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Logical Programming. Declarative programming style Programs are similar to specifications rather than implementations in conventional programming languages A programmer declares the logical properties that describe the problem
Logical Programming Declarative programming style Programs are similar to specifications rather than implementations in conventional programming languages A programmer declares the logical properties that describe the problem The problem description is used by the logical programming system to infer / find a solution Problem description is given in a logical formalism based on first-order predicate logic, but nondeclarative features added Logical programs well found mathematical model = symbolic logic
Principles of logic programmingProlog • Logical programming: R. Kowalski and A. Colmerauer, eraly 70s. S1S2 ... SnS in FOPL logical / declarative interpretation: S1S2 ... Sn logically implies S (if S1 and S2 ... and Sn are each True then S is also True) • Associated procedural interpretation S if S1 and S2 ... and Sn and can be executed in a recursive PL where S is the procedure head and S1, S2, ... Sn is the body. • S1S2 ... SnS is called a (Horn) clause in FOPL (disjunction of literals, with at most 1 positive literal) • Every Si and S is a predicate (true or false relation) of arity n pred:Dn {True, False} • literal = a predicate or a negated predicated • A logical program = a sequence of clauses
In Prolog, a clause S1S2 ... SnS is to be written as S :- S1,S2, ...,Sn. S – head of the clause S1,S2, ...,Sn – body of the clause • S :- S1,S2, ...,Sn. is also called a Prolog rule • If the body is empty (S is unconditionally true) then we write S. S. it is also called a Prolog fact. • Literal, term, functor, ground term, ground clause • Clauses are implicitly quantified universally • Variables = identifiers starting with uppercase letters • Symbolic constants = identifiers starting with lowercase letters • Numbers = string of digits Example has(john, a_cat). % fact has(john, credit). % fact has(john, good_history). % fact has (john, book(prolog, clocksin, 1981)). % fact has(X, a_car):- has(X, credit), has(X, good_history). % rule 3
A logical circuit: AND-Gate • The gate is built by connecting a NAND-Gate and an Inverter_Gate. • The entire circuit is defined by the relation: and_gate(In1, In2, Out) based on the relations nand_gate(In1, In2, Out) inverter(In, Out) rezistor(source, n1). rezistor(source, n2). tranzistor(n2, null, n1). tranzistor(n3, n4, n2). tranzistor(n5, null, n4). inverter(In, Out) :- tranzistor(In, null, Out), rezistor(source, Out). nand_gate(In1, In2, Out) :- tranzistor(In1, X, Out), tranzistor(In2, null, X), rezistor(source, Out). and_gate(In1, In2, Out) :- nand_gate(In1, In2, X), inverter(X, Out). • For the query (goal) ?-and_gate(In1, In2, Out). In1 = n3, In2= n5, Out = n1 4
Types in Prolog • Atoms = symbolic constants atom(john) atom(book) • Numbers = strings of digits integer(34) integer(112)atomic(X) :- atom(X). atomic(X) :- integer(X). • Variables var(X) – succeeds if X is an uninstantiated variable • Prolog is a dynamically typed language: no type declaration is provided for variables. The value that is bound dynamically to a variable determines the nature of the object and thus the legality of the operations applied to it. • Lists Functor . .(15, .(toot, .(duck, .(donald, [ ]))) [15, toot, duck, donald] see also ML • Operator for lists | L = [X | Y] Equivalent to Lisp/Scheme X=car(L) Y = cdr(L) • Structures functor(arg1, .., argn) List is a structure book(prolog, clocksin, 1981).
