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Strategy to Support Affiliated Capacity Development Networks

Strategy to Support Affiliated Capacity Development Networks. By Network Support Working Group Indij Damian Valeria Mendoza Kees Leendertse Callist Tindimugaya Lakshman Galagedara. The Process: Discussion started soon after the managers meeting in Costa Rica-2012

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Strategy to Support Affiliated Capacity Development Networks

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  1. Strategy to Support Affiliated Capacity Development Networks By Network Support Working Group Indij Damian Valeria Mendoza Kees Leendertse Callist Tindimugaya Lakshman Galagedara

  2. The Process: • Discussion started soon after the managers meeting in Costa Rica-2012 • The first draft was developed by Damian and the group gave comments • The group met in Delft and discussed • Comments were given by the group • The group met on Oct 16-17, 2013 in Rio • Finalize the draft document • Submit to the managers meeting in Bali, 2013

  3. Objective of this strategic paper To provide strategic direction regarding the various forms in which Cap-Net can support its affiliated networks for the period 2014 to 2017. The draft document is being presented today for discussion, adjustment, and approval.

  4. Cap-Net´s Programme Objectives: • Capacity Development [CD] • Strengthening Partnerships [SP] • Knowledge Management [KM]

  5. Current Cap-Net support for network strengthening and delivery • Strengthening the networks through CD includes: • Core support for network functions • Guidance from the Cap-Net secretariat • Networks peer review and learning • Network management tools and training materials • Contacts and guidance for partnerships development • Participation in network managers meetings

  6. International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management • Strengthening the networks through CD includes: • Participationin relevant events for water sector capacity development as the World Water Week and others • Strengthening network members trough participation in various thematic trainings, including ToT´s. • Support attachments of network members at the Cap-Net secretariat for a 3 month learning period

  7. International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management • Financial "core support" for running a network: • Support for specific costs of their own management • History shows a high in-kind contribution from members at the level of network management: • Office space • Communications (telephone, internet) • Use of PC, printing facilities • Graphic and web design and maintenance • Organisation of meetings at country or local levels • Staff support for administration

  8. Financial "core support" for running a network: There are many options [financial or in-kind] for core support beyond the CapNet’s support. These may come from other donors, host institutions and or possible membership fees. Cap-Net has been providing funds to affiliated networks in the form of "core support". Specific amounts and uses have been discussed on a year basis at Cap-Net´s network managers meeting.

  9. Financial "core support" for running a network: The criteria for network support for 2013 agreed at the Costa Rica meeting, 2012), is as follows. • Ceiling: • USD 25,000 for national networks and 31,000 for regional networks • Networks have to submit annual work plans and reports. An accompanying budget for network core support is to be submitted.

  10. International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management Financial "core support" for running a network: • Use of core support: • Networking function of the secretariat • Cover meetings of membership or steering committees • Core support is to be reported against the agreed contract with Cap-Net. • Additional USD 2,500 per network - MELP. • Network manager – to attend national or regional event per year [as part of support for strengthening networks]

  11. International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management Support for delivery of CD activities: • Courses, trainings, workshops: • Proposals to Cap-Net for support to CD activities • The maximum level of 50% of an agreed budget, subject to availability of funds. • The objective is to distribute Cap-Net support across eligible networks and activities • In 2013 - USD 15,000 per activity is used as an indication for planning purposes only. • The above funding limit however is not applicable to ToTs Trainers courses. • Case studies: • For CD and its impact, and/or development of best practices for capacity development – Financial support USD 2000/case

  12. Revising the Network Support Strategy • Strengthening the networks through CD • This support is working very well (CN provides tools, instruments and coordination services) • In addition to the previously mentioned supports, future supports could includes; • Cap-Net´s virtual campus • Courses for NM and SC members (strategic planning, people mgt, leadership; ICT) • Support for NM to attend specific trainings (NW Mgt., knowledge managements, etc.

  13. Revising the Network Support Strategy Strengthening the networks through CD Expectations by CN Secretariat and NM  attachments of network members at the CN secretariat (3 months) – support to the NW TOTs – those who participate need to provide follow up activities in the region/country. These are to strengthen the implementation capacities of NWs. Should not be seen as benefits to an individual but rather to the whole network

  14. Core support for network management • Cap-Net is externally funded – limited funds • Allocation decisions - affect different programme areas and commitments with the donors. • At the moment, there are around 25 networks from country and regional levels & formally affiliated to Cap-Net • Effectiveness of Cap-Net support depends on NW’s ability to leverage support from other partners (regional and local level). • Core support is not aimed at funding the full operations of the networks, but expects to increase its strengths and effectiveness with support from partners

  15. Cap-Net strategy of allocating "Core Support" for more than 10 years has shown very good results: • Independency and ownership of each network • key is avoiding a corporate type of structure • ensures that networks respond to their own members • provide CD needs on the ground very effectively • Cap-Net has proven to be a bottom-up programme

  16. Cap-Net strategy of allocating "Core Support" for more than 10 years has shown very good results: • recognises the need for funding support for running networks • this support has been increasing • recognizes the common understanding for the way networks operate and their needs • part of the trust building • high level of collaboration found in Cap-Net.

  17. Cap-Net strategy of allocating "Core Support”.....: • It encourages networks to find additional support for their development. • recognises many in-kind contributions of NWs • NWs may even have access to further management funds (from members/partners, or other funded programs in which they participate) •  NWs have shown the financial efficiency and delivering effectiveness over last 10 years

  18. International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management Recommendations for core support: 1. For the next 4 years, the core support for networks will be 15% of the overall budget of the Cap-Net (current core support is 10% of the 2013 budget and so the increase to 15% is substantial to maintain minimum network functionality. Prorate adjustments to current network core support allocations will be made in case the budget is drastically reduced. 2. Division of allocations to network is at a ratio of 45:55 for national and regional networks respectively, of any funds allocated for network support.

  19. Recommendations for core support: 3. Eligible networks are those affiliated to Cap-Net and do not receive substantial funding for network management from other sources. Networks have to submit annual work plans and reports. An accompanying budget for network core support is to be submitted. 4. If any network needs core support for any year, it should submit its work plan before the managers’ meeting in the previous year to guarantee that they will get this support. For budget purposes, it is assumed that an average of around 15 networks will be supported annually. If more money is received by the Cap-Net, networks will get more support and vice versa.

  20. Recommendations for core support: 5. Networks are supposed to apply for all the network support at once and be made as part of their annual network support contract. 6. Cap-Net will ensure that networks which get the core support deliver as expected in the contract. This will be managed by Cap-Net Secretariat as part of their management responsibility.

  21. Recommendations for core support: 7. Use of core support is for contribution to networking function of the secretariat, and to cover meetings of membership or steering committees. Core support is to be reported against the agreed contract with Cap-Net. Additional USD 2,500 per network is available for implementing MELP. Coverage of attendance by the network manager of one national or regional event per year will be supported separately by the Cap-Net as part of support for strengthening networks.

  22. Recommendation for activity support: Activity area 1: Delivery of CD activities: 50% co- funding will be maintained. Activity area 2: Delivery of CD through strengthening networks, for example by holding TOTs: co-funding will also be required, but the 50% limit of Cap-Net support will not apply . Activity area 3: Case studies in support of CD will be maintained at a rate of $2000 per case

  23. Guidance on where Cap-Net funding can be applied:

  24. Guidance on where Cap-Net funding can be applied:

  25. Guidance on where Cap-Net funding can be applied:

  26. International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management Thank you all And Open for Discussion

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