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is a national examination in Finland taken near the end of high school which serves as a necessary qualification for startin academical studies in a university. Matriculation examination. The exam can be taken in all subjects excluding arts , music and physical education .
is a national examination in Finland takennear the end of highschoolwhichserves as a necessaryqualification for startin academicalstudies in a university Matriculationexamination
The examcanbetaken in allsubjectsexcludingarts, music and physicaleducation. • One MUST examinate at leastfinnish (orswedishor saame depending on studentsnativelanguage) and 3 othersubjects. • The resultswillbeexpressedusing the followingLatinwords (from the best to worst): laudatur (L) eximia cumlaude approbatur (E) magna cum laude approbatur (M) cum laude approbatur (C ) lubenter approbatur (B) approbatur (A) improbatur (= failed, I)
Matriculationexaminationcanbetakentwotimes per year. • Some of the subjectslikemath, swedish and finnishhavespecificexamdays. • Otherlanguagesand theoreticalsubjectssuch as history, physics, philosophy etc. Canbeexaminatedduring general examdays. • During a single examday, studentcanexaminateonlyonesubject. • One mustcompleteallmandatorycourses of the subject in order to take the exam.