Logical programming paradigm • Recursively specified programs(see also Chapter 1 EPL) 1 n = 0 • en = Mathematics x * en-1(x), n > 0 • SchemePROLOG (define e e(0, _ , Res) :- Res = 1. % e(0, _ , 1). (lambda (n x) e(N, X, Res) :- N1 is N-1, (if (zero? n) 1 e(N1, X, Res1), (* x (e (- n 1) x ))))) Res is X * Res1. • C int e(int e, int x) {int t = 1, i; if (n = = 0) return 1; else { for (i = n; i > 0; i - -) t = t * x; return t; }
LISP (defun lisp-member (item list) (and (consp list) (or (eql item (first list)) (lisp-member item (rest list))))) PROLOG member(Item, List) :- List = [Item| _ ]. member(Item, List) :- List = [_ | Rest], member(Item, Rest). member(Item, [Item]). member(Item, [_| Rest]) :- member(Item, Rest). Anonymous variables • Recursively specified data types(see also Section 2.2 EPL) PROLOG Scheme bintree(Btree) :- leaf_node(Btree). (define-datatype bintree bintree? bintree(Btree) :- interior_node(Btree). (leaf-node leaf_node(Datum) :- integer(Datum). (datum number?)) interior_node([Key, Left, Right]) :- (interior-node atom(Key), (key symbol?) bintree(Left), (left bintree?) bintree(Right). (right bintree?)))) ?- bintree([a, [b, 3, 5], 7]).?- bintree([a, b, c]).(bintree? (interior-node a YESNO (leaf 2) (leaf 3))) 7
Deriving programs from BNF specifications(see also Section 3.1 EPL) <expression> ::= <number> | lit-exp (datum) <identifier> | var-exp (id) (<primitive> <expression>*) primapp-exp (prim rands) <primitive> ::= + | - | * | add1 | sub1 PROLOG expression(E) :- lit_exp(E). expression(E) :- var_exp(E). expression(E) :- primapp_exp (E). lit_exp(Datum) :- integer(Datum). var_exp(Id) :- atom(Id). primapp_exp([Prim | Rands]) :- primitive(Prim), exp_list(Rands). exp_list([]). exp_list([First_exp | Rest_exp]) :- expression(First_exp), exp_list(Rest). primitive(‘+’). primitive(‘-’). primitive(‘*’). primitive(add1). primitive(sub1). Scheme (define-datatype expression expression? (lit-exp (datum number?)) (var-exp (id symbol?)) (primapp-exp (prim primitive?) (rands (list-of expression?)))) (define-datatype primitive primitive? (add-prim) (substract-prim) (mul-prim) (incr-prim) (decr-prim)) 8
Deductions in logical programs Declarative interpretation • The declarative interpretation of a Prolog program refers to the logical interpretation of the clauses in the program, the result of the program being represented by all the logical consequences of these clauses. • The declarative interpretation of a Prolog program determines if a goal (query) is true (may be satisfied) and, if yes, for which variable instances.
A goal G is true in a Prolog program, i.e. is a logical consequence of the program, if and only if: • - there is a clause C in the program and • - there is a ground instance of C, I such that • I’s head is equal to C and • either all goals in I’s body are true or I’s body is empty (I is a fact) • In order to check these conditions, an abstract Prolog processor has to take a query as a goal to be proven true and try to unify it with a head of a clause in the program. • What is unification? • Substitution = a set of pairs = {<Xi, ti> | Xi is a variable and ti is a term, Xi Xj for all i, j with i j, and Xi does not occur in tj for all i, j} • The result of applying a substitution to an expression E is denoted by (E) (E) and is obtained by replacing every occurrence of Xi in E by ti • Two expression E1 and E2unify if there is a substitution such that (E1) = (E2) is called the unifier of the two expressions. • Unification combines pattern matching and binding of variables. 10
The most general unifier (MGU) of two expressions E1 and E2 is the unifier with the following property: - for any other unifier of E1 and E2 ( (E1) = (E2) ) there is a substitution such that (E1) = ((E1)) and (E2) = ((E2)) • Check to see why this definition is equivalent to the one in Section 8.2.1, PLC • Example E1 = P(a, X, Y) E2 = P(Z, U, T) Unifier = {<Z, a>, <X, b>, <Y, c>, <U, b>, <T, c>} (E1) = (E2) = P(a, b, c) Most general unifier = {<Z, a>, <X, U>, <Y, T>} (E1) = (E2) = P(a, U, T) • When trying to prove a goal, the Prolog processor will compute the MGU to unify the query with the head of a clause. 11
