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SPRT Workshop: Are You the Team God Needs? Explore, Learn, and Grow Together

Gain insights into the purpose and value of the Staff Parish Relations Team in your church. Discover the twenty specific tasks of the SPRT, learn about its mission to promote healthy Christian relationships, and explore how the team actively supports the church's vision and mission. Through modeling, mentoring, monitoring, and mediating, the SPRT ensures effective communication, unity, and growth within the congregation. Take the SPRT quiz, engage in biblical reflections, and explore best practices for church administration and staff support. Join us in this interactive workshop to become the team that God needs you to be.

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SPRT Workshop: Are You the Team God Needs? Explore, Learn, and Grow Together

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  1. Staff Parish Relations Team (SPRT) WORKSHOPAre You the Team God Needs You to Be? WELCOME!!

  2. Please complete the SPRT Quiz on the second page of your package After you have completed the quiz, tally how many True and how many False answers you have.

  3. A. The Purpose and Value of the Staff Parish Relations Team The Staff-Parish Relations Team is the administrative unit in a local church where staff and congregational interests are integratedto focus on the mission of the church.

  4. The Number One Priority of the SPRT • First Priority • What is success? • Every UMC’s mission:

  5. B.Twenty Specific Tasks of the SPRT(The Discipline of the UMC ¶258.2) 1. Shall engage in biblical & theological reflections on the mission of the church; 2. Shall reflect biblically & theologically on the role of the pastor(s) & staff; 3. To encourage, strengthen, nurture, support & respect the pastor(s), staff, & families; 4. Shall identify & clarify values for ministry; 5. To promote unity in the church. 6. To confer w/ pastor/staff re: effectiveness in ministry including relationships;

  6. Specific Tasks of the SPRT, continued: 7. To confer, consult, & counsel pastor & staff regarding priorities in use of gifts, skills, time 8. To provide evaluation at least annually for the use of the pastors & staff re: effective ministry & identifying cont. education needs 9. To communicate & interpret the nature of ministry in UMC, open itinerancy, preparation for ordained ministry & the Ministry Education Fund 10. To develop & approve written job descriptions for staff 11. To consult w/staff re: continuing education & spiritual renewals

  7. Specific Tasks of the SPRT, continued: 12. To enlist, interview, evaluate, review, & recommend annually to charge conference - lay preachers & candidates for ordained ministry (also Lay Speakers & Certified Lay Speakers) 13. Interpret preparation for ordained ministry and how the ministerial education fund applies to the congregation 14. To confer with pastor/ appointed staff if is evident a change is in the best interest of ministry/local church. (Advisoryrole to D.S. & Bishop) 15. To recommend to Church Council any addition of staff if best interest of ministry is served. A.) Recommend a written policy of hiring, evaluating, promoting, retiring, dismissing of personnel (see ¶ 258 point 12)

  8. Specific Tasks of the SPRT, continued: 16. To recommend to Charge Conference when a separate human resources committee is needed 17. To educate the congregation on value of diversity in staffing 18. To keep yourselves informed on matters of UMC practice, civil law, & liability issues 19. To consult on: pulpit supply; compensation; travel expenses; vacation; housing allowance/ parsonage compliance 20. Annual Parsonage Inspection by Chairs of SPRT & Trustees

  9. C. The SPRT’S MISSION: To Actively Promote Healthy Christian Relationships Through 4 actions: A. MODELING: • Christian Maturity in our own Relationships; • Discernment & Casting of the church’s Vision & Mission. B. MENTORING: • Guiding & Assisting all Team Leaders when appropriate; • Discerning God’shand working in & “calling” persons to full time ministry; • Other persons for ministry to serve within the SPRT. C. MONITORING: • Awareness of “CurrentReality” in Local Church and community; • Relationshipsin the Congregation; • Relationships within all other MinistryTeams; • Effectiveness of Staff (in relationship to the mission of the church); • Areas of needed maturitywithin the congregation (e.g.. Age, Race, Gender, etc.). D. MEDIATING: • When needed if things do not resolve naturally; • Offering &/or teaching mediation skills; • Offering &/or teaching excellent communication skills; • Calling in a mediation team in consultation with the pastor or District Superintendent.

