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Bell Work

Bell Work. Besides African Americans, who else do you think was being discriminated against in America during WWII. America During the War. Double V Campaign. Victory in the war Victory against racism America had a segregated military

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Bell Work

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bell Work Besides African Americans, who else do you think was being discriminated against in America during WWII

  2. America During the War

  3. Double V Campaign • Victory in the war • Victory against racism • America had a segregated military • Tuskeegee Airmen-Flew 200 missions and did not lose a single person to enemy fire

  4. Native Americans Perception was that they were great warriors 1/3 fought in WWII Code Talkers-Native Americans used their native language to communicate through lines. If the Axis powers were to intercept a message, they would not be able to understand it.

  5. Japanese Internment During World War II 110,000 Japanese citizens were put into Japanese Internment camps

  6. Zoot Suit Riots

  7. Zoot Suit Riot Timline Naval base planted in the middle of a Mexican American city Navy men looked down upon Mexicans Rumor about zoot-suiter attacking a soldiers 2,500 soldiers & sailors attack the Mexican-Americans in their neighborhood…Police did not intervene

  8. Hispanic-American war contribution 500,000 Hispanics served (400,000 Mexican-Americans) 17 received Medal of Honor

  9. Germans and Italians • All people who were not yet citizens of the United States over the age of 14 were designated “enemy aliens” • Travel restrictions • Forced to carry around ID cards • Could have their things taken away from them • 5,000 sent to internment camps

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