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Simplifying Pressure System Work at JLab: ASME B31.9 Compliance

Learn how JLab follows ASME standards, simplifies low hazard pressure system work, and ensures efficient repairs and new installations with SOP ENG-08-008-SOP in this comprehensive guide.

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Simplifying Pressure System Work at JLab: ASME B31.9 Compliance

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  1. Working Within the Requirements of ASME B31.9 NEIL WILSON

  2. What is the Policy? All pressure system work shall be performed under a nationally recognized Standard • JLab has opted for ASME • We use ASME BPV, B31-1, 3, 5, and 9 • If work does not cleanly fall under one of these then the DA has a lot of work to do

  3. How does the MSINST Group comply with this? • We wrote a SOP to address the majority of our low hazard pressure system responsibilities and remove any unnecessary work load from the DA’s • We use off the shelf components of known quality thus removing any engineering calculation requirements as per ASME B31.9 What is the Procedure? See EHS&Q Chapter 6151 for details

  4. What is SOP ENG-08-008-SOP? It defines: How we handle work requirements to operating pressure system piping and/or their components at JLab to help ensure the minimum amount of machine down time due to equipment and/or component failure without the need to involve a DA prior to starting any work Reduce the amount of time a DA needs to spend on simple low risk pressure systems designs and installations that utilize off the shelf standard components, parts and materials

  5. What does ENG-08-008-SOP Cover? Material and Size Limits: Pipe and components manufactured in accordance with a specification or standard listed in Table 2 (ASME B31.9 Table 926.1) Pipe diameter ≤ 2” IPS with a wall thickness < 0.5” for carbon steel and stainless steel piping Pressure Limits: Maximum design pressure ≤ 350 psig for liquids Maximum design pressure ≤ 150 psig for compressed gas plus stored energy calculation of less than 100 kilo Joules (kJ) (P*V < 40 atm/ft3) Vacuum and compressed gas piping stored energy calculation: P*V < 40 atm/ft3

  6. What Does ENG-08-008-SOP Cover? (cont.) Table 1 of this SOP lists the results of 100 kilo Joules (kJ) stored energy calculations for several commonly used pipe and tubing sizes and pressure ranges • Temperature Limits: • Nonflammable liquids ≤ 250 °F • Gas and vapors ≤ 200 °F • Minimum temperature of 0 °F (-18 °C) for all services • Joining pipe material and components: • Pipe joining methods, mechanical and proprietary joints permitted by ASME B31.9 are acceptable

  7. Handling Repairs • We repair or replace the failed piping, tubing, parts or components with “Like Kind” or “Better” • Ensure the repair is successful and operational by a “Tightness Check” • Document what was done as appropriate: • SOP Pressure System Repair Data Sheet • ATlist, FEList, e-log, etc. • Photos and/or Sketches • Provide the assigned DA with all required documentation for review, final approval, and filing in “DocuShare”

  8. Example of Repair Documentation

  9. Repair Documentation (cont.)

  10. New Installations Step 1: Provide the DA with all relevant information and documentation as required by ASME B 31-9 for their review and approval prior to starting work: Provide a sketch, drawing or marked up photo detailing the system work to be performed Identify fabrication material & methods: Welding Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Aluminum

  11. New Installations (cont.) • Brazing – Copper or Brass • Soldering – Copper or Brass • Mechanical - Any material, including PVC • Threaded • Compression • Glued • Hoses • Tightness check plan and documentation. Note: Gas piping needs close attention due to store energy considerations.

  12. New Installations (cont.) Step 2: Do the work Buy the materials with the appropriate documentation: CMTR – Certified Mill Test Report MTR – Mill Test Report COC – Certificate of Compliance Manufactures published specifications JLab X-ray analyzer print out

  13. New Installations (cont.) • Meets with QA to verify: • All material documentation acceptance • Welders certifications and status for weld process to be used • Establish any required examination or inspection needs and/or their hold points Note: This has to be done prior to starting any welding

  14. New Installations (cont.) • Write an installation plan document or traveler Note: This is done whenever welding is going to be performed and there are QA or QC checks to be performed at various stages of the work. It ensures no unpleasant surprises at the end of the job • Install the new system as per the plan • Test the new system as per the plan

  15. New Installations (cont.) Step 3: What we do when installation is completed: Review all documentation and file a hard copy in our work area as a reference Turn the originals or copy of all the documentation over to the DA for: Final review and sign off Assignment of a Pressure System # Entry into “DocuShare” folder/file