  10. D. The SPRT works to focus on the RELATIONAL aspects of the mission of the church • The work always points towards accomplishing the church’s mission. • The work requires confidentiality. • The work involves dealing with both celebrations and disappointments. • The work involves legal and risk management responsibility.

  11. The SPRT SHALL BE COMPOSED OF: • Not fewer than 5 or more than 9 • One SHALL be a YOUNG ADULT • In ADDITION to the 9 members INCLUDE The Lay Leader & the Lay Member of Annual Conference The Chairperson should have served at least 1 year prior to chairing the team. All members are divided into 3 classes that serve a three year term In cases where a charge includes MULTIPLE CHURCHES, the team should have at LEAST ONE representative and THE LAY LEADER FROM EACH of the local churches. The SPRT shall not have: • An Immediate family member of a staff person • More than 1 person of a household serving

  12. E. SPRT Meeting Guidelines • Notify members at least two weeks in advance of a meeting date. What is the best way to notify individuals? (email; text, cell, postcard, etc.) • Have and use an agenda • Every SPRT meeting is a closed, confidential meeting • The Pastor MUST always be present at meetings. Meeting can only be held with the knowledge of the pastor or DS • If a staff member is to be discussed at a meeting, they should be told prior to the meeting as well as briefed after the meeting • Meetings should always be covered in prayer

  13. SPRT Meeting Guidelines, continued • Review/correct minutes as needed. (Minimum minutes) • Hear the various reports • Discuss only agenda items. All members should be participants NOT observers • Review decisions and discuss “Next Steps” • You must meet quarterly but additional meetings can be requested by members of SPRT, Chair, pastor, or DS • Keep confidential what is confidential

  14. SPRT “SCENARIO #1” A member of the SPRT has not been attending worship for at least 8 out of the past 11 weeks. Should the SPRT chair say or do anything about their absence?

  15. F. Understanding the Gift-Mix What is your SHAPE? SHAPE is your “gift-mix” and how you are wired for ministry S = Spiritual Gifts H = Heart (passion) A = Abilities/Aptitude P = Personality traits E = Experiences

  16. Personality Traits: Extrovert / Stable: like clearly defined relationship, warm, loyal, thoughtful, trusting Extrovert / Flexible: spontaneous, enthusiastic, fun, inspirational, welcome change Introvert / Stable: quiet, reflective, practical, thorough, fact-oriented Introvert / Flexible: prefers general guidelines, self- confident, competitive, risk-taking, visionary

  17. G. Congregational Unity There is unity in values, which leads to unity in – • How decisions are made or not made; • How we expect to be treated when things break down; • What policies & procedures will be used when things don’t work the way they should; • What will our model for reconciliation look like? (How would it reflect Jesus?)

  18. Creative Conflict A leader must: • create passion • while sustaining creative conflict Promotion and management of conflict are benchmarks of a healthy organization. Avoiding or squelching conflicts at all cost, blocks the possibility of passionate, highly creative solutions to the complex problems that face churches and communities today.

  19. A mistake we often make in our churchesis that we strive for conflict resolution. Conflict resolution suggests that most, if not all, conflict situations are problematic and destructive so there needs to be a method to restore peace. What happens then? The group decides on a consensus to solve the problem before the best decisions/solutions were identified. People settle on a resolution that all could “live with” but now there’s little passion or excitement for anyone.

  20. Healthy Process for Dealing with Concerns and Conflict Matthew 18:15-20 is the Model Go directly to the person that you have a concern with or about No resolve? Bring it to a SPRT member who will address the concern with the staff member Still not resolved? SPRT discusses and makes a decision regarding steps and/or actions If the SPRT cannot resolve the issue, the DS should be involved in order to help find resolution

  21. The Value of Team Covenants • A Team Covenant can help overcome dysfunctions by providing a foundation for trust • Team Covenants can protect our team relationships • Written actions builds trust among teams members which allows for successful teams and working within a healthier environment • Covenants should be shared and reviewed on a regular basis • You must hold people accountable to the covenant

  22. Scenario 2 The finance chair has recommended that due to finances, the custodian position should be reviewed to see if they can possible cut his duties from full-time to ¾ time. It is on the agenda that all members received prior to the meeting with her recommendation. The team agreed during this meeting that it was necessary although 3 persons were highly opposed. One of those persons went to the church the next day to tell the custodian that they were sorry that his hours would be cut and that he was opposed to the decision. The custodian was shocked to hear about this and went into the administrative assistant visibly upset. Now both are mad and feel that the leadership of the church doesn’t support them. How should such relational decisions be made in the future to avoid such heartache and distrust?

