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DVCS and meson production at HERA. Introduction : HERA kinematics Vector meson production and pQCD Heavy VM production DVCS cross section measurements HERA kinematical coverage Cross section measurement strategy Results Future plan. Santorini GPD workshop
DVCS and meson production at HERA • Introduction : HERA kinematics • Vector meson production and pQCD • Heavy VM production • DVCS cross section measurements • HERA kinematical coverage • Cross section measurement strategy • Results • Future plan Santorini GPD workshop 2 Oct 2001, Nomikos Centre, Santorini, Greece Y. Yamazaki (KEK-IPNS) On behalf of the H1 and ZEUS collaborations DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
HERA kinematics for elastic vector meson/photon production proton-dissociative process DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Soft VM production with no hard scale: VDM hadron-hadron collisions between g = VM and p Typical characteristics of the “Pomeron trajectory” Slow rise of the cross section “Shrinkage” in the forward peakb-slope is related to the impact parameter = size of the target/projectileReflecting the ‘blow-up’ of the interaction size with energy increase VM production at HERA (1) soft VDM+Regge DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Soft VM production: in photoproduction • Slow rise behaviour at high energy • Described by DL Pomeron+Reggeon(dashed curve) DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
VM production at HERA: pQCD framework • Hard VM production: expected to be explained by pQCD • Hard scale given by Q2, MV or t • Interaction is viewed in three steps • photon qq dipole • interaction with proton • ‘fragment’ into a VM • Hard scatter of proton and qq via 2-gluon (+ higher order) exchange • non-perturbative input :VM wave function, gluon density • Fast rise of the cross sections in W : steep rise of g(x) towards small x, W2 1/x • Dipole (qq) size is small if a hard scale is available‘blow-up’ of the interaction size not visible small shrinkage DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
QCD behaviour(1): cross section in W • r in photoproduction (PHP):no hard scale • cross section rise slow • for Q2 >> L2 (DIS regime) • hard scale availablerise steeper in Was Q2 becomes larger • Similar rise in J/y PHP to at Q2 MV2 • hard scale from charm mass • VM probes gluons g(x, m2) atm2 = Q2 + MV2 ? • pQCD works ! DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
QCD behaviour(2) : shrinkage in J/y PHP • MV is expected to provide a hard scale • Shrinkage is small (but finite) • DL soft Pomeron is excluded success of pQCD in VM, another evidence DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
GPD in VM production: heavy VMs • GPD is important when a heavy object is involved in the interaction • High-Q2real photon : DVCS • real photon heavy VM : J/y, • Sensitive to the skewness in the gluon density(x1 – x2 ~ 10–2) • in photoproduction measured at HERA DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Effect of GPDs(?) in heavy VM production • Measured cross sections: surprisingly large • Later found that the GPD is (one of) the reasonto enhance the cross section MRT: Martin, Ryskinand TeubnerFMS: Frankfurt, Mcdermott and Strikman • Theories: large factor from GPD (~ 2) • Others: real part of the amplitude, NLO, non-perturbative effect • Should be tested in a clean environment ratio (J/y)/ Theory: LLA, no GPD DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
DVCS at HERA: dominant diagrams • (Perhaps) 2-gluon exchange is dominant in low-x = HERA kinematic range • LO diagrams (Handbag): dominant in high-x(JLab and HERMES) x1 – x2 ~ 0.1 x1 x2 for high-Q2x1 – x2 ~ 10–3 – 10–4 Sensitive to the gluonic skewed parton density DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
QCD-based model predictions at low-x In the framework of FFS (Frankfurt, Freund and Strikman) model: • We want to extract h to access GPD The best way is to measure the cosr like the other experiment … (QED Compton [QEDC] = Bethe-Heitler [BH] ) DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