  16. New Installation Documentation

  17. What the SOP does NOT Cover • Welding on any type of gaseous system ≥ 15 psig regardless of pipe diameter or stores energy quantity • Any work on any system other than LCW, Chilled and Potable water, Instrument Air, or Nitrogen

  18. Questions??????

  19. Hydrogen Recombiner Repair M. Bevins R. Bailes

  20. PS-LCW-008-001Hall C Dump LCW Surge Tank H2 Recombiner Heater Well Hydrogen recombiner located in the Hall C dump cooling building (Bldg95)

  21. Introduction • The hydrogen recombiner located in the Hall C dump cooling building (bldg95) was found to have gas (nitrogen) leaks through a weld in both heater wells. • This weld joined a back plate to a 6in tube located internal to the exterior 8in pipe. • The leaks were found using a soap bubble test on the internal surface of the 6 inch tube. • Prior to the leak, the system had a pressure cycle between 17 and 22 psi about every 18 hours. • As a result of this leak the system cycle time decreased to every 2 hours causing constant replenishment of the nitrogen source

  22. Existing Piping Layout 2x Heater Well Cross-Arm (Horizontal)

  23. Detail – Heater Well Cross Arm Fusion-Weld (FAILURE) Butt-Weld Fusion Weld Soap bubble test found leak Back Plate 6in O.D. Seam-Welded Tube 8in NPS Seamless Pipe

  24. Project Approach • Operations, Installation, MachShop, Meng, RadCon, QA, & Facilities met to determine whether repair would be made now or later and discuss the repair approach • Repair Now -- Radiological conditions were as good as they were going to get after the extended down • How? • Only ~1.5 weeks left until lock-up • Decision was made to cut out existing heater wells and replace them (new flange would include socket-weld connection to cut made in cross-arm 8in outer tube) • Established that this work would be treated as a repair of an existing “Pressure System” • Established the DA

  25. Why “PressureSystem”? • Operating parameters • Temperature: 70°C • Pressure: 17-22psig • EH&S manual 6151 for pressure system requirements • The H2 Recombiner is classified as a pressure system/piping based on system pressure exceeding 15 psi • EH&S manual 6122 for welding requirements • The welds for the H2 Recombiner are considered to be “Class A” welds based on the fact that the system contains pressure piping exceeding 15 psi

  26. Fabrication • The CEBAF heater wells are an exact copy of a 1960’s SLAC design • The system was designed for 150 psig • Our heater wells had been in service for >10 yrs • Failure possibly due to thermal fatigue – occurred at the intersection of the longitudinal weld seam of the 6 in tube and circumferential weld on the heater well end cap • Decided to fabricate new wells in accordance with the existing design but use seamless tube

  27. Material Tracking • Machine shop was aware up-front that this would be considered a pressure system and that all material would need to be closely tracked • Material certifications were not available for all of the material • QA went to the shop to determine/verify materials using their chemical analyzer • QA also verified the 8 in tube material in Bldg 95 (interface for new heater wells)

  28. Analysis, QA Requirements & Peer Review • Calculations were prepared by the DA • Calculations done in accordance with B31.3 and BPVC Sect. VIII as applicable and included internal and externally pressurized shell calculations for the 6 and 8 in. tubes, uniformly loaded disc calcs for the end cap, weld joint analysis, etc. • Inspection/Examination plan (weld procedure/inspection and final system testing) developed by QA, Welder, DA, & Facilities – hold points determined, responsibilities assigned, timeline formalized • Calculations and QA plan were submitted for technical and Peer Review • The drawing(s) include a traveler to capture DA, technical and peer reviewer, material certification, dimensional inspection, welding QA, and system testing

  29. Documentation - Drawings and Traveler I.D. #’s for each weld that requires inspection

  30. Traveler Sheet Peer Review and DocuShare # Material Certifications Weld #’s corresponding to sht 1 of drawing Inspection req’ts per weld Inspection results

  31. Post installation discovery • After installation of the new heater wells in the H2 recombiner the potential for large loads on the wells developed by thermal growth was identified. • Prior to bringing the system back online, an inspection of the as-welded clearances between the heater wells and the internals of the H2 recombiner was performed and showed zero radial clearance between the ends of the coped baffle and the ID of the 8in tube and zero axial clearance between coped baffle and the 6in vertical tube. • In-place grinding or similar method of removing material from the baffle to unconstrain the wells was not possible because of the risk of contamination of the LCW. • A plan was developed to cut the new wells out of the H2 recombiner by parting the 8in tube. Material could then be removed from the baffles and the wells reinstalled ensuring an unconstrained condition.