  23. Covenant Examples Pages 8 and 9 on your hand-out

  24. The SPRT Assessment Pages 10 and 11

  25. I. SPRT WORKS AS PART OF AN APPOINTIVE SYSTEM • When a pastoral change is to take place, the SPRT completes the “pastoral profile.” • This profile should reflect what your church “needs” in order to accomplish the vision and mission of the church, not focus on what you “want”: • How to determine what your congregation needs: • What are the key qualities, skills, gifts, and strengths needed in the next pastor? • Be prepared to describe the ministry of the church in light of the Mission (what has been accomplished, what is in progress, what are your next dreams? • Consider the needs of the entire congregation not just those with the loudest voices. Also, what groups of people are you trying to reach?

  26. The UMC uses an Episcopal appointment process; all pastors are appointed by the Bishop • A “take-in:” An introduction of the newly appointed pastor to his/her new congregation’s SPRT by the District Superintendent. THIS IS NOT AN INTERVIEW. • The DS will explain how the new pastor matches the profile. • You should be prepared to ask questions that help you begin to know your new pastor. • If a “red flag” needs to be raised, the opportunity to do so will be granted. • The DS will clarify details in order to get ready for the pastoral change and move. • Any newly appointed pastors and the SPRT chair that they are to begin working with should plan to attend. This is typically held in Indy area the end of April or first part of May.

  27. J. Helping to Prioritize Pastoral Responsibilities PASTORAL TIME-USE AND PRIORITIES Each member of the SPRT should complete this assessment. • Determine the four (4) areas you believe your pastor should spend his or her time in the next year with a “+” • Determine four (4) areas he or she should spend very little or no time with a “-” • Determine four (4) areas he or she should give some time with a “0” Pastor– Use the same designation as listed above. The Pastor and SPRT should meet together to discuss and draw a consensus of how a pastor should spend their time. This should be a part of goal setting for the year and done annually as priorities within the local church are always changing and a pastor’s priorities will no doubt have to be flexible.

  28. K. INUMC Annual Assessments An annual assessment for discovering, developing, and deploying fruitfulness in the Indiana Conference. Recommendations for how this assessment can be completed, shared, and used for on-going planning, expectation discussion, goal setting, evaluation, and celebration of ministry.

  29. SPRT “SCENARIO #3” You are a church with an average attendance of 150 however, you have a large number of shut-ins that still support the church. The SPRT has heard from multiple sources that no one is being called on by the pastor. How should the SPRT handle these complaints?

  30. L. The Value of Job Descriptions? It is part of good management Help an organization better understand the experience and skill base needed for success Helps both sides share a common understanding of expectations Help to determine how critical the job is, how this particular job relates to others and identify the characteristics needed by a new employee filling the role Outlines the necessary skills, training and education needed as well as the duties and responsibilities of the job to a potential employee Once a job description is prepared • it can serve a basis for interviewing candidates • orienting a new employee • the evaluation of job performance • can potentially be useful in the terminating of an employee

  31. SPRT “SCENARIO #4” The secretary has told her liaison that she rarely is able to leave the office by 2:00 (her ending time) especially on Friday afternoons because she has to have things done for Sunday worship. One of the team members says that whenever he is around the church he sees her “gabbing” instead of working. How should the SPRT proceed to take care of this issue?

