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HOW OVERFISHING AFFECTS BIODIVERSITY. Marine Biodiversity (Biological Diversity in Salt or Brackish Water). The scientific study of all organisms in the ocean or other bodies of water. There are many lands but only one sea. Over Fishing. To Fish (a body of water) to such a degree
Marine Biodiversity(Biological Diversity in Salt or Brackish Water) • The scientific study of all organisms in the • ocean or other bodies of water. • There are many lands but only one sea.
Over Fishing • To Fish (a body of water) to such a degree • as to upset the ecological balance or cause • depletion of living creatures. • A greater variety of species at a higher • trophic level is exploited in the sea than • on land.
Kahawai Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Family: Arripidae Genus: Arripis Species: Arripis xylabion There are two species of Kahawai present in New Zealand waters Arripis trutta and Northern Kahawai Arripis xylabion. “Kahawai is an excellent fighter, leaping higher, more often and running further and faster than many trout of comparable size. A fish of this size can take up to an hour or even more to land.” (Neil Illingworth 1961)
Chain Food White Fronted Tern Sterna striata Tara Pilchard Sardinopsneopilchardus Mohimohi Kahawai Arripis xylabion Kingfish Seriola lalandi Haku Smelt Hypomesus transpacificus Inanga Zooplankton Copepod Calanus australis Krill Euphausiid Nyctiphanes australis Seaweed Common Kelp Ecklonia radiata Phytoplankton Diatom Chaetoceros decipiens
WHITE FRONTED TERN Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Charadriiformes Family: Sternidae Genus: Sterna Species: Sterna striata Maori Name: Tara Sadly less White Fronted Terns are seen “working” nowadays as has been in the past as the schools of Kahawai are decimated by purse seine fishing boats.
ECOLOGICAL NICHE Kahawai Out Barracouta In • Kahawai have been displaced from their ecological niche through • overfishing. • New Zealand Barracouta have discovered their potential niche.
REFRENCES • Zeigler,D (2007). Understanding Biodiversity,Praeger, Westport • Wood, P (1993). The Sea, Greenpeace, David and Charles, Newton, Devon • Macquitty, Dr. M (1995). Oceans, Harper Collins, London • Birdlife International (2011) Species Fact Sheet: Sterna striata. • http://www.birdlife.org accessed on 02/05/2011 • Seafriends: Saving our Seas: http://www.seafriends.org.nz accessed on • 28/04/2011 • http://www.option4.co.nz accessed on 10/04/2011 • Making a stand for Kahawai: http://www.stuff.co.nz accessed on 18/04/2011 • Images: http://www.google.co.nz accessed on 03/05/2011