  32. Post installation discovery • This work would be considered as a separate repair and follow the same guidelines as the original repair • Layout of 2nd repair: • The hydrogen recombiner assembly drawing has been revised to include notes and view showing minimum as-welded clearances to ensure the wells can grow unconstrained

  33. DocuShare Folder for H2 Recombiner After initial log in to DocuShare, navigate to: Facilities\Engineering\Pressure Systems\Pressure Systems Directory and you will see the following. Note: we are currently looking at page 2 Select the Recombiner Repair link to enter the project folder for the heater wells

  34. DocuShare Folder for H2 Recombiner (cont.) The project folder contains the 7 sub-folders shown. These are suggested folders from 6151-T1. This project was a repair so we will now enter the “Repair” Sub-folder.

  35. DocuShare Folder for H2 Recombiner (cont.) You will see that there are 2 Repairs identified in the “Repair Folder” . The first repair was a redesign of the flange and the inner 6” can. During installation a potential problem was identified in regards to the design of the baffle and the interface between a vertical pipe. The second repair documents modifications to the baffle to eliminate potential thermal stresses. Each repair folder contains the same basic folders as the main project folder, Project Status, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Testing.

  36. DocuShare Folder for H2 Recombiner (cont.) The following shows a breakdown of the documents within the Repair 1 folder. The Engineering folder contains: Atlis entry, drawings, calculations, and photos The Manufacturing folder contains: work permits, mat’l certs, inspection results, and the traveler The Testing folder contains: TOSP used to conduct the tightness test

  37. Review of Project Flow Step 1) Who is the DA? Mtg, phone calls, emails, etc Step 2) Define the System Pressure, Temp, Cycles, etc. Step 3) Classify the System – e.g. Pressure System? Pressure System? Class A, B, C? Step 4) Time Line Design, Mat’l procurement, fabrication, installtion, etc. Step 5) Design, Analysis, & Peer Review Drawings, Calcs, DocuShare, TOSPs Step 6) Fabrication, Installation, & Final System Testing NDE, Leak Test, Safety Walk-Through Step 7) Lessons Learned

  38. Time Line of Events Repair 1 Fri, 10/10 Tues, 10/14 Mon, 10/20-23 Wed, 10/15 Tues, 10/14 Wed, 10/15-16 Thurs, 10/16-20 Mon, 10/13 Thurs, 10/23 Repair 2 Sat: 2pm, 10/25 Thurs, 10/23 Fri, 10/24

  39. Suggestions for the Committee • Create standard “traveler” templates for drawings • These templates should generic enough to be used for Class A, B, & C systems but detailed enough to capture all of the requirements for a Class A system. • These can be stored in Ideas along with JLAB generic title blocks, or in the form of word templates, etc. • Revise 6151 and 6122 to place the responsibility for quality inspection in the hands of the Quality Assurance group not the Design Authority. The DA does not have adequate training to inspect and certify that a part is defective. • Develop an electronic tracking system based on a barcode system that can track the progress of a given job and the person completing each stage of the job. This will reduce the amount of information that needs to be captured on the traveler document. The software would record: material part numbers, fabricator and welder information, quality inspector information, test and inspection results, and time spent on each portion of the job. • Develop a system to electronically document discrepancy reports on received material, inspected material, etc. that can be tracked based on vendor or process. Develop a means of resolving certain non-technical issues on site while notifying the correct engineering department for deviations that require a more detailed investigation.

  40. JLAB Pressure Systems Program :Some Working Document Examples Ed Daly

  41. Outline • Introduction • DocuShare Re-visited • Browser or Windows Explorer • Samples found in Pressure Systems Directory • Summary • Recognition

  42. Introduction • Application of Pressure Systems Program is Underway • Repairs to two systems were shown today • Plenty of other work is on-going • Survey of DocuShare Files • Variety of engineering calculations exist • Some drawings and sketches • Fabrication / Manufacturing Data • Pressure testing SOPs, TOSPs and Worksheets • Need guidance? Look in the Pressure Systems Directory.

  43. DocuShare

  44. Pressure Systems Directory –Web Browser

  45. Pressure Systems Directory – Windows Explorer

  46. Pressure Systems Sample Files

  47. PS-FEL-08-004 : Analysis Note

  48. PS-FEL-08-001 : Analysis Note

  49. PS-CRM-08-002 : Tech Note

  50. PS-TGT-08-001 : Hall Cell Block Design Calcs

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