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Super Giant X-Ray Binaries (SGXB) & Super-giant Fast X-Ray Transient (SFXT) different type of HMXBs. HMXB are X-Ray sources composed by young massive stars accreting on a compact companion (BH, NS or WD)
Super Giant X-Ray Binaries (SGXB)&Super-giant Fast X-Ray Transient (SFXT)different type of HMXBs HMXB are X-Ray sources composed by young massive stars accreting on a compact companion (BH, NS or WD) A subclass contains an early type supergiant accreting via wind (SGXB): they are bright and persistent (12 known before Integral). Integral detect new SGXBs, but highly absorbed and mixture of persistent and variable, with slow, weakly magnetised NS as companion A new subclass of SGXB is emerging characterised by FAST TRANSIENT behaviour, namedSupergiant Fast X-Ray Transient (SFXT): Sharp rise, complex time profile (multi peack) with absorbed spectra (lines?); fit compatible with pwl+cut-off or thermal breemsstrahlung, Lx~10exp36 at peack. What are they?: possibly wind clamps on accretion disk in a wide orbit NS system to explain low emission during quiescence ~ 10 exp 32
Super Giant X-Ray Binaries (SGXB)&Super-giannt Fast X-Ray Transient (SFXT)different type of HMXBs The luminosity is very low when off and they are difficult to see also with XMM and Chandra The spectrum is complex in X-ray and difficult to observe if not triggered by ASM or Integral becouse of thye short on-time One shows recurrent outburst with perdiod of 330 days >>> orbit period? Why ESTREMO: to catch and study the spectral and time evolution when on; periods of ON are from 1/2 hour to 31 hour: Important is total absorption vs time >> accretion process physics Line or absorption feature >> material of the wind, velocity and line width Spectral shape and evolution with time is a signature of the accretion process: power law >> Jet, magnetic reconnection in disk?- plasma ejection?; thermal/non thermal Comptonisation >> electron population; High energy tail >> disentangle between steep power law, thermal, comptonosation
INTEGRAL/IBISTRANSIENT IBIS 2nd catalogue lists 43 transient sources on 209 detections→ 25% Contrary to BeppoSAX result: 20 HMXB 21 LMXB 2? The sample is based on 2 years monitoring, 10 Msec and 50% of sky coverage Sources have average flux in between 1-200 mCrab in the 20-40 keV band BeppoSAX/WFC monitored 36 active LMXB transients with peak in between 10-12000mCrab, duration 0.1-1700 d on 6 years monitoring of the sky within 20 degree from G.C. for a total of 6 Msec Differences with BeppoSAX are due either to energy band & source nature (highly absorbed) and to sky coverage
Supergiant Fast X-ray transient ←Data base Sky distribution→
Discovery of transient source with Be companion was expected since they represent the larger class of HMXB in the Galaxy. INTEGRAL with the GPS regular scans and instrument characteristic has discovered this 2 other kinds of HMXB with supergiant companion missed by previous Mission because of Energy range/sensitivity Sky coverage Association with High Mass X-Ray Binary is due to either identification at optical/infrared wawelenghts with blu supergiant or Be star or based on their X-ray properties typical of HMXB e.g. periodic pulsation or hard x-γ spectra Supergiant HMXB (SGXBs) are believed to be rare objects because of very short lifetime of stars in supergiant phase only ~ 12 have been discovered so far associated to persistent and bright X-ray sources INTEGRAL is now detecting a new subclass of SGXBs labelled as Supergiant Fast X-ray transient (SFXT) characterized by outbursts lasting less that a day, typically few hours Outbursts from 10sources detected so far, 4 recently optically identified as SGXRB 6still unclassified but sharing similarities
Sources and characteristics IGR J 11215-5952, identified as supergiant, archival data show recurrent outburst spaced by intervals of 330 days !!!one of the few covered also by X-ray data 5-100 keV spectrum well described by a cut-off power law (α=0.5), cut-off energy ~ 15-20 KeV, luminosity ~3x 10 36 erg/s. Observed with RXTE as outburst exepected 15-18 march giving p=329 day!! PCA data spectrum in the 2.5-15 keV consistent with either a bhc in hard state or accreting puòlsar , NH =(11±3) x 10 22 cm-2 IGR J 16195-4945, 3outbursts with duration0.5-1.5 h and peak 35 mCrab IGR J 16418-4532 2 outburst duration 1h and peak at 80 mCrab IGR J 16479-4514 8 outbursts, durtaion 0.5-3.5 h , peak 60-850 mCrab IGR J 17391-3021=XTE 1739-302, 6 outburst with duration 0.5-14h peak flux 60-450 mCrab IGR J 17407-28081 outburst alsting 3 minutes and peak 800 mCrab
XTE J 1743-363 1 outburst with duration 2.5 h and peak 40 mCrab IGR J 1749.1-27331 outburst with duration 31 h and peak 40 mCrab IGR J 17544-2619 5 outburst with duration0.5-10h peak flux 70-400 mCrab IGR J 18410-0535=AX1814.1-0536, 3 outburst with duration 1.1-7 h 120 mCrab X-ray simultaenous observation are missed most of the time
Most X-ray transients, wheter in HM or LM X-ray binaries display outbursts lasting from a few weeks to months. Such durations are compatible with viscous timescaless in a typical accretion disc. Fast outbursts must be due to a completly different mechanism. Now we showed that at least a fraction of the recurrent fast transient are associated with luminous OB stars, suggesting the mass transfer mechanism feeding the accretion compact object is a radiative wind. We remind that not every sources showing short X-ray outburst may be assigned to SFXT: Flare stars, RS CVn binaries and superbursts in LMXB have similar duration , thogh rather different luminosity and lightcurve.
Main BeppoSAX/WFC Highlights: • Superburst, new phenomenon with long duration (several h) • rare (recurrence time ~ 1 y) • energetic( 10 42 ergs) • possibly due to unstable burning of a thick layer of carbon • X-ray flashes, new class of transient event • lasting several seconds to tens of second • spectral behaviour differes markedly from type I burst and • emission profile resembling x-ray afterglow of GRB • Main IBIS results (so far) • Supergiant Fast X-ray transient • recurrent transients characterized by short outburst lasting only few hours • Highly absorbed persistent (mainly) and transient sources often showing periodic pulsations