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CO Controls Super User Training. Welcome and Ground Rules. Have fun and enjoy the opportunities we have to contribute to SBBC’s future success! Please turn off or silence cell phones and pagers Please do not read or send email messages during class time
Welcome and Ground Rules • Have fun and enjoy the opportunities we have to contribute to SBBC’s future success! • Please turn off or silence cell phones and pagers • Please do not read or send email messages during class time • Respect those speaking and asking questions by keeping side discussions to a minimum • Please do not interrupt the person speaking • We will start, break, and end on time • All unanswered questions will be placed in the “Parking Lot” and answers will be distributed later
Logistics Before we get started ...
Classroom Materials Exercises BRITE (Let Me) Concepts (Tell Me) Demonstrations (Show Me)
At the end of this course, you should be able to: Create CO Master Data Enter a Manual Allocation Enter Direct Activity Allocation Display and drill down on CO documents Display Activity Type Report Observe assessment cycles –design and execution Observe distribution cycles –design and execution Change Standard Hierarchy Lock CO Periods Course Objectives
BRITE What is BRITE? Broward Innovative Tool for Education, will streamline Broward’s business systems It provides staff with access and real-time data in the latest version of the SAP software. BRITE brings one business system to Broward Schools. BRITE is a project of the Enterprise Resource Planning Department, ERP.
SAP BRITE Website • For end users, SAP will now be accessed through the web. • On Windows-based computers, you will access SAP in Internet Explorer. • There will be a button to access SAP on the ERP Department web page: www.broward.k12.fl.us/erp Click this button to Access the BRITE Portal
Logging Into the BRITE Portal • User Login ID • Entry format = P00012345 • 8 digits starting with the letter p • Personnel Number 12345 • If personnel number is less than • 8 characters, then add leading zero(s) • Password (first time users only) • Entry format= JA021956 • MM = first 2 letters of birth month (JA) • DD = 2-digit birth day (02) • YYYY = 4-digit year of birth (1956)
Initial Password Selection You will click here to change your password
Portal Assistance If you have trouble logging into the Portal, select “Get Support”. Select “Get Support” to Request a New Password
BRITE Portal Screen Single sign on access to systems you need to do your work, including SAP (that means one password!) Tabs in the Portal screen will be customized based on the user’s role All users will have access to the Home and Employee Self Service (ESS) tabs
SAP Access via the BRITE Portal You will select this tab
OKKS – Set Controlling Area • Use this procedure to establish the Controlling Area for the CO module used the School Board of Broward County. • Perform this procedure when the Controlling Area has not been set. The School Board of Broward County will be using one Controlling Area, “SBBC”.
KS01 – Create Cost Center • Use this procedure to create “new” cost centers. Cost Centers are the main component of the CO master data. They represent the lowest organizational level at the School Board of Broward County where cost responsibility will reside.
KS01 – Create Cost Center • Only Food Service Cost Centers must have the Plant and Storage Locations filled in: • Plant 5000 • Storage Location = MSID
Demonstration Scenario: Create Cost Center Transaction Code: KS01 New Department: 9876 Division: Chief Financial Officer Name: Training Cost Center # Exercise: Workstation 1: CC 9875 Workstation 2: CC 9874 Workstation 3: CC 9873 Workstation 4: CC 9872
KS02 – Change Cost Center Name: Training Cost Center #.2 Exercise: Training Cost Center #.2
KS04 – Delete Cost Center • Perform this procedure when there is a need to delete a cost center. Cost Centers should only be deleted if a Create Transaction (KS01) was entered in error and should not remain in the Cost Center Hierarchy. No postings should have been entered against the Cost Center.
KSH1 – Create Cost Center Group • Use this procedure to build cost center hierarchy groups, which summarize the decision-making, responsibility, and control areas according to the particular requirements of the organization. The individual cost centers are attached to the lowest hierarchical node level.
