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Non-native-speaker’s map

Non-native-speaker’s map. Native-speaker’s map. Comparison of Maps Non-native-speaker’s map only: blue. Native speaker’s map only: red. Jea Sun (native Korean speaker) & Judy (native English speaker):. 1 JS: okaay judy, uh, you can start um the left side of the volcano. 2 Judy: ohhkay?

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Non-native-speaker’s map

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Non-native-speaker’s map

  2. Native-speaker’s map

  3. Comparison of MapsNon-native-speaker’s map only: blue. Native speaker’s map only: red.

  4. Jea Sun (native Korean speaker)& Judy (native English speaker): 1 JS: okaay judy, uh, you can start um the left side of the volcano. 2 Judy: ohhkay? 3 JS: okay? 4 Judy : from start to the volcano, 5 JS: yeah. 6 Judy: [alright] 7 JS: [left] side of the volcano. 8 Judy: okay, 9 JS: and then go straight, and turn right. ((pause)) so, you are in front of the volcano right now? 10 Judy: okay, 11 JS: and just keep going and you can find… find the fffon, the waterr fon 12 Judy: the water? 13 JS: yeah. 14 Judy: okay, 15 JS: and then, you just pass the water fon and make a left turn. 16 Judy: okay, 17 JS: annn just go straight? so you can see a plane, ((short pause)) right now? ((pause)) can you see a airplane, 18 Judy: a plane? [okay,] 19 JS: [yeah-hah.]

  5. Judy’s completed map

  6. Hyo Young (native Korean speaker)& Sara (native English speaker) 1 Sara: okay, ((pause)) now where. 2 HY: ((pause)) do you have a factory 3 Sara: nnno. 4 HY: okay. from there [((short pause)) (but)] 5 Sara: [is there] a factory there? 6 HY: ((short pause)) yeah. 7 Sara: r- w- right where i stopped? 8 HY: (ani?) ((short pause)) noo no. 9 Sara: no? 10 HY: =no. 11 Sara: where. 12 HY: from there you go jus- ((short pause)) south, 13 Sara: well where where's the factory in relation to the house 14 HY: ((pause)) house, ((pause)) virgil, 15 Sara: ((pause)) vulture? 16 HY: yeah. between them. it's factory. 17 Sara: but it's like right there, like on that level, 18 HY: no. it'ss level of castle. 19 Sara: level of the castle? 20 HY: yeah. 21 Sara: alright.

  7. Sara’s completed map

  8. Hee Jin (native Korean speaker)& Audrey (native English speaker): 140 Hee Jin: turn to the right? and can you see hospital? 141 Audrey: uuhm the cross, 142 Hee Jin: ((pause)) [yeah. cross,] 143 Audrey: [is it a cross] all the way on the other s- on the right side of the page, 144 Hee Jin: ((pause)) nn[o,] 145 Audrey: [no,] okay, 146 Hee Jin: aw- i have two hospitals, 147 Audrey: oh okay. i only have [one.] 148 Hee Jin: [you ha]ve just one? 149 Audrey: yeah. 150 Hee Jin: then [uumm.] 151 Audrey: [where’s your] hospital. 152 Hee Jin: ((pause)) then do you have city Zoo? ((short pause)) in the- a little right side? 153 Audrey: ((pause)) ihaaave 154 Hee Jin: ((pause)) city zoo, 155 Audrey: nnno. 156 Hee Jin: no? then ((short pause)) mmmmm. 157 Audrey: ((pause)) i have a caastlle, a church ((short pause)) a house ((short pause)) an amusement park, 158 Hee Jin: then- uh. you have a churcchh, uuuuhh. ((long pause)) ffffnuh. the la right side of the mcdonald?

  9. Audrey’s map

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