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Choroby zwierzat laboratoryjnych - przedmiot fakultatywny III rok

1.Podstawy prawne ochrony i uzytkowania zwierzat laboratoryjnych. Nadz?r nad wiwariami w r?znych osrodkach badawczych, udzial lekarzy weterynarii w projektach badawczych z wykorzystaniem r?znych gatunk?w zwierzat laboratoryjnych. Zasady i cele prowadzenia doswiadczen na zwierzetach laboratoryjnych (

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Choroby zwierzat laboratoryjnych - przedmiot fakultatywny III rok

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    6. Model chorb nerek A hybrid between a ZDF female and SHHF male Characteristics: Nephropathy, Congestive Heart Failure, Hypertension, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hyperinsulinemia, Hypertriglyceridemia, Hypercholesterolemia

    7. Szczury do testw genetycznych Identification of transgenic and knockout animals by PCR, QPCR, RT-PCR, Southern blot, and Slot blot assays By utilizing genomic DNA from genetic mutant animals (extracted from tail tissue) as target DNA and assigning primers specific for the detection of either the transgene or knockout event, Charles River can determine the genotype or carrier status of animals within your colony. The resulting amplification of primer-specified target DNA allows us to determine the genetic nature of the individual with respect to gene insertion or deletion - and therefore its genotype. In a typical PCR, primers are designed to bind in opposite directions to complementary strands of target DNA. The sequence between the primer-binding sites is amplified exponentially with each PCR cycle. A PCR assay consists of 30-50 cycles performed automatically by a programmable heating block called a thermocycler. The resulting amplified product(s) are separated by size on an agarose gel, providing us with banding patterns which allow for the interpretation of each individual's genotype

    8. Model immunoniedoborowy Immunodeficient Models Nude Rat Nomenclature: Crl:NIH-rnu Origin: The NIH nude rat was developed in 1979-1980 through a series of matings involving 8 inbred rat strains.. Characteristics: athymic model shows depleted cell populations in thymusdependant areas of peripheral lymphoid organs. outbred, albino, black, black & white.

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