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Talking quality in any language

Talking quality in any language. Nick Byrne for Divisional Briefing 18 th June 2009. Talking quality in any language. What we do: https://www2.lse.ac.uk/language/pdf/Overview.ppt. Talking quality in any language. Recruitment Native speaker but we do not exclude non-native – why?

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Talking quality in any language

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  1. Talking quality in any language Nick Byrne for Divisional Briefing 18th June 2009

  2. Talking quality in any language What we do: https://www2.lse.ac.uk/language/pdf/Overview.ppt

  3. Talking quality in any language • Recruitment • Native speaker but we do not exclude non-native – why? • Ideally first degree in social sciences • Masters in related area desirable • Teaching qualification – essential! • Teaching experience in HE – essential! • Extremely low turnover

  4. Talking quality in any language • Staff development • “Show and Tell” and “Show and Share” • Peer observation • Regular appraisals and top-up wish-lists • Career pathways (even if the road leads “nowhere”…) • Keeping in the loop: https://www2.lse.ac.uk/language/internal/staff/language/StaffInformation/StaffHome.aspx • http://www2.lse.ac.uk/language/1000words/Issues/13March2008.aspx

  5. Talking quality in any language • Professional Development • Applied research • http://www2.lse.ac.uk/language/Projects/ProjectHome.aspx • Conferences • Upgrading to Masters…PhD • New for 2009/10 – explicit commitment to develop

  6. Talking quality in any language • External measures i - English • British Council accreditation: • http://www.britishcouncil.org/accreditation-az-list.htm#L • London School of Economics, The Language Centre, London • The British Council inspected and accredited the London School of Economics Language Centre in November 2003. • The English language teaching department of this university offers courses in general, academic and professional English for adults. • Points of excellence were noted in academic management and aspects of general management. • The inspection report stated that the organisation met the standards of the Scheme.

  7. Talking quality in any language • Languages – external quality ii • AULC – external certification for non-degree programmes • http://www.leeds.ac.uk/languages/aulc/ • UCML http://www.ucml.org.uk/ • HELG Higher Education Languages Group (DIUS) • Wulkow Memorandum (30 European Language Centres working together on quality benchmarking) • IIP

  8. Talking quality in any language • Internal reviews • TLAC • ARD: 96.5% satisfied or very satisfied (62.3%) • Internal audit: http://www2.lse.ac.uk/language/pdf/2009survey.pdf

  9. Talking quality in any language • David Lammy: “A university without modern languages is a university without universality.”

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