cultural Group – People of Short Stature. • In the past little people have been stereotyped as being associated with a circus or carnival and as performing for entertainment.Clip - What Would You Do? • Prior to disability rights legislation, little people faced discrimination in employment opportunities. The obituary of Paul S. Miller illustrates this. According to the article he was repeatedly refused employment for a position he was well qualified for. One employer told him they “feared that clients would see his hiring as a"circus freak show."(Hevesi) • Social prejudices against dwarfism can reduce the number of social and marital opportunities available and as a result produce issues of self-esteem and emotional health. Living With Dwarfism Clip • http://www.starzlife.com/20090706/little-people-seeking-to-ban-m-word-from-tv/ (image)
Impact of Cultural Group • Prior to disability rights legislation, little people faced discrimination in the form of lower wages simply for their short stature. • Little people, especially children and adolescents, are more susceptible to ridicule and teasing. This in itself can cause emotional issues. The fact that dwarfism is rare can cause little people to feel isolated, potentially increasing the likelihood and intensity of emotional issues. • This blatant form of prejudice is “the active denigration of members of an outgroup. Basted on the belief that the outgroup is in some way inferior to the ingroup and, therefore, not worthy of decent treatment.” (Hall 204) • As illustrated in Never Sell Yourself Short, little people face difficulty in day to day actives that require the use of items designed for larger people. Clothing racks, vehicles, and store shelves list just a few items that could present difficulties for little people.
Human Rights Movement • The Americans with disabilities act became part of the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. Though women and people of minorities had benefited most during the passing of the civil rights act; it wasn’t until much later that the Americans with disabilities benefited. • During the 1960’s three major civil rights legislation’s were passed in congress. These three are the “Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968” (CFIL). • Though many people benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 it did not protect people with disabilities. Adding the Disabilities Act into the Civil Rights Acts wasn’t addressed until 1973 when section 504 was added to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.Though section 504 was a stepping stone for the ADA it wasn’t until much later that many other parts of the Civil rights act would be adjusted to adhere to the disabled. • For example the Fair Housing Act didn’t protect people with disabilities until 1988 when it was amended to add people with disabilities and families with children. Section 504 brought huge changes for people with disabilities. • It prohibits discrimination because of disabilities, allowed federal financial assistance to those of disabled who need it, and allowed them to receive public education in the least restrictive environment possible to their disabilities.
Movement Continued. • Though the Civil Rights Act added a couple sections to protect people with disabilities it wasn’t until 1990 when the Americans with Disabilities Act came into full effect. This brought many laws into effect that protects many people with disabilities. This act Title 1“prohibits employers from discrimination against disabled but otherwise qualified job applicants. • All aspects of employment are covered including the application process, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, and any other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. It applies to private employers with less fifteen or more employees, state and local governments, and labor unions” (Dempski). • Title two protects the disabled by prohibiting state or local government programs and activities from discriminating against the disabled, this even forces public building to have disability access for those in wheel chairs or those who are unable to use stairs.
Continued. • Title three protects the disabled by prohibiting private entities that provide public accommodations and services, from denying them based on their disabilities. This would be health-care institutes and doctors. • Title four provides interpreters, and telecommunication devices for people that are hearing impaired • Title Five provides background information necessary for the construction the Americans with disabilities act. These laws were put into effect to balance the needs of disabled people to be equal to the needs of others. It is designed to equalize opportunity, not to give more benefits then needed, but to provide and protect the disabled so that they are able to receive essential care when needed, be equal in the work place, and be protected when accessing government resources.
Little People of America Organization • “Little People of America, Inc., is a national non-profit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families.”(About LPA) -Short Clip • LPA provides information regarding – adoption, medical issues, clothing, education, disability rights, adaptive products, and stages of parenting. • “In 1957, actor Billy Barty invited people of short stature across America to join him in Reno, Nevada. Mr. Barty and 20 others gathered for a week – sharing their hopes, ideas and experiences, and Little People of America, Inc. (LPA) was born.” (About LPA) • “Barty’s belief in recognizing people with dwarfism as people first and his desire to promote awareness about the challenges presented to people of small size guided LPA on its mission of education and advocacy.” (About LPA) • LPA is divided into districts around the U.S. District 11 is the local area for: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska, for providing information about LPA. • LPA provides personal stories and experiences regarding people who live with dwarfism.Stories http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/little-people-america-los-angeles-chapter-celebrates-october-as-national-dwarfism-awareness-1564954.htm (image)
Little People of America in Action • LPA also has a sister organization -DAAA – Dwarf Athletic Association of America. Their missions is to provide “athletic competition, guidance, support, and information to people of short stature and to their families.” (DAAA) DAAA 2010 Clip • During the Fall in October it is Dwarfism Awareness Month. Also, during the fall season there is a fundraiser. “Over the last 6 years members and donors have contributed over $100,000 to LPA programs and services to keep LPA going and growing” (About LPA) Convention Clip • Dwarfism Awareness Month • LPA provides social gatherings once a month. “While many pursue relationships on their own without continuing to depend on formal functions, others rely on the organization's get-togethers for nearly all social mingling.” (Weinberg) • LPA – October 2011 Speaks out Against Dwarf Tossing in Florida.