First objective at HERA: cross section • DVCS at HERA discovered in 1999 (not trivial !) • Current HERA status: establishing the existence of DVCSCross sections are measured [Today’s presentation] • Subtracting BH contributionThe interference term disappear by integrating over r • Benefit at HERA: clear separation betweenthe diffractive (=DVCS) and inelastic processes • High-energy: fully diffractive domain, clear large rapidity gapSmall background from e.g. non-diffractive 0 production • Next step: measuring interference DVCS+BH through cosr asymmetry Why not yet done ? Explanation later Outlook: at the end of the talk DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
DVCS: similar kinematical distribution as (diffractive) DIS most of the events are at low-y, low Q2 in central/forward of LAB frame e' : small-angle scattering BH: g and e' has similar energy e' could go forward Isolating DVCS from BH at HERA e p BH can be normalised using this sample Central-going g: DVCS-enriched sample DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Reconstructing kinematical variables • No track in the event for DVCS-like sample(scattered e' : too low angle, no tracker) Z-position of the vertex not known • Q2, W can be reconstructed with restrictionUnfolding assuming the vertex distribution • No detector to measure the momentum of the outgoing proton • t, fr: need pT of electron & photon,resolution not very good • Therefore: ds/dcosr and ds/dt not yet Challenging measuremnt, A future project DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Photon energyin rear (ZEUS prel.)BH BH-enriched control sample Electron energyand angle (H1) • BH is QED calculable … used for controlingthe detector response • ZEUS: Normalisation of BH fixed using thissample (uncertaintyin proton-dissociative process) Both positron and photon properties are well describedby BH MC – OK to normalise BH DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
DVCS-enriched sample • Contains both DVCS and BH • Normalisation of BH determinedin the previous sample Clear excessover BH in low W(ZEUS prel.) BH After subtracting BH, DVCS describes the Q2 distributionof the data DVCS+BH describesphoton property well (H1) GenDVCS (FFS) DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
DVCS cross sections by H1 BandsshowB-slopeuncertainty( ds/dt ~ e Bt5 < B < 9 GeV–2 ) FFS: Frankfurt,Freund and StrikmanDD: Donnachie and Dosch • Good description by both pQCD-based models in Q2 and WBasic framework by pQCD seems OK ! • Providing a testing ground for models e.g. NLO (large at low Q2 ?) DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
DD model • Similar to the vector meson models • coupling of a dipole and a photon through wave functions • cross section of dipole-protonparameterised using pp data • the W dependence of the interaction is given bysoft+hard Pomeron model convolution of dipole and(real/virtual) photon wave functions Interaction viasoft+hard Pomeron DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
DVCS cross section from ZEUS (prel.) • Again in good agreement with pQCD(here: B-slope is assumed to be 4.5 GeV–2 data not corrected for the proton-dissociative, ~ 20 %) DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Outlook(1): measuring interference • Challenge in experimental technique for measurements • Understanding detector resolution to measure fr out of pT balance, but we try with current data • Good news: Z-vertex position can be reconstructed by H1 BST (Backward Silicon Tracker), installed in 1997 • Sign change of the interference term • e+ and e– :Most of the HERA data before 2000 by e+ (~ 100pb–1), e– smaller (~ 16pb –1)Similar e– and e+ sample from Lumi-Upgraded HERA (HERA II)Start Dec/2001, expect 1fb–1 • PolarisationNo data so far, butAlmost all the data from HERAII will be polarised DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Outlook(2): p' by upgraded H1 FPS • Very high tagging efficiency: essentially 100 %in the fiducial xP (= x1 + x2) range • t, f measurement gives complementary information to the (t, f ) reconstruction by the central detector : 0.4rad t: 0.1 GeV2 0 0.5 0 0.5 |t| (GeV2) |t| (GeV2) 4-5 bins in t, 5-6 bins in f DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop
Summary • Vector meson production with a hard scale: described by pQCD • steep rise in W, small shrinkage etc. • Large excess of the VM cross section over LO QCD • Effect of the skewed parton density ? • DVCS at HERA, cross section measured • Good agreement with theory, again the pQCD framework seems OKCross section will provide constrain to the models (e.g. NLO correction) • Next step: t and fr reconstruction DVCS and meson production at HERA, Santorini GPD workshop