Unification algorithm Unify(t1, t2) MGU or Fail • MGU = { } • WS = {<t1, t2>} • repeat • remove a pair <x1, x2> from WS • case • x1 and x2 are two identical constants or variables: do nothing • x1 is a variable that does not occur in x2: • substitute x2 for x1 in any pair in WS and in MGU; • insert <x1, x2> in MGU; • x2 is a variable that does not occur in x1: • substitute x1 for x2 in any pair in WS and in MGU; • insert <x2, x1> in MGU; • x1 is f(y1, y2, …, yn), x2 is f(z1, z2, …, zn), f is a functor, and n 1: • insert <y1, z1>, <y2, z2>, …, <yn, zn> into WS; • else return fail; • end case • until WS = { } • return MGU • end 12
Procedural interpretation of Prolog programs A nondeterministic interpretation algorithm Interpret(P,G) YES and variable bindings (in G) or NO • SG = {G}; a copy of G is used to initialize SG • repeat • remove an element E from SG • select a (renamed) clause X :- X1, X2, …, Xn from P (n = 0 for a fact) • such that <E, X> unifies with MGU • if such a clause does not exist • then return NO • insert X1, X2, …, Xn into SG; • apply to all elements of SG and to G • until SG = { } • if SG = { } • then return YES and / or the variable bindings in G • end 13
The interpretation algorithm a search algorithm • Search tree • To provide a deterministic implementation of the nondeterministic interpretation algorithm we must indicate the strategy of selecting the clauses that unify • Breadth-first, Depth-first • Strategy complete proof procedure sound proof procedure • A Prolog interpreter uses depth-first / backtracking and the order of clauses in the database sound but not complete, efficient • For a given query, Prolog may find one answer (solution) or all answers (solutions) member(Item, [Item| _ ]). ?- member(X, [a, b, c]). member(Item, [ _ | Rest]) :- X = a; member(Item, Rest). X = b; X = c; ?- member(b, [a, b, c]).NO YES 14
% parent(PersonX, PersonY) % ancestor(PersonX, PersonZ) parent(john, tom). parent(ada, tom). parent(ada, mary). parent(tom, ellen). parent(tom, mike). parent(mike, roco). ancestor1(X, Z) :- parent(X, Z). ancestor1(X, Z) :- parent(X, Y), ancestor1(Y, Z). % Change rule order: ancestor2(X, Z) :- parent(X, Y), ancestor2(Y, Z). ancestor2(X, Z) :- parent(X, Z). % Change goal order in first version ancestor3(X, Z) :- parent(X, Z). ancestor3(X, Z) :- ancestor3(X, Y), parent(Y, Z). % Change both rule order and goal order: ancestor4(X, Z) :- ancestor4(X, Y), parent(Y, Z). ancestor4(X, Z) :- parent(X,Z). ?- ancestor1(ada, mike). YES ?- ancestor2(ada, mike). YES ?- ancestor3(ada, mike). YES ?- ancestor4(ada, mike). Infinite loop, stack overflow ?- ancestor1(mary, roco). NO ?- ancestor2(mary, roco). NO ?- ancestor3(mary, roco). Infinite loop, stack overflow 15
The Lion and the Unicorn (Alice in Wonderland, Carroll Lewis) Hypotheses: 1) The Lion lies on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and tell the truth on all other days 2) The Unicorn lies on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and tell the truth on all other days 3) Today the Lion says: „Yesterday was one of the days in which I lied” 4) Today also, the Unicorn says: „Yesterday was one of the days in which I lied” Conclusion: What day is today? follows(monday, tuesday). % says(Animal, Day) – The Animal says the truth on Day. follows(tuesday, wednesday). says(Animal, Today) :- follows(wednesday, thursday). follows(Yesterday, Today), lies(Animal, Yesterday). follows(thursday, friday). possible(Animal, Today) :- follows(friday, saturday). says(Animal, Today), not(lies(Animal, Today)). follows(saturday,sunday). possible(Animal, Today) :- follows(sunday, monday). lies(Animal, Today), not(says(Animal, Today)). % lie(Animal, Day) – The Animal lies on Day. % Prepare conclusion lies(lion, monday). today(Today) :- lies(lion, tuesday). possible(lion, Today), possible(unicorn, Today). lies(lion, wednesday). % Conclusion lies(unicorn, thursday). ?- today(Today). lies(unicorn, friday). lies(unicorn, saturday). negation as failure