  32. M. The SPRT Relationship with the DS • Provide Spiritual Leadership • Tithe • Refuse to Gossip or Entertain Gossip • Pray for the Pastor / Staff daily • Be Positive • Communicate, communicate, communicate • Be active members in the local church

  33. 1. How to communicate with the DSChairperson of SPRT only Be prepared • When will you most likely be frustrated with your District Superintendent? 3. Things the SPRT can help explain (to the congregation) on behalf of the DS • The appointment process • Why our “former” pastor is not to return to do ministry e.g. weddings, funerals, or baptisms • Why do we require people to identify themselves in dealing with conflict • Why confidentiality is such a big deal • How to relate to the parsonage family

  34. SPRT “SCENARIO #5” The finance chair suspects that the treasurer has committed fraud with the church funds. Two of the SPRT members believe the only Christ-like thing to do is to confront the treasurer about the finance chair concerns. What should be the next step for the SPRT and who should be responsible?

  35. N. BE A MODELING TEAM: SPRT members: A special and unique position: you are able to make a positive difference in the life & health of your pastors and your church. 1. Therefore: Demonstrate that your first commitment is to the pastor’s success towards accomplishing the mission! 2. Accept the privileges of living out the mission and vision of the church and SPRT 3. Act in a Christ-like way. Model discipleship. 4. Affirm and encourage. (“cor” = heart; to encourage is to give heart –discourage is to lose heart). Look for ways to honor and thank staff beyond October.

  36. Be a Modeling Team, cont. 5. Realize your pastors’ gifts and strengths & build those up. Raise up weaknesses – make a plan 6. You have permission to hold ALL staff accountable 7. Be sensitive when talking about the good ‘ole days 8. No negative church business talk at social events 9. If you hear someone criticizing the pastor, ask them if they have spoken to the pastor directly 10. From time to time ask, “How are you doing?” Be genuinely interested in the well being of your shepherd.

  37. Be a Modeling Team, cont. 11. Respect your Pastor’s Sabbath day of rest and day off. Allow for a life outside the church. 12. Make sure your pastors/staff taking care of themselves 13. Ensure that your staff is fairly compensated financially - they are professionals, too 14. Make it known that you are the “safe haven” for your pastors and staff. Your team is where the pastor should be able to dream, set goals, express frustrations & limitations, seek support & encouragement, be challenged, and expect honest feedback. This cannot happen if YOU DON’T allow it to happen and/or confidentiality is breeched.

  38. 15. If there are on-going problems or unhealthy trends happening in your church, be the catalyst for spiritual growth and renewal by ensuring there are opportunities within the congregation to address them 16. Focus on effective communication tools especially to ward off rumors regarding human resource issues, ministries, or change.

  39. SPRT “SCENARIO #6” Your current pastor has been working hard the past 2 years with church leaders and the congregation to embrace the mission of the church. A vision for the direction of ministry has been discerned and ministry teams have been working on goals in alignment with the mission and vision. The SPRT now has to prepare for the pastor’s retirement and are afraid the newly appointed pastor will come in and want to change everything. Is there anything the SPRT can do?

  40. O. HOW TO BEGIN AFTER TODAY: • Each member should take the assessment (pages 10 and 11) and discuss it together as a team at a special meeting for team building only. • Other NEXT STEPS: • Determine the values that you will include in a team covenant and write one as a team • If you already have a team covenant, review and make changes if necessary. Involve new team members in understanding this covenant. All team members should sign a new covenant each year. • Review the 20 specifics tasks of the SPRT and determine if you need clarity or training regarding any of the responsibilities

  41. Next Steps, continued • Define your meeting dates and look at the quarterly break down of responsibilities as you plan • Meet with the pastor and other staff to determine priorities and pastoral goals for the year • Begin the Job Description process or update if necessary. Determine goals for each staff member and set dates for evaluation •  Identify SPRT goals for the year •  Determine best ways to communicate with the congregation when you have SPRT business to share

  42. Evaluation and Additional Training

  43. A Prayer for the SPRT Dear God, As I go about my responsibilities for the SPRT, may I approach each opportunity with both my heartand my mind. I believe that if I put you in the middle of each situation, I will be a bridge builder. Please help me to think, plan, feel, and act on behalf of the whole community not just a segment ofit or for my own selfish desires and preferred preferences. God, I want to commit to the truth without engaging in name calling or blaming. I want to act on the truth that there is more to be gained by appealing to the best in others than to the worst inothers. And as a Team, let us work together to be Christ-like and serve the church by helping to accomplish our vision which in turn should help move the mission of the United Methodist Church: “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” Amen

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