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Learning about OSH 4 & 5 March 2002, Bilbao, Spain. Integration of Occupational Safety and Health into the Vocational Education in the Land Brandenburg. Ernst-Friedrich Pernack Ministry of Health, Women, Labour and Social Affairs of Land Brandenburg, Germany URL: http://bb.osha.de
Learning about OSH 4 & 5 March 2002, Bilbao, Spain Integration of Occupational Safety and Health into the Vocational Education in the Land Brandenburg Ernst-Friedrich Pernack Ministry of Health, Women, Labour and Social Affairs of Land Brandenburg, Germany URL: http://bb.osha.de E-mail: ernst‑friedrich.pernack@masgf.brandenburg.de
Contents • Part 1: Situation • High unemployment and lack of traineeships • Job demands, stress and strain is too much • Poor state of health and high absentism • Part 2: Initiative „Health and Training“ • Aim of the initiative • Working group „Work and Health“ as carrier • Projects • Campaign of the OSH-Administration „Improved Integration of Safety and Health into the Vocational Education“
Situation (1) High unemployment and lack of traineeships • not enough traineeships in the regional industry • government program for vocational education (inter-company training, fulltime school periods) • training in requested professions is often not possible • high unemployment rate in the Land Brandenburg 3. information about the job demands and the stress and strain is not sufficient in the carreers guidance • only slim chances to get a job after the vocational education
Situation (2) Development of the registered traineeships in the first year of the vocational training in the Land Brandenburg 1995-2000 nicht betrieblich 1999 nicht betrieblich 2000 2.719 b.nahe 2.735 SGB III 1.457 JuSoPro 716 § 48 BBIG 2.297 b.nahe 2.866 SGB III 437 JuSoPro 792 § 48 BBIG MASGF / Abteilung 3 / Referat 33 Quelle: LDS Brandenburg, IHK´n und HwK´n des Landes Brandenburg, Stand : 31.12. des Jahres
Situation (3) Job demands, stress and strain is too much • results of a study of the Craft-Guild Health Insurance in the Land Brandenburg (2.300 asked trainees) • 45 % of the trainees want more information about the negative aspects of their job • 35 % of the trainees want more information about the occupational hazards and health risks in their job • 34 % of the trainees want more information about their chances in the market • 41 % of the trainees thought seriously about a drop out (47 % of them because of the strain, 29 % because of the profession itself and 26 % because of the demands in the vocational school)
Situation (4) Job demands, stress and strain is too much more results of a study of the Craft-Guild Health Insurance (IKK) in the Land Brandenburg (2.300 asked trainees) • the main stressors are • time pressure, stress and too much demands (39 %), • too long working times (33 %) • monotony (31 %), • physical load and environmental factors (30 %) • 26 % of the trainees in the first year think that it is only possible to do their job until an age of 50 • 46 % of the trainees in the fourth year think that it is only possible to do their job until an age of 50
Situation (5) Poor state of health and high absentism • Report of the Ministry of Health, Women, Labour and Social Affairsto the social situation and the health of young people in the Land Brandenburg • the health indicated absentism of trainees in Land Brandenburg is with 7,2 % much higher than in the whole of Germany (4,3 %) • in contrast to the whole of Germany the health indicated absentism of trainees in Land Brandenburg is higher than that of the whole of employees
Situation (6) Poor state of health and high absentism Reasons: • the state of health of school pupils is worsening • a lot of short-time absences and respiratory deseases • high percentage of work and sparetime accidents with hurts or poisonings • poor satisfaction with the work because of the situation in the labour market and the traineeship situation
Initiative (1) Aim of the initiative „Health and Vocational Training“ • to integrate new concepts into the structure of vocational training • to make the trainees sensitive to occupational safety and health and to an individual health care • to co-operate with other partners in this field
Initiative (2) Working group „Work and Health“ as carrier • installation of a working group at the Ministry of Health, Women, Labour and Social Affairs • to exchange information and experiences • to arrange co-operation • to analyze the situation and • to derivate the necessary measures • Members of the working group are representatives of • the two sides of the industry • the health and accident insurances • the universities and technical colleges • the OSH and health administration
Initiative (3) Projects • analysis of the teaching of OSH topics in vocational schools by the OSH authorities in Land Brandenburg • campaign „Youth will live safe“ (Contest of schools for good ideas to improve OSH) • campaign „Healthy start into the craft“ of the chambers of handicrafts and their health insurance (survey and companies projects) • co-operation project „Quality and health in the catering trade“ of that health and accident insurance • seminars of several accident insurances • OSH days of a trade union in vocational schools
Initiative (4) Campaign of the OSH-Administration Steps • Survey to the state and methods of teaching OSH topics in the vocational schools of Land Brandenburg by questioning teachers and trainees • Organizing a Workshop with the involved groups to derivate recommendations • Design of teaching moduls for the teachers training and for special lessons to OSH topics • Improvement of the integration of OSH topics in the regular training structures (curricula, regulations for examinations, offers of the authorities and insurances to OSH and health care topics and addiction prevention • Advisory service for the vocational schools and companies
Initiative (5) Campaign of the OSH-Administration Survey • questionnaires to 650 vocational teachers and 5.800 trainees for 9 of 27 vocational schools in Land Brandenburg • different questionnaires for the school directors, teachers and trainees • questions to knowledge, teaching methods, experiences and wishes of the asked persons to OSH and health care topics • response rate of 30 % for the teachers and 41 % for the trainees
Initiative (6) Campaign of the OSH-Administration Results of the survey • deficiency in teaching the theoretical knowledge (50 % of the teachers and of the trainees answered, that their OSH knowledge is insufficient) • deficiency in teaching of the connection between work and health in the sense of an integrated system (only the job specific factors and regulations are taught, no training of behavior or teaching of individual health care and no teaching of the reasons for the regulations) • deficiency in teaching an overview of the legal system in the field of OSH and the parts of OSH organization inside and outside the companies
Initiative (7) Campaign of the OSH-Administration more results of the survey • the OSH qualification and training of the teachers must be improved (only 22 % of the teachers think that they got a sufficient OSH training themselves, 62 % of the teachers want an advanced OSH training, 77% of the teachers are interested in a participation of external OSH experts in the vocational training) • the methods of teaching must be checked for their efficiency (80 % of the trainees answered, that the lectures of the teachers don‘t meet the interests of the trainees, only 40 % of the trainees like these kind of lectures, 70 % of the trainees wish special OSH days with activities in which they can take over an active part)
Initiative (8) Campaign of the OSH-Administration more results of the survey • the aim of the OSH teaching should be developed from the identification and elimination of risks to the ability to an individual health management
Summary (1) • OSH aspects are still mainly integrated in lessons for teaching specific technologies and operations • Prevention of accidents and poisonings are in the focus of attention • Ergonomic design of work and psychological stress are scarecely noticed • Teaching plans for a comprehensive prevention of occupational hazards, a healthy behavior at work and an individual health care do not exist
Summary (2) • Methods and contents of the vocational education must be adopted to the new demands • Workshop in summer 2002 with representatives of • Employers • Employees • Ministry of Labour • Ministry of Health • Ministry of Education • Vocational schools • Institutes of teachers training
The End Thank you for your attention ! More information: Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Frauen Ernst-Friedrich Pernack Postfach 60 11 63 D-14411 Potsdam Germany - Allemagne URL: http://bb.osha.de E-mail: ernst‑friedrich.pernack@masgf.brandenburg.de