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Unit 8 Combinational Circuit Design and Simulation Using Gates

Unit 8 Combinational Circuit Design and Simulation Using Gates. Ku-Yaw Chang canseco@mail.dyu.edu.tw Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Da-Yeh University. Contents. 8.1 Review of Combinational Circuit Design

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Unit 8 Combinational Circuit Design and Simulation Using Gates

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  1. Unit 8Combinational Circuit Design and Simulation Using Gates Ku-Yaw Chang canseco@mail.dyu.edu.tw Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Da-Yeh University

  2. Contents 8.1 Review of Combinational Circuit Design 8.2 Design Circuits with Limited Gate Fan-In 8.3 Gate Delays and Timing Diagrams 8.4 Hazards in Combinational Logic 8.5 Simulation and Testing of Logic Circuits Fundamentals of Logic Design

  3. Combinational v.s. Sequential • Combinational circuit • Output values depend only on the present value of the inputs (not on the past values) • Sequential circuit • Output values depend on both present and past input values • Composed of • A combinational circuit • Added memory elements Fundamentals of Logic Design

  4. Combinational Circuit Design • First step • Set up a truth table • n input variables -> 2n rows • Don’t care condition • A given combination never occurs • Next step • Derive simplified expression • Karnaugh maps • Quine-McCluskey Fundamentals of Logic Design

  5. Combinational Circuit Design • Third step • Manipulate simplified expressions into proper form • Depending on the type of gates to be used in realizing the circuit • Factoring or multiplying out • Levels • Gates • Gate inputs Fundamentals of Logic Design

  6. Combinational Circuit Design • Minimum sum-of-products • AND-OR, NAND-NAND, OR-NAND, NOR-OR Fundamentals of Logic Design

  7. Combinational Circuit Design • Minimum product-of-sums • OR-AND, NOR-NOR, AND-NOR, NAND-AND Fundamentals of Logic Design

  8. Contents 8.1 Review of Combinational Circuit Design 8.2 Design Circuits with Limited Gate Fan-In 8.3 Gate Delays and Timing Diagrams 8.4 Hazards in Combinational Logic 8.5 Simulation and Testing of Logic Circuits Fundamentals of Logic Design

  9. Limited Gate Fan-in • The maximum number of inputs on each gate (or the fan-in) is limited. • Factoring maybe necessary Fundamentals of Logic Design

  10. Example • Realize f(a,b,c,d) = ∑m(0, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15)using 3-input NOR gates. Fundamentals of Logic Design

  11. Karnaugh Map ab ab 00 01 11 10 00 01 11 10 cd cd 00011110 00011110 Fundamentals of Logic Design

  12. Karnaugh Map f ’ = a’b’c’d + ab’cd + abc’ + a’bc + a’cd’ ab 00 01 11 10 cd 00011110 Fundamentals of Logic Design

  13. Resulting NOR-gate circuit • f ’ = a’b’c’d + ab’cd + abc’ + a’bc + a’cd’ = b’d (a’c’ + ac) + a’c (b + d’) + abc’ • f = [b+d’+(a+c)(a’+c’)] [a+c’+b’d] [a’+b’+c] Fundamentals of Logic Design

  14. Example • Realize the functions, using only 2-input NAND gates and inverters. • f1 = ∑m(0, 2, 3, 4, 5) • f2 = ∑m(0, 2, 3, 4, 7) • f3 = ∑m(1, 2, 6, 7) Fundamentals of Logic Design

  15. Karnaugh Map • f1 = b’c’ + ab’ + a’b • f2 = b’c’ + bc + a’b • f3 = a’b’c + ab + bc’ Fundamentals of Logic Design

  16. Factoring • To introduce common terms wherever possible • f1 = b’c’ + ab’ + a’b = b’(a+c’) + a’b • f2 = b’c’ + bc + a’b = b(a’+c) + b’c’ or (b’+c)(b+c’) + a’b • f3 = a’b’c + ab + bc’ = a’b’c + b(a+c’) • Eliminating 3-input gate from f3 • a’b’c = a’(b’c) = a’(b+c’)’ Fundamentals of Logic Design

  17. Realization Fundamentals of Logic Design

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