Demonstration Scenario: Create Cost Center Group Transaction Code: KSH1 New Group: Elementary Group # Exercise: (3 elementary schools) Workstation 1: Workstation 2: Workstation 3: Workstation 4:
KO01 – Create Internal Order • Use this procedure to create “new” Internal Orders. Internal Orders are cost collectors similar to Cost Centers; however, unlike Cost Centers, Internal Orders are temporary in nature.
Demonstration Scenario: Create Internal Order Transaction Code: KO01 Internal Order #: OB09708005 IO Name: Training Internal Order # Responsible CC: Financial Reporting Exercise: Workstation 1: 001 Workstation 2: 002 Workstation 3: 003 Workstation 4: 004
KA06 – Create Secondary Cost Element • Use this procedure to create a new secondary cost element for use in the monthly chargeback process or for processing other type of charges such as the ones generated by Service Providers.
Demonstration Scenario: Create Secondary Cost Element Transaction Code: KA06 Cost Element #: 99105105 Cost Element: Training CE 105 Category: Assessment Exercise: Workstation 1: 99105101 Workstation 2: 99105102 Workstation 3: 99105103 Workstation 4: 99105104
KL01 – Create Activity Type • The activity type classifies specific activities provided by a sending cost center ( Service Provider Cost center like BECON ) for purposes of cost allocation.
Demonstration Scenario: Create Activity Type Transaction Code: KL01 Activity Type: BZ0005 Name: Binding 5 Act Unit: Each CCtr Cat: W ATyp Cat: 1 Cost Element: (created in earlier exercise) Price Ind.: 3 Exercise: Workstation 1: BZ0001 Workstation 2: BZ0002 Workstation 3: BZ0003 Workstation 4: BZ0004
KK01 – Create Statistical Key Figure (SKF) • Use this procedure to create a statistical key figure (SKF), for example, the square footage for SBBC’s buildings. This statistical key figure could be used later as a basis of cost allocations (assessment cycles in SAP).
Demonstration Scenario: Create SKF Transaction Code: KK01 SKF: T105 Name: Cell Phone # UOM: each Category: Fixed Exercise: Workstation 1: T101 Workstation 2: T102 Workstation 3: T103 Workstation 4: T104
KB31N – Enter Statistical Key Figure (SKF) • Use this procedure to enter (i.e. post) quantities for various statistical key figures. Statistical key figure (SKF) is used as a basis for internal allocations, such as settlements and assessments.
Demonstration Scenario: Enter SKF Transaction Code: KB31N SKF: T105 Quantity: 3 Rec Cost Center: 1320097250 Fund: 4110 Functional Area: 7601000000000000 Exercise: Workstation 1: T101 Workstation 2: T102 Workstation 3: T103 Workstation 4: T104
KP26 – Chg Plan Data for Activity Types • Use this procedure to input a new or change an existing activity price. As the activity price needs to be maintained as a combination of Cost center and Activity Type.
KP26 – Chg Plan Data for Activity Types • Entering the price manually through KP26
Demonstration Scenario: Change Plan Data Transaction Code: KP26 Version: 0 Periods: 1 to 12 Fiscal year: 2008 Cost Center: BECON Activity Type: BZ0005 (AT created earlier) Exercise: Workstation 1: BZ0001 Workstation 2: BZ0002 Workstation 3: BZ0003 Workstation 4: BZ0004
KB15N – Enter Manual Allocations • Perform this procedure for either (a) Inter-Departmental Billing (one Sender to one Receiver) or (b) when an error has been made during the posting of an Assessment Cycle.
Demonstration Scenario: Enter Manual Allocation Transaction Code: KB15N Cost Element: Printing Service Amount: $35.00 (Business Cards #5) Sending CC: Printing Svcs. Fund: 7910 Func Area: 7760000000000000 Rec Cost Center: Elementary School (write it down) Fund: 1000 Functional Area: 7301000000000000 Exercise: Workstation 1: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________ Workstation 2: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________ Workstation 3: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________ Workstation 4: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________ Doc #______________
KB17N – Reverse Manual Allocations • Use this procedure to reverse a manual cost allocation (posted using transaction KB15N), for example, if that posting was done in error.