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A Semantic-Frame-based Comparative Pilot Study German-Korean. Aims. To construct a bilingual Lexicon based on database entries of English lexical units and those German and Korean translation equivalents and corpus examples
A Semantic-Frame-based Comparative Pilot Study German-Korean Sanghee Kwon
Aims • To construct a bilingual Lexicon based on database entries of English lexical units and those German and Korean translation equivalents and corpus examples • To create a electronic resources as hyper- lexicon using XML, XSLT and Hypertext • To put the hyper-lexicon as teaching and learing material into the practice namely into German and Korean language courses Sanghee Kwon
Data • Lexical units of Commercial Transaction and Motion frames • Source of Corpus examples - parallel texts of Korean novel and its German translation - parallel texts of Aesop`s fabels; ca. 20 texts - on-line newspapers - 10 empirical dialogs spoken by German and Korean native speakers in audio recordings Sanghee Kwon
The Method • Using Semantic-Frame and FrameNet Database • Mapping English lexical units to German and Korean and identifying German and Korean translation equivalents in the corpus-examples • Capturing the valence realization patterns between German and Korean and those differences and commonalities Sanghee Kwon
Translation equivalents across multiple frames of a lexical unit • Exmaple1: „walk“ in the Self_Motion frame and its German (Boas 2002) and Korean equivalents: - [<self-mover>Kim] walkedTgt [<goal>to the store]. - [<self-mover>Kim] gingTgt [<goal>zum Geschäft]. - [self-mover>김은] [<goal>가게로] 걸어갔다Tgt. • Lexical semantics of walk, gehen, 걸어가다and those morphosyntactic realization of goal: - English: V (Manner) + Preposition (to) Construction - German: V (Manner) + Preposition (zu) Construction - Korean: V-V compound combining a manner verb „걷다“ with a path verb „가다“+ locational argument as a goal with postposition „로“. Sanghee Kwon
Example2: „walk“ in the Motion_Cotheme frame and its German and Korean equivalents: - [<self-mover>Kim] walkedTgt [<cotheme>Pat] [<goal>to the door]. - [<self-mover>Kim] begleiteteTgt [<cotheme>Pat] [<goal>zur Tür]. - [<self-mover>김은] [<cotheme>팻을] [<goal>문까지] 바래다 주었다Tgt Sanghee Kwon
Semantic Combinatorial Restriction • Semantic compatibility between honorific (polite) verbs and those direct objects. - [<self-mover>김은] [<cotheme>할아버지를] [<goal>문까지] 모시고 갔다 Tgt (Kim walked the grandfather to the door.) - *[<self-mover>김은] [<cotheme> 할아버지를] [<goal> 문까지] 바래다 주었다Tgt - Some other neutral and honorific verbs: 주다(give) –드리다, 묻다(ask) - 여쭙다etc. Sanghee Kwon
Empirical Data Analysis • Motivation: Is there different language expression between Korean and German in terms of culture-specific factors like as social politeness, directness/indirectness, ages, avoiding conflict, collectivism/individualism etc.? • Setting up a scenario and assigning a task to testperson: - Flea Market Situation - Assigning roles to testperson: Buyer and Seller - Task for the buyer: buying a birthday gift for the mother with 5 Euro / 5000 Won Sanghee Kwon
Central Sequences of Flea Market Situation • Getting in contact: - (mutually) greeting, saying the intension of buying something • Getting information about offer • Asking price • Having a short-time respite for decision-making • Haggling price • Realization of transaction: - payment • Completing conversation: - Thank you, good luck, saying goodbye Sanghee Kwon
Tasks of Analysis • Is there actually any culture-specific prototypical frame structure to be identified in the corpus- examples? - Example: To haggle (price) is a main part of commercial transaction conversation in Korean • Do culture factors have influence on choosing words that evoke different frames cross- linguistically? • How different are the types of frame-elements of the selected words realized in the empirical spoken data? Sanghee Kwon
Rejecting indirectly the offer Examples: - giving a clear answer Das ist zu teuer / 너무 비싸요 (It´s too expensive) Das gefällt mir nicht. (I don´t like it) - avoiding a decison-making Hum…/Hä…음 Ich überlege es mir / 생각해 볼께요 (I´ll think it over) - making an excuse 구경만 해서 미안해요 (I am sorry for just looking around) - lying not to offend the seller 이것도 좋지만 저게 더 좋아요 (This is good but I prefer that) Sanghee Kwon