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Regimental Commander's Matriculation Day Brief - The Citadel 2017

Regimental Commander's briefing for matriculation day at The Citadel on 12th August 2017, covering preparation, reception, move-in procedures, timeline, supplies, communication, uniforms, and more.

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Regimental Commander's Matriculation Day Brief - The Citadel 2017

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Matriculation Day12 AUG 2017 Developing Principled Leaders since 1842 C/Col. Dillon Graham, Commanding Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  2. Mission To receive and process the incoming Class of 2021 in a professional and timely manner within an atmosphere that best represents The Citadel’s core values: Honor, Duty, Respect. Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  3. General Overview Phase I - Preparation Phase II - Reception Phase III - Move-In Procedures Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  4. Weather Conditions Temperature: High of 88 degrees, Low of 77 Chance of Rain:50% Humidity:80% High Tide: 0430 Sunrise: 0641 As of 8/10/17 Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  5. Timeline 0700-1000 - 4Cs reports 1015- Parents depart barracks 1030- Barracks locked 0900-1030 - Information Fair in MFH 0900-1030 – Continental Breakfast for Parents (MFH) 1045-1145 - President’s Address (MFH) Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  6. Set-Up Timeline 0600 -HAC Cadets in place -Road Guards in place 0630 -1SGs and Co Clerks in place -Supply Staff in place -Recruiting Staff in place (with admissions) Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  7. Cadre Timeline 0500-0630- Speedline breakfast 0615-0630- Cadre changes into PT’s and ready uniform items 0630-0645- PLs inspect cadre in barracks 0645-0650- Cadre will report back to their room and remain there 1040- Cadre moves to position outside designated sally port 1050- Cadre formation outside designated sally port (See map) 1100- Cadre formed outside of Battalion awaiting order from Reg Ops to step off 1105- Movement initiated (One designated person from each BN will call cadence) 1110- Enter the barracks led by BN XO Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  8. Cadre Formations 5 3 4 2 1

  9. Cadre Timeline cont. 1110-1120- PSG will introduce their cadre and conduct squad accountability 1120-1125- Cadre will form the 4C in to their respective squads 1125- BN XO will initiate march to mess 1125 - Cadre march 4Cs to Mess Hall 4C will be directed to seats by Supply Staff and LTC Barton 1130-1215- 4Cs eat mess (Cadre [only Officers/SGTs] eat in RCRR) 1215- Cadre prepare for formations 1230-1245- Cadre will form up and take accountability 1245- Cadre march 4Cs from lunch by company to the next meeting 1230-1400- UC Cadets mess ([Including CPLs] Speedline downstairs) Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  10. Phase I- Preparation Keys and key cards will be filled out by 2100 on Thursday (10 Aug) Supply ensures serviceability of equipment by COB Thursday (10 Aug) BN commanders have initiated barracks cleaning details; all incoming 4C rooms will be cleaned by 1900 Friday (11 Aug) All stations will be set up by COB Thursday(10 Aug) Including 1SG, Supply and Admissions tables Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  11. Supplies • 35 Blue Citadel Blankets (supplied by companies) • 21 at Company Tables • 10 at Admissions Tables • 4 at HAC • 21 water coolers for relief rooms (with disposable cups) • 19 Small Radios • 3 Large Motorola Radios • 1 for S1 NCO, XO and CSM • 150 traffic cones • 8 traffic sawhorses • 30 road guard vest • 2 Shuttle Vans from Central Supply • 4 Golf carts • 33 large tables (folding legs) • 5 for Admissions • 24 for Supply • 4 for HAC • 21 small tables (supplied by companies) • 21 rolls of blue tape • 21 Markers • 21 Company Letter Posts Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  12. Supply Tables Four company Supply NCOs and 2 Armorers per table BN Supply Officer inquiring extra supplies through Regt. Supply BN Supply NCO - escort females to Cadet Store if needed for those who have not been measured. 1 Armorer per BN - full PT’s as an example for 4Cs 1 Armorer per BN - restock the tables with boxes/non-fitted items Supply tables will be in designated locations Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  13. Supply Tables Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  14. Communications Regimental Ops will ensure constant radio communications between Regimental S1-S4 Regimental Supply, Ops, and Provost will be moving about campus ensuring all details are in place and that operations are running smoothly BN SGMs will be in contact with SGM Yagle regarding real time roster changes Road guards will be in contact with S-2 throughout the morning Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  15. Uniforms Cadre – Duty w/Garrison (white gloves)  Road Guards – Summer leave w/gloves, waist plate/sash, vest, carry raincoat Provost will inspect road guards at 0600 on 2nd BN pad All Matriculation details- Summer Leave and sash/waist plate (No White Gloves) 1SG (no gloves), Co Clerks (wear gloves) Inspection by CO’s/XO’s and PL’s of all personnel within their Companies and Battalions before 0630 NO BLITZED BRASS No personalization of uniforms Inclement Weather Uniform: wear raincoat Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  16. Walk Through Thursday (10 Aug) 1730 - Meeting/orientation for all detail cadets Walk through scheduled for Friday (11 Aug) from 0830 to 0945 Begin at intersection of Moultrie and Rutledge Streets, following the direction of road guards to Holliday Alumni Center HAC “maze” will be set up with road guards in place NLT 0800 Follow designate course onto campus Once on campus, road guards will direct vehicles to assigned battalions Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  17. Walk Through Company XOs ensure correctness and efficiency of their area of operations inside battalions Company COs will inspect all equipment within their companies and battalions by 0800 Friday (11 Aug) All deficiencies will be fixed by COB Friday (11 Aug) Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  18. PHASE II- Reception Starts at 0700 on Saturday, (12 Aug) Cars will be directed through the “maze” into two separate lanes for company assignments (22 road guards total) 4Cs will receive CO/BN assignments from S-1 staff at the HAC 14 person Admin detail will be at HAC receiving the incoming 4C Each BN will be color coded with the letter of the company that the 4C is supposed to report to 1BN= Blue 2BN= Yellow 3BN= White 4BN= Red 5BN= Green (see next slide) 2 Ops Clerk will shuttle those 4th Classmen who do not have transport from HAC to BN Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  19. 1 BN 2 BN 3 BN 4 BN 5 BN Color Card Diagram Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief


  21. -Admin -Road Guards

  22. Road Guards • Provost NCO Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  23. Traffic / Curb Detail BN Provosts are leading curb details to enforce the “unload, then park” procedure, along with the help of CFA BNs parking are as follows to sort traffic flow 1st =  Infirmary Lot 2nd = Infirmary Lot 3rd = Tennis Lot 4th = Infirmary Lot/Tennis 5th = Lot on South Side of Stevens OVERFLOW to Kovats Lot/Altman/Letellier lot ALL CADETS ARE REMINDED – All vehicles moved to MUSC Parking Garage by 2230 Friday (11 Aug), except PT Barracks parking. NO WHERE ELSE IS AUTHORIZED Off campus road guards will be accompanied by campus security and state constables Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  24. PHASE III- Move-In Procedure COs/PMs/CFA personnel will greet parents at the curb COs/PMs/CFA will direct 4Cs to place their belongings on sidewalk before reporting to admission table in front of their Battalion 4Cs will then be directed to report to their Admissions table 4Cs will then be directed to their 1SGs table They will then be issued room keys and turn in forms Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  25. All Cell phones will be powered down and alarms turned off Guidons will be given to 4th classmen by clerks while in line to see the 1SG First Sergeant Procedures The seal will be centered on the tables facing away from 1SGT All Cell Phones will remain with TACs CLERK Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  26. Blanket Placement on 1SG Table Incorrect Correct Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  27. Move-In Procedure After reporting to the 1SG, 4Cs will then proceed to the non-sized issue area After receiving non-sized issue items, they move into their rooms Human Affairs will be positioned on fourth division of each BN to help 4Cs find their rooms 4Cs will retrieve curbside belongings in civilian attire with parents and move to their rooms HA will then make sure they change into the correct PT Uniform after moving all items in Upon wearing PTs, NO 4C leaves BN Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  28. Move-In Procedure 1030-1110- Human Affairs will also make sure they have the correct items in their “knobby pouch” and Camelbaks full of water 0900, 0930, 1000 - All Call to remind parents of the Informational Fair in McAlister Field House 1015- parents will be asked to exit the barracks 1020- Guards will announce the barracks are closed and the gates will be closed half way 1030- gates will be closed 1100- completion of Phase II 1115- HA will form up 4th classmen along company squad lines Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  29. Accountability 1015 SGMs will collect accountability of the incoming 4C SGMs will compare rosters with those in Admissions Completed rosters will be submitted to C/CSM 1000 1SGs will clean up company area and put away the equipment used for matriculation 1145 Equipment Accountability under Provost & Supply supervision at 1st BN Pad Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  30. Special Considerations Each BN Religious Officer will serve as a First Responder in each BN Cadets will be looking for any medical issues due to heat or unknown circumstances Emergency services will be contacted if needed First responder certified cadets will be on standby Each BN Academic Officer will serve as an Elevator Operator BN Guard Shacks and individual rooms near each company’s letter will be used as a Relief Room with a water point for injured or parents in need In case of on campus threat Public Safety and Charleston Police will be on call Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  31. Inclement Weather All tables will be moved onto galleries: to include 1st Sgt table and supply tables Decision will be made early in the day at Commandant’s staff’s discretion Prescribed uniform - wear raincoat Flooding deemed extreme by the Commandant’s Department will result in… Retrieval of off campus guards Potential postponed in processing Degree of cancellations determined by severity Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  32. Inclement Heat Plan If conditions reach Red or Black Flag, consideration for inclement weather plan will be taken Supply additional water sources to off campus guards Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  33. Alternate Route:Hampton Park Route Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

  34. Final Remarks Emphasis on time hacks Collaboration and communication Preparedness of all staff and cadre Questions? Regimental Commander’s Matriculation Day Brief

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