Connection • LPA uses the collaborating strategy to help people with this issue. “From this perspective, conflict should be dealt with in a joint and equal fashion. Conflict is seen as a good thing through which problems can be worked out in a win/win manner”. ( Hall 231-232) • In Hall’s book he explains about intergroup conflict. “Visual distinctiveness. One of the first things we notice about other people with whom we communicate is their appearance. If they look notably different from ourselves in terms of dress, skin color, and so forth, the likelihood for communication to be intergroup in nature is increased”. (Hall 244) • LPA helps bring short statured people together to eliminated visual distinctive issues so people can communicate more. http://www.clipartpal.com/clipart_pd/education/openbook1.html (Image)
Learning Outcomes • Our group communicated with clarity and originality. The group had to do this in order to maintain what we wanted to have done for this project. Another learning outcome the group had to experience was to think critically, creatively, and reflectively. This experience came quickly into play while reaching the deadline. • Having to discuss who does what, how, and when definitely makes you think critically and creatively; otherwise you could end up stepping on toes. One last note on learning outcomes comes from learning actively. Not only have we learned a lot about people of short stature and human rights, but we have also learned what each of our group members were capable of when push came to shove.
Reference • Dwarf Athletic Association of America. (2011). Home-mission . Retrieved from http://www.daaa.org/DAAA_home.html • About lpa. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.lpaonline.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=84625&orgId=lpa • Weinberg, M. (1968). The problems of midgets and dwarfs and organizational remedies: A study of the little people of America. (Vol. 9, pp. 65-71). American Sociological Association. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/2948318 • Hevesi, D. (2010, October 21). Paul S. Miller, 49, a lawyer who advocated for disabled. New York Times. Abstract retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.offcampus.lib.washington.edu • Marissa, L. (2006, October 03). Little people reframe story of their lives. USA Today. Abstractretrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.offcampus.lib.washington.edu • Hawley, C. (2007, November 19). Mexican dwarfs seek respect in bullfighting. USA Today. Abstract retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.offcampus.lib.washington.edu
Reference • Paliwal, P. K., Sirohiwal, B., Pal, V., Sharma, L., Chawla, H. (2011). Dilemma in estimation of age in a dwarf. Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 12(1), 3-3.Abstract retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com.offcampus.lib.washington.edu • Riggs, S. (2001). Never sell yourself short. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Company. • Americans With Disabilities Act. (2011, December 12). History of the ADA. Retrieved from ADA: http://www.mtstcil.org/skills/ada1-b.html • Dempski, K., & Westrick, S. J. (2009). Essentials of nursing law and ethics. Sudbury: Jones and Barrlett Publishers. • ABCNews. (2011). Primetime from abc news: Little-person harassment [Web]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH8MlEhICeY • Hall, Bradford J. (2005) Among Cultures: The Challenge of Communication, 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Reference • Little People of America Inc. (n.d.). Personal stories - what is it like to live dwarfism? what is it like to be a parent?. Retrieved from http://www.lpaonline.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=129867&orgId=lpa • WellcomeTrust. (2009). Living with dwarfism (hd) | a film by the wellcome trust [Web]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bk0LLU2KHY • glamourbombtv. (2010). Universal newsreels: Midgets of america convention (1957) [Theater]. Available from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gByaGW690jY • Hans Morrison (2010). Daaa 2010 [Web]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHX5ukytH50 • PeterGross144. (2008). Little people [Web]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHGZpBxQt7w • LittlePeopleofAmer. (2011). Lpa national dwarfism awareness month [Web]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf3TgkKh7R4&feature=channel_video_title